{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Module : IDE.LogRef -- Copyright : (c) Juergen Nicklisch-Franken, Hamish Mackenzie -- License : GNU-GPL -- -- Maintainer : -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable -- -- -- | -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module IDE.LogRef ( nextError , previousError , nextBreakpoint , previousBreakpoint , markLogRefs , unmarkLogRefs , defaultLineLogger , defaultLineLogger' , logOutputLines , logOutputLines_ , logOutput , logOutputForBuild , logOutputForBreakpoints , logOutputForSetBreakpoint , logOutputForLiveContext , logOutputForHistoricContext , selectRef , setBreakpointList , showSourceSpan , srcSpanParser ) where import Graphics.UI.Gtk import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding(Parser) import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as P import IDE.Core.State import IDE.TextEditor import IDE.Pane.SourceBuffer import IDE.Pane.Log import IDE.Utils.Tool import System.FilePath (equalFilePath) import Data.List (stripPrefix, elemIndex, isPrefixOf) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import System.Exit (ExitCode(..)) import System.Log.Logger (debugM) import IDE.Utils.FileUtils(myCanonicalizePath) import qualified Data.Enumerator as E import qualified Data.Enumerator.List as EL import Data.Enumerator ((=$)) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..)) import Control.Monad (forM_, unless) import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ask) import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) showSourceSpan :: LogRef -> String showSourceSpan = displaySrcSpan . logRefSrcSpan selectRef :: Maybe LogRef -> IDEAction selectRef (Just ref) = do logRefs <- readIDE allLogRefs case elemIndex ref logRefs of Nothing -> liftIO $ debugM "leksah" "no index" >> return () Just index -> do mbBuf <- selectSourceBuf (logRefFullFilePath ref) case mbBuf of Just buf -> markRefInSourceBuf index buf ref True Nothing -> liftIO $ debugM "leksah" "no buf" >> return () log :: IDELog <- getLog liftIO $ markErrorInLog log (logLines ref) selectRef Nothing = return () forOpenLogRefs :: (Int -> LogRef -> IDEBuffer -> IDEAction) -> IDEAction forOpenLogRefs f = do logRefs <- readIDE allLogRefs allBufs <- allBuffers forM_ [0 .. ((length logRefs)-1)] (\index -> do let ref = logRefs !! index fp = logRefFullFilePath ref fpc <- liftIO $ myCanonicalizePath fp forM_ (filter (\buf -> case (fileName buf) of Just fn -> equalFilePath fpc fn Nothing -> False) allBufs) (f index ref)) markLogRefs :: IDEAction markLogRefs = do forOpenLogRefs $ \index logRef buf -> markRefInSourceBuf index buf logRef False unmarkLogRefs :: IDEAction unmarkLogRefs = do forOpenLogRefs $ \index logRef buf -> do gtkbuf <- getBuffer (sourceView buf) i1 <- getStartIter gtkbuf i2 <- getEndIter gtkbuf removeTagByName gtkbuf (show (logRefType logRef) ++ show index) i1 i2 setErrorList :: [LogRef] -> IDEAction setErrorList errs = do unmarkLogRefs breaks <- readIDE breakpointRefs contexts <- readIDE contextRefs modifyIDE_ (\ide -> ide{allLogRefs = errs ++ breaks ++ contexts}) setCurrentError Nothing markLogRefs triggerEventIDE ErrorChanged return () setBreakpointList :: [LogRef] -> IDEAction setBreakpointList breaks = do ideR <- ask unmarkLogRefs errs <- readIDE errorRefs contexts <- readIDE contextRefs modifyIDE_ (\ide -> ide{allLogRefs = errs ++ breaks ++ contexts}) setCurrentBreak Nothing markLogRefs triggerEventIDE BreakpointChanged return () addLogRefs :: [LogRef] -> IDEAction addLogRefs refs = do ideR <- ask unmarkLogRefs modifyIDE_ (\ide -> ide{allLogRefs = (allLogRefs ide) ++ refs}) setCurrentError Nothing markLogRefs triggerEventIDE ErrorChanged triggerEventIDE BreakpointChanged triggerEventIDE TraceChanged return () nextError :: IDEAction nextError = do errs <- readIDE errorRefs currentError <- readIDE currentError if null errs then return () else do let new = case currentError of Nothing -> 0 Just ref -> case elemIndex ref errs of Nothing -> 0 Just n | (n + 1) < length errs -> (n + 1) Just n -> n setCurrentError (Just $ errs!!new) selectRef $ Just (errs!!new) previousError :: IDEAction previousError = do errs <- readIDE errorRefs currentError <- readIDE currentError if null errs then return () else do let new = case currentError of Nothing -> (length errs - 1) Just ref -> case elemIndex ref errs of Nothing -> (length errs - 1) Just n | n > 0 -> (n - 1) Just n -> 0 setCurrentError (Just $ errs!!new) selectRef $ Just (errs!!new) nextBreakpoint :: IDEAction nextBreakpoint = do breaks <- readIDE breakpointRefs currentBreak <- readIDE currentBreak if null breaks then return () else do let new = case currentBreak of Nothing -> 0 Just ref -> case elemIndex ref breaks of Nothing -> 0 Just n | (n + 1) < length breaks -> (n + 1) Just n -> n setCurrentBreak (Just $ breaks!!new) selectRef $ Just (breaks!!new) previousBreakpoint :: IDEAction previousBreakpoint = do breaks <- readIDE breakpointRefs currentBreak <- readIDE currentBreak if null breaks then return () else do let new = case currentBreak of Nothing -> (length breaks - 1) Just ref -> case elemIndex ref breaks of Nothing -> (length breaks - 1) Just n | n > 0 -> (n - 1) Just n -> 0 setCurrentBreak (Just $ breaks!!new) selectRef $ Just (breaks!!new) nextContext :: IDEAction nextContext = do contexts <- readIDE contextRefs currentContext <- readIDE currentContext if null contexts then return () else do let new = case currentContext of Nothing -> 0 Just ref -> case elemIndex ref contexts of Nothing -> 0 Just n | (n + 1) < length contexts -> (n + 1) Just n -> n setCurrentContext (Just $ contexts!!new) selectRef $ Just (contexts!!new) previousContext :: IDEAction previousContext = do contexts <- readIDE contextRefs currentContext <- readIDE currentContext if null contexts then return () else do let new = case currentContext of Nothing -> (length contexts - 1) Just ref -> case elemIndex ref contexts of Nothing -> (length contexts - 1) Just n | n > 0 -> (n - 1) Just n -> 0 setCurrentContext (Just $ contexts!!new) selectRef $ Just (contexts!!new) lastContext :: IDEAction lastContext = do contexts <- readIDE contextRefs currentContext <- readIDE currentContext if null contexts then return () else do let new = (last contexts) setCurrentContext (Just new) selectRef $ Just new #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(7,0,1) fixColumn c = max 0 (c - 1) #else fixColumn = id #endif srcSpanParser :: CharParser () SrcSpan srcSpanParser = try (do filePath <- many (noneOf ":") char ':' char '(' beginLine <- int char ',' beginCol <- int char ')' char '-' char '(' endLine <- int char ',' endCol <- int char ')' return $ SrcSpan filePath beginLine (fixColumn beginCol) endLine (fixColumn endCol)) <|> try (do filePath <- many (noneOf ":") char ':' line <- int char ':' beginCol <- int char '-' endCol <- int return $ SrcSpan filePath line (fixColumn beginCol) line (fixColumn endCol)) <|> try (do filePath <- many (noneOf ":") char ':' line <- int char ':' col <- int return $ SrcSpan filePath line (fixColumn col) line (fixColumn col)) "srcLocParser" data BuildError = BuildLine | EmptyLine | ErrorLine SrcSpan LogRefType String | WarningLine String | OtherLine String buildLineParser :: CharParser () BuildError buildLineParser = try (do char '[' int symbol "of" int char ']' many (anyChar) return BuildLine) <|> try (do whiteSpace span <- srcSpanParser char ':' whiteSpace refType <- try (do symbol "Warning:" return WarningRef) <|> return ErrorRef text <- many anyChar return (ErrorLine span refType text)) <|> try (do whiteSpace eof return EmptyLine) <|> try (do whiteSpace symbol "Warning:" text <- many anyChar return (WarningLine ("Warning:" ++ text))) <|> try (do text <- many anyChar eof return (OtherLine text)) "buildLineParser" data BreakpointDescription = BreakpointDescription Int SrcSpan breaksLineParser :: CharParser () BreakpointDescription breaksLineParser = try (do char '[' n <- int char ']' whiteSpace many (noneOf " ") whiteSpace span <- srcSpanParser return (BreakpointDescription n span)) "buildLineParser" setBreakpointLineParser :: CharParser () BreakpointDescription setBreakpointLineParser = try (do symbol "Breakpoint" whiteSpace n <- int whiteSpace symbol "activated" whiteSpace symbol "at" whiteSpace span <- srcSpanParser return (BreakpointDescription n span)) "setBreakpointLineParser" lexer = P.makeTokenParser emptyDef lexeme = P.lexeme lexer whiteSpace = P.whiteSpace lexer hexadecimal = P.hexadecimal lexer symbol = P.symbol lexer identifier = P.identifier lexer colon = P.colon lexer int = fmap fromInteger $ P.integer lexer defaultLineLogger :: IDELog -> ToolOutput -> IDEM Int defaultLineLogger log out = liftIO $ defaultLineLogger' log out defaultLineLogger' :: IDELog -> ToolOutput -> IO Int defaultLineLogger' log out = do case out of ToolInput line -> appendLog log (line ++ "\n") InputTag ToolOutput line -> appendLog log (line ++ "\n") LogTag ToolError line -> appendLog log (line ++ "\n") ErrorTag ToolPrompt line -> do unless (null line) $ appendLog log (line ++ "\n") LogTag >> return () appendLog log (concat (take 20 (repeat "- ")) ++ "-\n") FrameTag ToolExit ExitSuccess -> appendLog log (take 41 (repeat '-') ++ "\n") FrameTag ToolExit (ExitFailure 1) -> appendLog log (take 41 (repeat '=') ++ "\n") FrameTag ToolExit (ExitFailure n) -> appendLog log (take 41 ("========== " ++ show n ++ " " ++ repeat '=') ++ "\n") FrameTag logOutputLines :: (IDELog -> ToolOutput -> IDEM a) -> E.Iteratee ToolOutput IDEM [a] logOutputLines lineLogger = do ideR <- lift ask log <- lift getLog liftIO $ postGUISync $ bringPaneToFront log results <- (EL.mapM $ liftIO . postGUISync . flip reflectIDE ideR . lineLogger log) =$ EL.consume liftIO $ postGUISync $ reflectIDE (do triggerEventIDE (StatusbarChanged [CompartmentState "", CompartmentBuild False]) ) ideR return results logOutputLines_ :: (IDELog -> ToolOutput -> IDEM a) -> E.Iteratee ToolOutput IDEM () logOutputLines_ lineLogger = do logOutputLines lineLogger return () logOutput :: E.Iteratee ToolOutput IDEM () logOutput = do logOutputLines defaultLineLogger return () logOutputForBuild :: IDEPackage -> Bool -> Bool -> E.Iteratee ToolOutput IDEM () logOutputForBuild package backgroundBuild jumpToWarnings = do log <- lift getLog unless backgroundBuild $ liftIO $ postGUISync $ bringPaneToFront log (_, _, errs) <- EL.foldM readAndShow (log, False, []) ideR <- lift ask liftIO $ postGUISync $ reflectIDE (do setErrorList $ reverse errs triggerEventIDE (Sensitivity [(SensitivityError,not (null errs))]) let errorNum = length (filter isError errs) let warnNum = length errs - errorNum triggerEventIDE (StatusbarChanged [CompartmentState (show errorNum ++ " Errors, " ++ show warnNum ++ " Warnings"), CompartmentBuild False]) unless (backgroundBuild || (not jumpToWarnings && errorNum == 0)) nextError return ()) ideR where readAndShow :: (IDELog, Bool, [LogRef]) -> ToolOutput -> IDEM (IDELog, Bool, [LogRef]) readAndShow (log, inError, errs) output = do ideR <- ask liftIO $ postGUISync $ case output of ToolError line -> do let parsed = parse buildLineParser "" line let nonErrorPrefixes = ["Linking ", "ar:", "ld:", "ld warning:"] tag <- case parsed of Right BuildLine -> return InfoTag Right (OtherLine text) | "Linking " `isPrefixOf` text -> do -- when backgroundBuild $ lift interruptProcess reflectIDE (do setErrorList $ reverse errs ) ideR return InfoTag Right (OtherLine text) | any (`isPrefixOf` text) nonErrorPrefixes -> do return InfoTag _ -> return ErrorTag lineNr <- appendLog log (line ++ "\n") tag case (parsed, errs) of (Left e,_) -> do sysMessage Normal (show e) return (log, False, errs) (Right ne@(ErrorLine span refType str),_) -> return (log, True, ((LogRef span package str (lineNr,lineNr) refType):errs)) (Right (OtherLine str1),(LogRef span rootPath str (l1,l2) refType):tl) -> if inError then return (log, True, ((LogRef span rootPath (if null str then line else str ++ "\n" ++ line) (l1,lineNr) refType) : tl)) else return (log, False, errs) (Right (WarningLine str1),(LogRef span rootPath str (l1,l2) isError):tl) -> if inError then return (log, True, ((LogRef span rootPath (if null str then line else str ++ "\n" ++ line) (l1,lineNr) WarningRef) : tl)) else return (log, False, errs) otherwise -> return (log, False, errs) ToolOutput line -> do appendLog log (line ++ "\n") LogTag return (log, inError, errs) ToolInput line -> do appendLog log (line ++ "\n") InputTag return (log, inError, errs) ToolPrompt line -> do unless (null line) $ appendLog log (line ++ "\n") LogTag >> return () let errorNum = length (filter isError errs) let warnNum = length errs - errorNum case errs of [] -> defaultLineLogger' log output _ -> appendLog log ("- - - " ++ show errorNum ++ " errors - " ++ show warnNum ++ " warnings - - -\n") FrameTag return (log, inError, errs) ToolExit _ -> do let errorNum = length (filter isError errs) let warnNum = length errs - errorNum case errs of [] -> defaultLineLogger' log output _ -> appendLog log ("----- " ++ show errorNum ++ " errors -- " ++ show warnNum ++ " warnings -----\n") FrameTag return (log, inError, errs) logOutputForBreakpoints :: IDEPackage -> E.Iteratee ToolOutput IDEM () logOutputForBreakpoints package = do breaks <- logOutputLines (\log out -> do case out of ToolOutput line -> do logLineNumber <- liftIO $ appendLog log (line ++ "\n") LogTag case parse breaksLineParser "" line of Right (BreakpointDescription n span) -> return $ Just $ LogRef span package line (logLineNumber, logLineNumber) BreakpointRef _ -> return Nothing _ -> do liftIO $ defaultLineLogger' log out return Nothing) lift $ setBreakpointList $ catMaybes breaks logOutputForSetBreakpoint :: IDEPackage -> E.Iteratee ToolOutput IDEM () logOutputForSetBreakpoint package = do breaks <- logOutputLines (\log out -> do case out of ToolOutput line -> do logLineNumber <- liftIO $ appendLog log (line ++ "\n") LogTag case parse setBreakpointLineParser "" line of Right (BreakpointDescription n span) -> return $ Just $ LogRef span package line (logLineNumber, logLineNumber) BreakpointRef _ -> return Nothing _ -> do defaultLineLogger log out return Nothing) lift $ addLogRefs $ catMaybes breaks logOutputForContext :: IDEPackage -> (String -> [SrcSpan]) -> E.Iteratee ToolOutput IDEM () logOutputForContext package getContexts = do refs <- fmap catMaybes $ logOutputLines (\log out -> do case out of ToolOutput line -> do logLineNumber <- liftIO $ appendLog log (line ++ "\n") LogTag let contexts = getContexts line if null contexts then return Nothing else return $ Just $ LogRef (last contexts) package line (logLineNumber, logLineNumber) ContextRef _ -> do defaultLineLogger log out return Nothing) lift $ unless (null refs) $ do addLogRefs [last refs] lastContext logOutputForLiveContext :: IDEPackage -> E.Iteratee ToolOutput IDEM () logOutputForLiveContext package = logOutputForContext package getContexts where getContexts [] = [] getContexts line@(x:xs) = case stripPrefix "Stopped at " line of Just rest -> case parse srcSpanParser "" rest of Right desc -> desc : getContexts xs _ -> getContexts xs _ -> getContexts xs logOutputForHistoricContext :: IDEPackage -> E.Iteratee ToolOutput IDEM () logOutputForHistoricContext package = logOutputForContext package getContexts where getContexts line = case stripPrefix "Logged breakpoint at " line of Just rest -> case parse srcSpanParser "" rest of Right desc -> [desc] _ -> [] _ -> []