-- |
-- Module      : Test.LeanCheck.Error
-- Copyright   : (c) 2015-2017 Rudy Matela
-- License     : 3-Clause BSD  (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  : Rudy Matela <rudy@matela.com.br>
-- This module is part of LeanCheck,
-- a simple enumerative property-based testing library.
-- This module re-exports "Test.LeanCheck" but some test functions have been
-- specialized to catch errors (see the explicit export list below).
-- This module is unsafe as it uses `unsafePerformIO` to catch errors.
module Test.LeanCheck.Error
  ( holds
  , fails
  , exists
  , counterExample
  , counterExamples
  , witness
  , witnesses
  , results

  , fromError
  , errorToNothing
  , errorToFalse
  , errorToTrue
  , anyErrorToNothing

  , module Test.LeanCheck

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 704
import Prelude hiding (catch)

import Test.LeanCheck hiding
  ( holds
  , fails
  , exists
  , counterExample
  , counterExamples
  , witness
  , witnesses
  , results

import qualified Test.LeanCheck as C
  ( holds
  , fails
  , results

import Control.Monad (liftM)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, fromMaybe)
import Control.Exception ( Exception
                         , SomeException
                         , ArithException
                         , ArrayException
                         , ErrorCall
                         , PatternMatchFail
                         , catch
                         , catches
                         , Handler (Handler)
                         , evaluate

-- | Takes a value and a function.  Ignores the value.  Binds the argument of
--   the function to the type of the value.
bindArgumentType :: a -> (a -> b) -> a -> b
bindArgumentType _ f = f

-- | Transforms a value into 'Just' that value or 'Nothing' on some errors:
--   * ArithException
--   * ArrayException
--   * ErrorCall
--   * PatternMatchFail
errorToNothing :: a -> Maybe a
errorToNothing x = unsafePerformIO $
  (Just `liftM` evaluate x) `catches` map ($ return Nothing)
                                      [ hf (undefined :: ArithException)
                                      , hf (undefined :: ArrayException)
                                      , hf (undefined :: ErrorCall)
                                      , hf (undefined :: PatternMatchFail)
  where hf :: Exception e => e -> IO a -> Handler a -- handlerFor
        hf e h = Handler $ bindArgumentType e (\_ -> h)

-- | Transforms a value into 'Just' that value or 'Nothing' on error.
anyErrorToNothing :: a -> Maybe a
anyErrorToNothing x = unsafePerformIO $
  (Just `liftM` evaluate x) `catch` \e -> do let _ = e :: SomeException
                                             return Nothing

errorToFalse :: Bool -> Bool
errorToFalse = fromError False

errorToTrue :: Bool -> Bool
errorToTrue = fromError True

fromError :: a -> a -> a
fromError x = fromMaybe x . errorToNothing

holds,fails,exists :: Testable a => Int -> a -> Bool
holds n = errorToFalse . C.holds n
fails n = errorToTrue  . C.fails n
exists n = or . take n . map snd . results

counterExample,witness :: Testable a => Int -> a -> Maybe [String]
counterExample n = listToMaybe . counterExamples n
witness        n = listToMaybe . witnesses n

counterExamples,witnesses :: Testable a => Int -> a -> [[String]]
counterExamples n = map fst . filter (not . snd) . take n . results
witnesses       n = map fst . filter snd         . take n . results

results :: Testable a => a -> [([String],Bool)]
results = map (mapSnd errorToFalse) . C.results
  where mapSnd f (x,y) = (x,f y)