name: layers-game version: 0.3.1 cabal-version: >=1.6 build-type: Simple license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE maintainer: synopsis: A prototypical 2d platform game. description: /A prototypical 2d platform game/ . <> . /Player Controls/ . > left/right arrow key = moving left/right > space/up arrow key = jumping > tab key = switch layer > q/escape key = exit game . /Flags/ . > -e --editmode Start layers in edit mode > -l --loadlevelsfrom=FILE Load levels from file > -s --savelevelsto=FILE Save levels to file (default='LayersData.hs') > -h --help Display help message > -v --version Print version information . /Edit Mode/ . >a key = add new level after the current one and switch to it >A key = add new level before the current one and switch to it >n key = goto next level >N key = goto previous level >m key = move current level after the next one >M key = move current level before the previous one >l key = reload current level >s key = save levels to file specified by '-s' >r key = remove game object under mouse cursor >p key = place a star at mouse cursor position >e key = place an enemy at mouse cursor position >u key = start changing path of platform/enemy under mouse cursor, > define path points by moving the mouse and clicking > left mouse button, press 'u' again to end path definition > >left mouse button + ctrl = move game object under mouse cursor > (hold mouse button pressed) >left mouse button + shift = resize platform under mouse cursor > (hold mouse button pressed) >left mouse button = define new platform by holding the > button pressed and moving the mouse >mouse wheel = change scale of orthographic projection category: Game author: Daniel Trstenjak data-files: Ressources/Images/*.png Ressources/*.hs Ressources/Fonts/*.glf extra-source-files: src/Utils.cpp layers.png source-repository head type: git location: executable layers build-depends: base >3 && <5, mtl >= && <2.2, pretty-show >=1.6.7 && <1.7, cmdargs >=0.10.7 && <0.11, data-lens >=2.10.4 && <2.11, OpenGLRaw >= && <1.5, GLFW-b >= && <0.2, ListZipper >= && <1.3, composition >= && <1.1, Gamgine ==0.2.* main-is: Main.hs buildable: True cpp-options: -DCABAL cc-options: -Wno-unused-result extensions: CPP include-dirs: src hs-source-dirs: src other-modules: Paths_layers_game AppData Ressources GameData.Entity GameData.Enemy GameData.Level GameData.Layer GameData.Star GameData.Animation GameData.Data GameData.Boundary GameData.Player GameData.Platform Defaults Rendering.Ressources Rendering.Renderer Entity.Velocity Entity.Intersect Entity.Render Entity.Update Entity.Bound Entity.Position Entity.Id States.EditModeRunning States.MovingEntity States.DefiningAnimation States.IntroRunning States.CreatingPlatform States.GameRunning States.ResizingPlatform Utils Convert.ToGameData Convert.ToFileData Level.ResolveIntersection Level.Reload Level.Render Level.Update LayersArgs FileData.Data2 FileData.Data1ToData2 FileData.ApplyToEntity FileData.Data1 Callback.Common Callback.MouseMove Callback.Key Callback.MouseButton Event ghc-options: -pgmPcpphs -optP--cpp