{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, OverloadedStrings #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Module : IDE.Debug -- Copyright : (c) Hamish Mackenzie, Juergen Nicklisch-Franken -- License : GNU-GPL -- -- Maintainer : -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable -- -- -- | The debug methods of ide. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module IDE.Debug ( debugCommand , debugCommand' , debugToggled , debugQuit , debugExecuteSelection , debugExecuteAndShowSelection , debugSetBreakpoint , debugDeleteAllBreakpoints , debugDeleteBreakpoint , debugContinue , debugAbandon , debugStop , debugStep , debugStepExpression , debugStepExpr , debugStepLocal , debugStepModule , debugTrace , debugTraceExpression , debugTraceExpr , debugHistory , debugBack , debugForward , debugForce , debugPrint , debugSimplePrint , debugShowBindings , debugShowBreakpoints , debugShowContext , debugShowModules , debugShowPackages , debugShowLanguages , debugInformation , debugKind , debugType , debugSetPrintEvldWithShow , debugSetBreakOnException , debugSetBreakOnError , debugSetPrintBindResult ) where import IDE.Core.State import IDE.LogRef import Control.Exception (SomeException(..)) import IDE.Pane.SourceBuffer (selectedLocation, selectedText, selectedModuleName, insertTextAfterSelection, selectedTextOrCurrentLine) import IDE.Metainfo.Provider (getActivePackageDescr) import Distribution.Text (display) import IDE.Pane.Log import Data.List (stripPrefix, isSuffixOf) import IDE.Utils.GUIUtils (getDebugToggled) import IDE.Package (debugStart, executeDebugCommand, tryDebug, printBindResultFlag, breakOnErrorFlag, breakOnExceptionFlag, printEvldWithShowFlag) import IDE.Utils.Tool (ToolOutput(..), toolProcess, interruptProcessGroupOf) import IDE.Workspaces (packageTry) import qualified Data.Conduit as C import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans(..)) import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ask) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..)) import Control.Applicative (Alternative(..), (<$>), (<*>)) import Data.IORef (newIORef) import Data.Monoid ((<>), Monoid(..)) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T (pack, lines, stripPrefix, unlines, isSuffixOf, unpack) import System.Exit (ExitCode(..)) import IDE.Pane.WebKit.Output (loadOutputUri) -- | Get the last item sinkLast = CL.fold (\_ a -> Just a) Nothing debugCommand :: Text -> C.Sink ToolOutput IDEM () -> DebugAction debugCommand command handler = do debugCommand' command handler lift $ triggerEventIDE VariablesChanged return () debugCommand' :: Text -> C.Sink ToolOutput IDEM () -> DebugAction debugCommand' command handler = do ghci <- ask lift $ catchIDE (runDebug (executeDebugCommand command handler) ghci) (\(e :: SomeException) -> (print e)) debugToggled :: IDEAction debugToggled = do toggled <- getDebugToggled maybeDebug <- readIDE debugState case (toggled, maybeDebug) of (True, Nothing) -> packageTry debugStart (False, Just _) -> debugQuit _ -> return () debugQuit :: IDEAction debugQuit = do maybeDebug <- readIDE debugState case maybeDebug of Just debug -> runDebug (debugCommand ":quit" logOutputDefault) debug _ -> return () -- | Remove haddock code prefix from selected text so it can be run -- in ghci -- -- Press Ctrl + Enter on these to try it out... -- -- > stripComments "-- > Wow this is meta" -- -- > stripComments "-- This is still a comment" stripComments :: Text -> Text stripComments t = maybe t T.unlines $ mapM (T.stripPrefix "-- >>>") lines' <|> mapM (T.stripPrefix "-- >") lines' where lines' = T.lines t debugExecuteSelection :: IDEAction debugExecuteSelection = do maybeText <- selectedTextOrCurrentLine case maybeText of Just text -> do let command = packageTry $ tryDebug $ do debugSetLiberalScope buffer <- liftIO $ newIORef mempty debugCommand (stripComments text) $ do _ <- C.getZipSink $ const <$> C.ZipSink sinkLast <*> C.ZipSink (logOutputPane text buffer) mbURI <- lift $ readIDE autoURI case mbURI of Just uri -> lift . postSyncIDE . loadOutputUri $ T.unpack uri Nothing -> return () modifyIDE_ $ \ide -> ide {autoCommand = command, autoURI = Nothing} command Nothing -> ideMessage Normal "Please select some text in the editor to execute" debugExecuteAndShowSelection :: IDEAction debugExecuteAndShowSelection = do maybeText <- selectedTextOrCurrentLine case maybeText of Just text -> packageTry $ tryDebug $ do debugSetLiberalScope debugCommand (stripComments text) $ do out <- C.getZipSink $ const <$> C.ZipSink (CL.fold buildOutputString "") <*> C.ZipSink logOutputDefault lift . insertTextAfterSelection $ " " <> out Nothing -> ideMessage Normal "Please select some text in the editor to execute" where buildOutputString :: Text -> ToolOutput -> Text buildOutputString "" (ToolOutput str) = str buildOutputString s (ToolOutput str) = s <> "\n" <> str buildOutputString s _ = s debugSetLiberalScope :: DebugAction debugSetLiberalScope = do maybeModuleName <- lift selectedModuleName case maybeModuleName of Just moduleName -> debugCommand (":module *" <> moduleName) CL.sinkNull Nothing -> do mbPackage <- lift getActivePackageDescr case mbPackage of Nothing -> return () Just p -> let packageNames = map (T.pack . display . modu . mdModuleId) (pdModules p) in debugCommand' (foldl (\a b -> a <> " *" <> b) ":module + " packageNames) CL.sinkNull debugAbandon :: IDEAction debugAbandon = packageTry $ tryDebug $ debugCommand ":abandon" logOutputDefault debugBack :: IDEAction debugBack = packageTry $ do currentHist' <- lift $ readIDE currentHist liftIDE $ modifyIDE_ (\ide -> ide{currentHist = min (currentHist' - 1) 0}) tryDebug $ do (debugPackage, _) <- ask debugCommand ":back" (logOutputForHistoricContextDefault debugPackage) debugForward :: IDEAction debugForward = packageTry $ do currentHist' <- lift $ readIDE currentHist liftIDE $ modifyIDE_ (\ide -> ide{currentHist = currentHist' + 1}) tryDebug $ do (debugPackage, _) <- ask debugCommand ":forward" (logOutputForHistoricContextDefault debugPackage) debugStop :: IDEAction debugStop = do maybeDebug <- readIDE debugState liftIO $ case maybeDebug of Just (_, ghci) -> toolProcess ghci >>= interruptProcessGroupOf Nothing -> return () debugContinue :: IDEAction debugContinue = packageTry $ tryDebug $ do (debugPackage, _) <- ask debugCommand ":continue" (logOutputForHistoricContextDefault debugPackage) debugDeleteAllBreakpoints :: IDEAction debugDeleteAllBreakpoints = do packageTry $ tryDebug $ debugCommand ":delete *" logOutputDefault setBreakpointList [] debugDeleteBreakpoint :: Text -> LogRef -> IDEAction debugDeleteBreakpoint indexString lr = do packageTry $ tryDebug $ debugCommand (":delete " <> indexString) logOutputDefault bl <- readIDE breakpointRefs setBreakpointList $ filter (/= lr) bl ideR <- ask return () debugForce :: IDEAction debugForce = do maybeText <- selectedTextOrCurrentLine case maybeText of Just text -> packageTry $ tryDebug $ debugCommand (":force " <> stripComments text) logOutputDefault Nothing -> ideMessage Normal "Please select an expression in the editor" debugHistory :: IDEAction debugHistory = packageTry $ tryDebug $ debugCommand ":history" logOutputDefault debugPrint :: IDEAction debugPrint = do maybeText <- selectedTextOrCurrentLine case maybeText of Just text -> packageTry $ tryDebug $ debugCommand (":print " <> stripComments text) logOutputDefault Nothing -> ideMessage Normal "Please select an name in the editor" debugSimplePrint :: IDEAction debugSimplePrint = do maybeText <- selectedTextOrCurrentLine case maybeText of Just text -> packageTry $ tryDebug $ debugCommand (":force " <> stripComments text) logOutputDefault Nothing -> ideMessage Normal "Please select an name in the editor" debugStep :: IDEAction debugStep = packageTry $ tryDebug $ do (debugPackage, _) <- ask debugSetLiberalScope debugCommand ":step" (logOutputForHistoricContextDefault debugPackage) debugStepExpression :: IDEAction debugStepExpression = do maybeText <- selectedTextOrCurrentLine packageTry $ tryDebug $ do debugSetLiberalScope debugStepExpr maybeText debugStepExpr :: Maybe Text -> DebugAction debugStepExpr maybeText = do (debugPackage, _) <- ask case maybeText of Just text -> debugCommand (":step " <> stripComments text) (logOutputForHistoricContextDefault debugPackage) Nothing -> lift $ ideMessage Normal "Please select an expression in the editor" debugStepLocal :: IDEAction debugStepLocal = packageTry $ tryDebug $ do (debugPackage, _) <- ask debugCommand ":steplocal" (logOutputForHistoricContextDefault debugPackage) debugStepModule :: IDEAction debugStepModule = packageTry $ tryDebug $ do (debugPackage, _) <- ask debugCommand ":stepmodule" (logOutputForHistoricContextDefault debugPackage) logTraceOutput debugPackage = do logOutputForLiveContextDefault debugPackage lift $ triggerEventIDE TraceChanged return () debugTrace :: IDEAction debugTrace = packageTry $ tryDebug $ do (debugPackage, _) <- ask debugCommand ":trace" $ logTraceOutput debugPackage debugTraceExpression :: IDEAction debugTraceExpression = do maybeText <- selectedTextOrCurrentLine packageTry $ tryDebug $ do debugSetLiberalScope debugTraceExpr maybeText debugTraceExpr :: Maybe Text -> DebugAction debugTraceExpr maybeText = do (debugPackage, _) <- ask case maybeText of Just text -> debugCommand (":trace " <> stripComments text) $ logTraceOutput debugPackage Nothing -> lift $ ideMessage Normal "Please select an expression in the editor" debugShowBindings :: IDEAction debugShowBindings = packageTry $ tryDebug $ debugCommand ":show bindings" logOutputDefault debugShowBreakpoints :: IDEAction debugShowBreakpoints = packageTry $ tryDebug $ do (debugPackage, _) <- ask debugCommand ":show breaks" (logOutputForSetBreakpointDefault debugPackage) debugShowContext :: IDEAction debugShowContext = packageTry $ tryDebug $ do (debugPackage, _) <- ask debugCommand ":show context" (logOutputForHistoricContextDefault debugPackage) debugShowModules :: IDEAction debugShowModules = packageTry $ tryDebug $ debugCommand ":show modules" $ logOutputLines_Default $ \log logLaunch output -> liftIO $ do case output of ToolInput line -> appendLog log logLaunch (line <> "\n") InputTag ToolOutput line | ", interpreted )" `T.isSuffixOf` line -> appendLog log logLaunch (line <> "\n") LogTag ToolOutput line -> appendLog log logLaunch (line <> "\n") InfoTag ToolError line -> appendLog log logLaunch (line <> "\n") ErrorTag ToolPrompt _ -> defaultLineLogger' log logLaunch output ToolExit _ -> appendLog log logLaunch "X--X--X ghci process exited unexpectedly X--X--X" FrameTag return () debugShowPackages :: IDEAction debugShowPackages = packageTry $ tryDebug $ debugCommand ":show packages" logOutputDefault debugShowLanguages :: IDEAction debugShowLanguages = packageTry $ tryDebug $ debugCommand ":show languages" logOutputDefault debugInformation :: IDEAction debugInformation = do maybeText <- selectedTextOrCurrentLine case maybeText of Just text -> packageTry $ tryDebug $ do debugSetLiberalScope debugCommand (":info "<>stripComments text) logOutputDefault Nothing -> ideMessage Normal "Please select a name in the editor" debugKind :: IDEAction debugKind = do maybeText <- selectedTextOrCurrentLine case maybeText of Just text -> packageTry $ tryDebug $ do debugSetLiberalScope debugCommand (":kind "<>stripComments text) logOutputDefault Nothing -> ideMessage Normal "Please select a type in the editor" debugType :: IDEAction debugType = do maybeText <- selectedTextOrCurrentLine case maybeText of Just text -> packageTry $ tryDebug $ do debugSetLiberalScope debugCommand (":type "<>stripComments text) logOutputDefault Nothing -> ideMessage Normal "Please select an expression in the editor" debugSetBreakpoint :: IDEAction debugSetBreakpoint = do maybeModuleName <- selectedModuleName case maybeModuleName of Just moduleName -> do -- ### debugCommand (":add *"++moduleName) $ logOutputForBuild True maybeText <- selectedText case maybeText of Just text -> packageTry $ tryDebug $ do (debugPackage, _) <- ask debugCommand (":module *" <> moduleName) logOutputDefault debugCommand (":break " <> text) (logOutputForSetBreakpointDefault debugPackage) Nothing -> do maybeLocation <- selectedLocation case maybeLocation of Just (line, lineOffset) -> packageTry $ tryDebug $ do (debugPackage, _) <- ask debugCommand (":break " <> moduleName <> " " <> T.pack (show $ line + 1) <> " " <> T.pack (show lineOffset)) (logOutputForSetBreakpointDefault debugPackage) Nothing -> ideMessage Normal "Unknown error setting breakpoint" ref <- ask return () Nothing -> ideMessage Normal "Please select module file in the editor" debugSet :: (Bool -> Text) -> Bool -> IDEAction debugSet flag value = packageTry $ tryDebug $ debugCommand (":set " <> flag value) logOutputDefault debugSetPrintEvldWithShow :: Bool -> IDEAction debugSetPrintEvldWithShow = debugSet printEvldWithShowFlag debugSetBreakOnException :: Bool -> IDEAction debugSetBreakOnException = debugSet breakOnExceptionFlag debugSetBreakOnError :: Bool -> IDEAction debugSetBreakOnError = debugSet breakOnErrorFlag debugSetPrintBindResult :: Bool -> IDEAction debugSetPrintBindResult = debugSet printBindResultFlag