{-# LANGUAGE CPP, FlexibleInstances, ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveDataTypeable,
             MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances, ParallelListComp #-}
-- Module      :  IDE.Pane.Log
-- Copyright   :  (c) Juergen Nicklisch-Franken, Hamish Mackenzie
-- License     :  GNU-GPL
-- Maintainer  :  Juergen Nicklisch-Franken <info@leksah.org>
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable
-- | Log pane

module IDE.Pane.Log (
,   LogState
,   LogTag(..)
,   showLog
,   clearLog
,   getLog          -- ::   beta alpha
,   appendLog       -- ::   alpha  -> String -> LogTag -> IO Int
,   markErrorInLog  -- ::   alpha  -> (Int, Int) -> IO ()

,   readOut
,   readErr
,   runExternal
) where

import Data.Typeable (Typeable(..))
import IDE.Core.State
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.Events
import IDE.Pane.SourceBuffer (markRefInSourceBuf,selectSourceBuf)
import System.IO
import Prelude hiding (catch)
import Control.Exception hiding (try)
import IDE.ImportTool
       (addPackage, parseHiddenModule, addImport, parseNotInScope,
import IDE.Utils.Tool (runInteractiveProcess, ProcessHandle)
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
       (textBufferSetText, textViewScrollToMark,
        textBufferGetIterAtLineOffset, textViewScrollMarkOnscreen,
        textBufferGetMark, textBufferMoveMarkByName,
        textBufferApplyTagByName, textBufferGetIterAtOffset,
        textBufferGetCharCount, textBufferInsert, textBufferSelectRange,
        widgetHide, widgetShowAll, menuShellAppend, onActivateLeaf,
        menuItemNewWithLabel, containerGetChildren, textIterGetLine,
        textViewGetLineAtY, textViewWindowToBufferCoords, widgetGetPointer,
#if MIN_VERSION_gtk(0,10,5)
        on, populatePopup,
        onButtonPress, afterFocusIn,
        scrolledWindowSetShadowType, scrolledWindowSetPolicy, containerAdd,
        scrolledWindowNew, widgetModifyFont, fontDescriptionSetFamily,
        fontDescriptionNew, fontDescriptionFromString, textViewSetEditable,
        textTagBackground, textTagTableAdd, textTagForeground, textTagNew,
        textBufferGetTagTable, textBufferCreateMark, textBufferGetEndIter,
        textViewGetBuffer, textViewNew, Window, Notebook, castToWidget,
        ScrolledWindow, TextView, Menu, AttrOp(..), set,
        TextWindowType(..), ShadowType(..), PolicyType(..),
        priorityDefaultIdle, idleAdd)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))

-- * Interface

-- | The Log pane

data IDELog         =   IDELog {
    textView        ::   TextView
,   scrolledWindowL ::   ScrolledWindow
} deriving Typeable

data LogState               =   LogState

instance Pane IDELog IDEM
    primPaneName  _ =   "Log"
    getAddedIndex _ =   0
    getTopWidget    =   castToWidget . scrolledWindowL
    paneId b        =   "*Log"

instance RecoverablePane IDELog LogState IDEM where
    saveState p     =   return (Just LogState)
    recoverState pp LogState = do
        mbPane :: Maybe IDELog <- getPane
        case mbPane of
            Nothing -> do
                nb <- getNotebook pp
                prefs' <- readIDE prefs
                buildPane pp nb builder
            Just p -> return (Just p)
    builder = builder'

-- * Implementation

builder' :: PanePath ->
    Notebook ->
    Window ->
    IDEM (Maybe IDELog,Connections)
builder' pp nb windows = do
    prefs <- readIDE prefs
    reifyIDE $  \ideR -> do
        tv           <- textViewNew
        buf          <- textViewGetBuffer tv
        iter         <- textBufferGetEndIter buf
        textBufferCreateMark buf (Just "end") iter True

        tags         <- textBufferGetTagTable buf
        errtag       <- textTagNew (Just "err")
        set errtag[textTagForeground := "red"]
        textTagTableAdd tags errtag
        frametag     <- textTagNew (Just "frame")
        set frametag[textTagForeground := "dark green"]
        textTagTableAdd tags frametag
        activeErrtag <- textTagNew (Just "activeErr")
        set activeErrtag[textTagBackground := "yellow"]
        textTagTableAdd tags activeErrtag
        intputTag <- textTagNew (Just "input")
        set intputTag[textTagForeground := "blue"]
        textTagTableAdd tags intputTag
        infoTag <- textTagNew (Just "info")
        set infoTag[textTagForeground := "grey"]
        textTagTableAdd tags infoTag

        textViewSetEditable tv False
        fd           <- case logviewFont prefs of
            Just str -> do
                fontDescriptionFromString str
            Nothing  -> do
                f    <- fontDescriptionNew
                fontDescriptionSetFamily f "Sans"
                return f
        widgetModifyFont tv (Just fd)
        sw           <- scrolledWindowNew Nothing Nothing
        containerAdd sw tv
        scrolledWindowSetPolicy sw PolicyAutomatic PolicyAutomatic
        scrolledWindowSetShadowType sw ShadowIn

        let buf = IDELog tv sw
        cid1         <- tv `afterFocusIn`
            (\_      -> do reflectIDE (makeActive buf) ideR ; return False)
        cid2         <- tv `onButtonPress`
            (\ b     -> do reflectIDE (clicked b buf) ideR ; return False)

#if MIN_VERSION_gtk(0,10,5)
        cid3         <- tv `on` populatePopup $ populatePopupMenu buf ideR
        cid3         <- tv `onPopulatePopup` (populatePopupMenu buf ideR)
        return (Just buf,[ConnectC cid1, ConnectC cid2])

clicked :: Event -> IDELog -> IDEAction
clicked (Button _ SingleClick _ _ _ _ LeftButton x y) ideLog = do
    logRefs'     <-  readIDE allLogRefs
    line' <- liftIO $ do
        (x,y)       <-  widgetGetPointer (textView ideLog)
        (_,y')      <-  textViewWindowToBufferCoords (textView ideLog) TextWindowWidget (x,y)
        (iter,_)    <-  textViewGetLineAtY (textView ideLog) y'
        textIterGetLine iter
    case filter (\(es,_) -> fst (logLines es) <= (line'+1) && snd (logLines es) >= (line'+1))
            (zip logRefs' [0..(length logRefs')]) of
        [(thisRef,n)] -> do
            mbBuf <- selectSourceBuf (logRefFullFilePath thisRef)
            case mbBuf of
                Just buf -> markRefInSourceBuf n buf thisRef True
                Nothing -> return ()
            log :: IDELog <- getLog
            liftIO $ markErrorInLog log (logLines thisRef)
            case logRefType thisRef of
                BreakpointRef -> setCurrentBreak (Just thisRef)
                _             -> setCurrentError (Just thisRef)
        otherwise   -> return ()
clicked _ _ = return ()

populatePopupMenu :: IDELog -> IDERef -> Menu -> IO ()
populatePopupMenu ideLog ideR menu = do
    items <- containerGetChildren menu
    item0           <-  menuItemNewWithLabel "Resolve Errors"
    item0 `onActivateLeaf` do
        reflectIDE resolveErrors ideR
    menuShellAppend menu item0
    res <- reflectIDE (do
        logRefs'    <-  readIDE allLogRefs
        line'       <-  reifyIDE $ \ideR  ->  do
            (x,y)       <-  widgetGetPointer (textView ideLog)
            (_,y')      <-  textViewWindowToBufferCoords (textView ideLog) TextWindowWidget (x,y)
            (iter,_)    <-  textViewGetLineAtY (textView ideLog) y'
            textIterGetLine iter
        return $ filter (\(es,_) -> fst (logLines es) <= (line'+1) && snd (logLines es) >= (line'+1))
                (zip logRefs' [0..(length logRefs')])) ideR
    case res of
        [(thisRef,n)] -> do
            case parseNotInScope (refDescription thisRef) of
                Nothing   -> do
                    return ()
                Just _  -> do
                    item1   <-  menuItemNewWithLabel "Add Import"
                    item1 `onActivateLeaf` do
                        reflectIDE (addImport thisRef [] (\_ -> return ())) ideR
                    menuShellAppend menu item1
            case parseHiddenModule (refDescription thisRef) of
                Nothing   -> do
                    return ()
                Just _  -> do
                    item2   <-  menuItemNewWithLabel "Add Package"
                    item2 `onActivateLeaf` do
                        reflectIDE (addPackage thisRef >> return ()) ideR
                    menuShellAppend menu item2
            widgetShowAll menu
            return ()
        otherwise   -> return ()
    mapM_ widgetHide $ take 2 (reverse items)

getLog :: IDEM IDELog
getLog = do
    mbPane <- getOrBuildPane (Right "*Log")
    case mbPane of
        Nothing ->  throwIDE "Can't init log"
        Just p -> return p

showLog :: IDEAction
showLog = do
    l <- getLog
    displayPane l False

simpleLog :: String -> IDEAction
simpleLog str = do
    log :: IDELog <- getLog
    liftIO $ appendLog log str LogTag
    return ()

appendLog :: IDELog -> String -> LogTag -> IO Int
appendLog l@(IDELog tv _) string tag = do
    buf   <- textViewGetBuffer tv
    iter  <- textBufferGetEndIter buf
    textBufferSelectRange buf iter iter
    textBufferInsert buf iter string
    iter2 <- textBufferGetEndIter buf
    let tagName = case tag of
                    LogTag   -> Nothing
                    ErrorTag -> Just "err"
                    FrameTag -> Just "frame"
                    InputTag -> Just "input"
                    InfoTag  -> Just "info"

    case tagName of
        Nothing   -> return ()
        Just name -> do
            len   <- textBufferGetCharCount buf
            strti <- textBufferGetIterAtOffset buf (len - length string)
            textBufferApplyTagByName buf name iter2 strti

    textBufferMoveMarkByName buf "end" iter2
    mbMark <- textBufferGetMark buf "end"
    line   <- textIterGetLine iter2
    case mbMark of
        Nothing   -> return ()
        Just mark -> textViewScrollMarkOnscreen tv mark
    return line

markErrorInLog :: IDELog -> (Int,Int) -> IO ()
markErrorInLog (IDELog tv _) (l1,l2) = do
    idleAdd  (do
        buf    <- textViewGetBuffer tv
        iter   <- textBufferGetIterAtLineOffset buf (l1-1) 0
        iter2  <- textBufferGetIterAtLineOffset buf l2 0
        textBufferSelectRange buf iter iter2
        textBufferMoveMarkByName buf "end" iter
        mbMark <- textBufferGetMark buf "end"
        case mbMark of
            Nothing   -> return ()
            Just mark ->  do
                    textViewScrollToMark tv  mark 0.0 (Just (0.3,0.3))
                    return ()
        return False) priorityDefaultIdle
    return ()

clearLog :: IDEAction
clearLog = do
    log <- getLog
    buf <- liftIO$ textViewGetBuffer $textView log
    liftIO $textBufferSetText buf ""
--    modifyIDE_ (\ide -> ide{allLogRefs = []})
--    setCurrentError Nothing
--    setCurrentBreak Nothing TODO: Check with Hamish

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ** Spawning external processes

readOut :: IDELog -> Handle -> IO ()
readOut log hndl =
     catch (readAndShow)
       (\(e :: SomeException) -> do
        --appendLog log ("----------------------------------------\n") FrameTag
        hClose hndl
        return ())
    readAndShow = do
        line <- hGetLine hndl
        appendLog log (line ++ "\n") LogTag

readErr :: IDELog -> Handle -> IO ()
readErr log hndl =
     catch (readAndShow)
       (\(e :: SomeException) -> do
        hClose hndl
        return ())
    readAndShow = do
        line <- hGetLine hndl
        appendLog log (line ++ "\n") ErrorTag

runExternal :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO (Handle, Handle, Handle, ProcessHandle)
runExternal path args = do
    putStrLn $ "Run external called with args " ++ show args
    hndls@(inp, out, err, _) <- runInteractiveProcess path args Nothing Nothing
    sysMessage Normal $ "Starting external tool: " ++ path ++ " with args " ++ (show args)
    hSetBuffering out NoBuffering
    hSetBuffering err NoBuffering
    hSetBuffering inp NoBuffering
    hSetBinaryMode out True
    hSetBinaryMode err True
    return hndls