Dec 17 / Dec 21, 2014 This is (hopefully) instructions on how to exercise the various FORCING_STRATEGY's. I can't say I've tested this very religiously. Writing this document helped me make a complicated procedure much simpler! This document is hardly called for anymore. Note that the same seqaid.config can be used in all cases. Oops, need two seqaid.config's after all... #if FORCING_STRATEGY == 0 import Types_no_SOP #else #if FORCING_STRATEGY <= 3 import Types_explicit_SOP #else import Types_no_SOP #endif #endif - FS=0 (does no forcing) - cp seqaid.config_no_SOP seqaid.config - leaky.cabal TURN_ON_SEQAID_PLUGIN flag must be False - invoke cabal configure --flag=-TURN_ON_SEQAID_PLUGIN - or, just edit the default in leaky.cabal - FS=1 (rnf) - cp seqaid.config_explicit_SOP seqaid.config - no change needed from FS=0 - this would perform immesurably worse if we turned on USE_INFINITE_LIST - FS=2 (rnfn) - no change needed from FS=0,1 - FS=3 (rnfp) - no change needed from FS=0,1,2 - FS=4 (manual seqaid) - cp seqaid.config_no_SOP seqaid.config - leaky.cabal TURN_ON_SEQAID_PLUGIN flag must be True - FS=5 (top-level RHS's) - no change needed from FS=4 - FS=6 (seqaid.config type-directed harnessing) - no change needed from FS=4,5