{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- Module      :  IDE.Metainfo.Provider
-- Copyright   :  (c) Juergen Nicklisch-Franken, Hamish Mackenzie
-- License     :  GNU-GPL
-- Maintainer  :  <maintainer at leksah.org>
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable
-- | This module provides the infos collected by the server before

module IDE.Metainfo.Provider (
,   getIdentifiersStartingWith
,   getCompletionOptions
,   getDescription
,   getActivePackageDescr
,   searchMeta

,   initInfo       -- Update and rebuild
,   updateSystemInfo
,   rebuildSystemInfo
,   updateWorkspaceInfo
,   rebuildWorkspaceInfo

,   getPackageInfo  -- Just retreive from State
,   getWorkspaceInfo
,   getSystemInfo

,   getPackageImportInfo -- Scope for the import tool
) where

import System.IO (hClose, openBinaryFile, IOMode(..))
import System.IO.Strict (readFile)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Distribution.Package hiding (depends,packageId)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Distribution.Version
import Distribution.ModuleName

import Control.DeepSeq
import IDE.Utils.FileUtils
import IDE.Core.State
import Data.Char (toLower,isUpper,toUpper,isLower)
import Text.Regex.TDFA
import qualified Text.Regex.TDFA as Regex
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Text.Regex.TDFA.Text (execute,compile)
import Data.Binary.Shared (decodeSer)
import Language.Haskell.Extension (KnownExtension)
import Distribution.Text (display)
import IDE.Core.Serializable ()
import Data.Map (Map(..))
import Control.Exception (SomeException(..), catch)
import Prelude hiding(catch, readFile)
import IDE.Utils.ServerConnection(doServerCommand)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans(..))
import Distribution.PackageDescription (hsSourceDirs)
import System.Log.Logger (infoM)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T (null, isPrefixOf, unpack, pack)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified Control.Arrow as A (Arrow(..))
import Data.Function (on)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Updating metadata

-- | Update and initialize metadata for the world -- Called at startup
initInfo :: IDEAction -> IDEAction
initInfo continuation = do
    prefs  <- readIDE prefs
    if collectAtStart prefs
        then do
            ideMessage Normal "Now updating system metadata ..."
            callCollector False True True $ \ _ -> do
                ideMessage Normal "Now loading metadata ..."
                updateWorkspaceInfo' False $ \ _ -> do
                    void (triggerEventIDE (InfoChanged True))

                    liftIO $ infoM "leksah" "initInfo continuing"
        else do
            ideMessage Normal "Now loading metadata ..."
            updateWorkspaceInfo' False $ \ _ -> do
                ideMessage Normal "Finished"
                void (triggerEventIDE (InfoChanged True))

updateSystemInfo :: IDEAction
updateSystemInfo     = do
    liftIO $ infoM "leksah" "update sys info called"
    updateSystemInfo' False $ \ _ ->
        updateWorkspaceInfo' False $ \ _ -> void (triggerEventIDE (InfoChanged False))

rebuildSystemInfo :: IDEAction
rebuildSystemInfo    = do
    liftIO $ infoM "leksah" "rebuild sys info called"
    updateSystemInfo' True $ \ _ ->
        updateWorkspaceInfo' True $ \ _ ->
            void (triggerEventIDE (InfoChanged False))

updateWorkspaceInfo :: IDEAction
updateWorkspaceInfo = do
    liftIO $ infoM "leksah" "update workspace info called"
    currentState' <- readIDE currentState
    case currentState' of
        IsStartingUp -> return ()
        _ ->
            updateWorkspaceInfo' False $ \ _ ->
                void (triggerEventIDE (InfoChanged False))

rebuildWorkspaceInfo :: IDEAction
rebuildWorkspaceInfo = do
    liftIO $ infoM "leksah" "rebuild workspace info called"
    updateWorkspaceInfo' True $ \ _ ->
        void (triggerEventIDE (InfoChanged False))

-- | Load all infos for all installed and exposed packages
--   (see shell command: ghc-pkg list)
loadSystemInfo :: IDEAction
loadSystemInfo = do
    collectorPath   <-  liftIO getCollectorPath
    packageIds      <-  liftM nub $ liftIO getInstalledPackageIds
    packageList     <-  liftIO $ mapM (loadInfosForPackage collectorPath)
    let scope       =   foldr buildScope (PackScope Map.empty getEmptyDefaultScope)
                            $ catMaybes packageList
--    liftIO performGC
    modifyIDE_ (\ide -> ide{systemInfo = Just (GenScopeC (addOtherToScope scope False))})

    return ()

-- | Updates the system info
updateSystemInfo' :: Bool -> (Bool -> IDEAction) -> IDEAction
updateSystemInfo' rebuild continuation = do
    ideMessage Normal "Now updating system metadata ..."
    wi              <-  getSystemInfo
    case wi of
        Nothing -> loadSystemInfo
        Just (GenScopeC (PackScope psmap psst)) -> do
            packageIds          <-  liftIO getInstalledPackageIds
            let newPackages     =   filter (`Map.member` psmap) packageIds
            let trashPackages   =   filter (`notElem` packageIds) (Map.keys psmap)
            if null newPackages && null trashPackages
                then continuation True
                    callCollector rebuild True True $ \ _ -> do
                        collectorPath   <-  lift getCollectorPath
                        newPackageInfos <-  liftIO $ mapM (loadInfosForPackage collectorPath)
                        let psmap2      =   foldr ((\ e m -> Map.insert (pdPackage e) e m) . fromJust) psmap
                                               (filter isJust newPackageInfos)
                        let psmap3      =   foldr Map.delete psmap2 trashPackages
                        let scope :: PackScope (Map Text [Descr])
                                        =   foldr buildScope (PackScope Map.empty symEmpty)
                                                (Map.elems psmap3)
                        modifyIDE_ (\ide -> ide{systemInfo = Just (GenScopeC (addOtherToScope scope False))})
                        continuation True
    ideMessage Normal "Finished updating system metadata"

getEmptyDefaultScope :: Map Text [Descr]
getEmptyDefaultScope = symEmpty
-- | Rebuilds system info
rebuildSystemInfo' :: (Bool -> IDEAction) -> IDEAction
rebuildSystemInfo' continuation =
    callCollector True True True $ \ _ -> do
        continuation True

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Metadata for the workspace and active package

updateWorkspaceInfo' :: Bool -> (Bool -> IDEAction) -> IDEAction
updateWorkspaceInfo' rebuild continuation = do
    postAsyncIDE $ ideMessage Normal "Now updating workspace metadata ..."
    mbWorkspace         <- readIDE workspace
    systemInfo'         <- getSystemInfo
    case mbWorkspace of
        Nothing ->  do
            liftIO $ infoM "leksah" "updateWorkspaceInfo' no workspace"
            modifyIDE_ (\ide -> ide{workspaceInfo = Nothing, packageInfo = Nothing})
            continuation False
        Just ws ->
            updatePackageInfos rebuild (wsAllPackages ws) $ \ _ packDescrs -> do
                let dependPackIds = nub (concatMap pdBuildDepends packDescrs) \\
                                       map pdPackage packDescrs
                let packDescrsI =   case systemInfo' of
                                        Nothing -> []
                                        Just (GenScopeC (PackScope pdmap _)) ->
                                            mapMaybe (`Map.lookup` pdmap) dependPackIds
                let scope1 :: PackScope (Map Text [Descr])
                                =   foldr buildScope (PackScope Map.empty symEmpty) packDescrs
                let scope2 :: PackScope (Map Text [Descr])
                                =   foldr buildScope (PackScope Map.empty symEmpty) packDescrsI
                modifyIDE_ (\ide -> ide{workspaceInfo = Just
                    (GenScopeC (addOtherToScope scope1 True), GenScopeC(addOtherToScope scope2 False))})
                -- Now care about active package
                activePack      <-  readIDE activePack
                case activePack of
                    Nothing -> modifyIDE_ (\ ide -> ide{packageInfo = Nothing})
                    Just pack ->
                        case filter (\pd -> pdPackage pd == ipdPackageId pack) packDescrs of
                            [pd] -> let impPackDescrs =
                                            case systemInfo' of
                                                Nothing -> []
                                                Just (GenScopeC (PackScope pdmap _)) ->
                                                     mapMaybe (`Map.lookup` pdmap) (pdBuildDepends pd)
                                        -- The imported from the workspace should be treated different
                                        workspacePackageIds = map ipdPackageId (wsAllPackages ws)
                                        impPackDescrs' = filter (\pd -> pdPackage pd `notElem` workspacePackageIds) impPackDescrs
                                        impPackDescrs'' = mapMaybe
                                                             (\ pd -> if pdPackage pd `elem` workspacePackageIds
                                                                        then find (\ pd' -> pdPackage pd == pdPackage pd') packDescrs
                                                                        else Nothing)
                                        scope1 :: PackScope (Map Text [Descr])
                                                =   buildScope pd (PackScope Map.empty symEmpty)
                                        scope2 :: PackScope (Map Text [Descr])
                                                =   foldr buildScope (PackScope Map.empty symEmpty)
                                                        (impPackDescrs' ++ impPackDescrs'')
                                        in modifyIDE_ (\ide -> ide{packageInfo = Just
                                                            (GenScopeC (addOtherToScope scope1 False),
                                                            GenScopeC(addOtherToScope scope2 False))})
                            _    -> modifyIDE_ (\ide -> ide{packageInfo = Nothing})
                continuation True
    postAsyncIDE $ ideMessage Normal "Finished updating workspace metadata"

updatePackageInfos :: Bool -> [IDEPackage] -> (Bool -> [PackageDescr] -> IDEAction) -> IDEAction
updatePackageInfos = updatePackageInfos' []
        updatePackageInfos' collector _ [] continuation =  continuation True collector
        updatePackageInfos' collector rebuild (hd:tail) continuation =
            updatePackageInfo rebuild hd $ \ _ packDescr ->
                updatePackageInfos' (packDescr : collector) rebuild tail continuation

updatePackageInfo :: Bool -> IDEPackage -> (Bool -> PackageDescr -> IDEAction) -> IDEAction
updatePackageInfo rebuild idePack continuation = do
    liftIO $ infoM "leksah" ("updatePackageInfo " ++ show rebuild ++ " " ++ show (ipdPackageId idePack))
    workspInfoCache'     <- readIDE workspInfoCache
    let (packageMap, ic) =  case pi  `Map.lookup` workspInfoCache' of
                                Nothing -> (Map.empty,True)
                                Just m  -> (m,False)
    modPairsMb <- liftIO $ mapM (\(modName, bi) -> do
            sf <- case  modName `Map.lookup` packageMap of
                        Nothing            -> findSourceFile (srcDirs' bi) haskellSrcExts modName
                        Just (_,Nothing,_) -> findSourceFile (srcDirs' bi) haskellSrcExts modName
                        Just (_,Just fp,_) -> return (Just fp)
            return (modName, sf))
                $ Map.toList $ ipdModules idePack
    mainModules <- liftIO $ mapM (\(fn, bi, isTest) -> do
                                    mbFn <- findSourceFile' (srcDirs' bi) fn
                                    return (main,mbFn))
                            (ipdMain idePack)
    let modPairsMb' = case mainModules of
                        [] -> modPairsMb
                        hd:_ -> hd : modPairsMb
    let (modWith,modWithout) = partition (\(x,y) -> isJust y) modPairsMb'
    let modWithSources       = map (A.second fromJust) modWith
    let modWithoutSources    = map fst modWithout
    -- Now see which modules have to be truely updated
    modToUpdate <- if rebuild
                            then return modWithSources
                            else liftIO $ figureOutRealSources idePack modWithSources
    liftIO . infoM "leksah" $ "updatePackageInfo modToUpdate " ++ show (map (display.fst) modToUpdate)
        (dropFileName (ipdCabalFile idePack))
        (ipdPackageId idePack)
        (map (\(x,y) -> (T.pack $ display x,y)) modToUpdate)
        (\ b -> do
            buildDepends         <- liftIO $ findFittingPackages (ipdDepends idePack)
            collectorPath        <- liftIO getCollectorPath
            let packageCollectorPath = collectorPath </> T.unpack (packageIdentifierToString pi)
            (moduleDescrs,packageMap, changed, modWithout)
                                 <- liftIO $ foldM
                                        (getModuleDescr packageCollectorPath)
            when changed $ modifyIDE_ (\ide -> ide{workspInfoCache =
                                            Map.insert pi packageMap workspInfoCache'})
            continuation True PackageDescr {
                pdPackage        = pi,
                pdMbSourcePath   = Just $ ipdCabalFile idePack,
                pdModules        = moduleDescrs,
                pdBuildDepends   = buildDepends})
        basePath =  normalise $ takeDirectory (ipdCabalFile idePack)
        srcDirs' bi =  map (basePath </>) ("dist/build":hsSourceDirs bi)
        pi = ipdPackageId idePack

figureOutRealSources :: IDEPackage -> [(ModuleName,FilePath)] -> IO [(ModuleName,FilePath)]
figureOutRealSources idePack modWithSources = do
    collectorPath <- getCollectorPath
    let packageCollectorPath = collectorPath </> T.unpack (packageIdentifierToString $ ipdPackageId idePack)
    filterM (ff packageCollectorPath) modWithSources
        ff packageCollectorPath (md ,fp) =  do
                let modId = display md
                let collectorModulePath = packageCollectorPath </> modId <.> leksahMetadataWorkspaceFileExtension
                existCollectorFile <- doesFileExist collectorModulePath
                existSourceFile    <- doesFileExist fp
                if not existSourceFile || not existCollectorFile
                    then return True -- Maybe with preprocessing
                    else do
                        sourceModTime <-  getModificationTime fp
                        collModTime   <-  getModificationTime collectorModulePath
                        return (sourceModTime > collModTime)

getModuleDescr :: FilePath
    -> ([ModuleDescr],ModuleDescrCache,Bool,[ModuleName])
    -> (ModuleName, Maybe FilePath)
    -> IO ([ModuleDescr],ModuleDescrCache,Bool,[ModuleName])
getModuleDescr packageCollectorPath (modDescrs,packageMap,changed,problemMods) (modName,mbFilePath) =
    case modName `Map.lookup` packageMap of
        Just (eTime,mbFp,mdescr) -> do
            existMetadataFile <- doesFileExist moduleCollectorPath
            if existMetadataFile
                then do
                    modificationTime <- liftIO $ getModificationTime moduleCollectorPath
                    if modificationTime == eTime
                        then return (mdescr:modDescrs,packageMap,changed,problemMods)
                        else do
                            liftIO . infoM "leksah" $ "getModuleDescr loadInfo: " ++ display modName
                            mbNewDescr <- loadInfosForModule moduleCollectorPath
                            case mbNewDescr of
                                Just newDescr -> return (newDescr:modDescrs,
                                                    Map.insert modName (modificationTime,mbFilePath,newDescr) packageMap,
                                                    True, problemMods)
                                Nothing       -> return (mdescr:modDescrs,packageMap,changed,
                                                    modName : problemMods)
                else return (mdescr:modDescrs,packageMap,changed, modName : problemMods)
        Nothing -> do
            existMetadataFile <- doesFileExist moduleCollectorPath
            if existMetadataFile
                then do
                    modificationTime <- liftIO $ getModificationTime moduleCollectorPath
                    mbNewDescr       <- loadInfosForModule moduleCollectorPath
                    case mbNewDescr of
                        Just newDescr -> return (newDescr:modDescrs,
                                    Map.insert modName (modificationTime,mbFilePath,newDescr) packageMap,
                                        True, problemMods)
                        Nothing       -> return (modDescrs,packageMap,changed,
                                        modName : problemMods)
                else return (modDescrs,packageMap,changed, modName : problemMods)
        moduleCollectorPath = packageCollectorPath </> display modName <.>  leksahMetadataWorkspaceFileExtension

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Low level helpers for loading metadata

-- | Loads the infos for the given packages
loadInfosForPackage :: FilePath -> PackageIdentifier -> IO (Maybe PackageDescr)
loadInfosForPackage dirPath pid = do
    let filePath = dirPath </> T.unpack (packageIdentifierToString pid) ++ leksahMetadataSystemFileExtension
    let filePath2 = dirPath </> T.unpack (packageIdentifierToString pid) ++ leksahMetadataPathFileExtension
    exists <- doesFileExist filePath
    if exists
        then catch (do
            file            <-  openBinaryFile filePath ReadMode
            liftIO . infoM "leksah" . T.unpack $ "now loading metadata for package " <> packageIdentifierToString pid
            bs              <-  BSL.hGetContents file
            let (metadataVersion'::Integer, packageInfo::PackageDescr) = decodeSer bs
            if metadataVersion /= metadataVersion'
                then do
                    hClose file
                    throwIDE ("Metadata has a wrong version."
                            <>  " Consider rebuilding metadata with: leksah-server -osb +RTS -N2 -RTS")
                else do
                    packageInfo `deepseq` hClose file
                    exists'  <-  doesFileExist filePath2
                    sourcePath <- if exists'
                                    then liftM Just (readFile filePath2)
                                    else return Nothing
                    let packageInfo' = injectSourceInPack sourcePath packageInfo
                    return (Just packageInfo'))
            (\ (e :: SomeException) -> do
                sysMessage Normal
                    ("loadInfosForPackage: " <> packageIdentifierToString pid <> " Exception: " <> T.pack (show e))
                return Nothing)
        else do
            sysMessage Normal $"packageInfo not found for " <> packageIdentifierToString pid
            return Nothing

injectSourceInPack :: Maybe FilePath -> PackageDescr -> PackageDescr
injectSourceInPack Nothing pd = pd{
    pdMbSourcePath = Nothing,
    pdModules      = map (injectSourceInMod Nothing) (pdModules pd)}
injectSourceInPack (Just pp) pd = pd{
    pdMbSourcePath = Just pp,
    pdModules      = map (injectSourceInMod (Just (dropFileName pp))) (pdModules pd)}

injectSourceInMod :: Maybe FilePath -> ModuleDescr -> ModuleDescr
injectSourceInMod Nothing md = md{mdMbSourcePath = Nothing}
injectSourceInMod (Just bp) md =
    case mdMbSourcePath md of
        Just sp -> md{mdMbSourcePath = Just (bp </> sp)}
        Nothing -> md

-- | Loads the infos for the given module
loadInfosForModule :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe ModuleDescr)
loadInfosForModule filePath  = do
    exists <- doesFileExist filePath
    if exists
        then catch (do
            file            <-  openBinaryFile filePath ReadMode
            bs              <-  BSL.hGetContents file
            let (metadataVersion'::Integer, moduleInfo::ModuleDescr) = decodeSer bs
            if metadataVersion /= metadataVersion'
                then do
                    hClose file
                    throwIDE ("Metadata has a wrong version."
                           <> " Consider rebuilding metadata with -r option")
                else do
                    moduleInfo `deepseq` hClose file
                    return (Just moduleInfo))
            (\ (e :: SomeException) -> do sysMessage Normal (T.pack $ "loadInfosForModule: " ++ show e); return Nothing)
        else do
            sysMessage Normal $ "moduleInfo not found for " <> T.pack filePath
            return Nothing

findFittingPackages :: [Dependency] -> IO [PackageIdentifier]
findFittingPackages dependencyList = do
    knownPackages   <-  getInstalledPackageIds
    return (concatMap (fittingKnown knownPackages) dependencyList)
    fittingKnown packages (Dependency dname versionRange) =
        let filtered =  filter (\ (PackageIdentifier name version) ->
                                    name == dname && withinRange version versionRange)
        in  if length filtered > 1
                then [maximumBy (compare `on` pkgVersion) filtered]
                else filtered

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Looking up and searching metadata

getActivePackageDescr :: IDEM (Maybe PackageDescr)
getActivePackageDescr = do
    mbActive <- readIDE activePack
    case mbActive of
        Nothing -> return Nothing
        Just pack -> do
            packageInfo' <- getPackageInfo
            case packageInfo' of
                Nothing -> return Nothing
                Just (GenScopeC (PackScope map _), GenScopeC (PackScope _ _)) ->
                    return (ipdPackageId pack `Map.lookup` map)

-- | Lookup of an identifier description
getIdentifierDescr :: (SymbolTable alpha, SymbolTable beta)  => Text -> alpha   -> beta   -> [Descr]
getIdentifierDescr str st1 st2 =
    let r1 = str `symLookup` st1
        r2 = str `symLookup` st2
    in r1 ++ r2

-- | Lookup of an identifiers starting with the specified prefix and return a list.
getIdentifiersStartingWith :: (SymbolTable alpha , SymbolTable beta)  => Text -> alpha   -> beta   -> [Text]
getIdentifiersStartingWith prefix st1 st2 =
    takeWhile (T.isPrefixOf prefix) $
        if memberLocal || memberGlobal then
            prefix : Set.toAscList names
            Set.toAscList names
        (_, memberLocal, localNames) = Set.splitMember prefix (symbols st1)
        (_, memberGlobal, globalNames) = Set.splitMember prefix (symbols st2)
        names = Set.union globalNames localNames

getCompletionOptions :: Text -> IDEM [Text]
getCompletionOptions prefix = do
    workspaceInfo' <- getWorkspaceInfo
    case workspaceInfo' of
        Nothing -> return []
        Just (GenScopeC (PackScope _ symbolTable1), GenScopeC (PackScope _ symbolTable2)) ->
            return $ getIdentifiersStartingWith prefix symbolTable1 symbolTable2

getDescription :: Text -> IDEM Text
getDescription name = do
    workspaceInfo' <- getWorkspaceInfo
    case workspaceInfo' of
        Nothing -> return ""
        Just (GenScopeC (PackScope _ symbolTable1), GenScopeC (PackScope _ symbolTable2)) ->
            return $ T.pack (foldr (\d f -> shows (Present d) .  showChar '\n' . f) id
                (getIdentifierDescr name symbolTable1 symbolTable2) "")

getPackageInfo :: IDEM (Maybe (GenScope, GenScope))
getPackageInfo   =  readIDE packageInfo

getWorkspaceInfo :: IDEM (Maybe (GenScope, GenScope))
getWorkspaceInfo =  readIDE workspaceInfo

getSystemInfo :: IDEM (Maybe GenScope)
getSystemInfo    =  readIDE systemInfo

-- | Only exported items
getPackageImportInfo :: IDEPackage -> IDEM (Maybe (GenScope,GenScope))
getPackageImportInfo idePack = do
    mbActivePack  <- readIDE activePack
    systemInfo'   <- getSystemInfo
    if isJust mbActivePack && ipdPackageId (fromJust mbActivePack) == ipdPackageId idePack
        then do
            packageInfo' <- getPackageInfo
            case packageInfo' of
                Nothing -> do
                    liftIO $ infoM "leksah" "getPackageImportInfo: no package info"
                    return Nothing
                Just (GenScopeC (PackScope pdmap _), _) ->
                     case Map.lookup (ipdPackageId idePack) pdmap of
                        Nothing -> do
                            liftIO $ infoM "leksah" "getPackageImportInfo: package not found in package"
                            return Nothing
                        Just pd -> buildIt pd systemInfo'
        else do
            workspaceInfo <- getWorkspaceInfo
            case workspaceInfo of
                Nothing -> do
                    liftIO $ infoM "leksah" "getPackageImportInfo: no workspace info"
                    return Nothing
                Just (GenScopeC (PackScope pdmap _), _) ->
                    case Map.lookup (ipdPackageId idePack) pdmap of
                        Nothing -> do
                            liftIO $ infoM "leksah" "getPackageImportInfo: package not found in workspace"
                            return Nothing
                        Just pd -> buildIt pd systemInfo'

        filterPrivate :: ModuleDescr -> ModuleDescr
        filterPrivate md = md{mdIdDescriptions = filter dscExported (mdIdDescriptions md)}
        buildIt pd systemInfo' =
                case systemInfo' of
                    Nothing -> do
                        liftIO $ infoM "leksah" "getPackageImportInfo: no system info"
                        return Nothing
                    Just (GenScopeC (PackScope pdmap' _)) ->
                        let impPackDescrs = mapMaybe (`Map.lookup` pdmap') (pdBuildDepends pd)
                            pd' = pd{pdModules = map filterPrivate (pdModules pd)}
                            scope1 :: PackScope (Map Text [Descr])
                                            =   buildScope pd (PackScope Map.empty symEmpty)
                            scope2 :: PackScope (Map Text [Descr])
                                =   foldr buildScope (PackScope Map.empty symEmpty) impPackDescrs
                        in return (Just (GenScopeC scope1, GenScopeC scope2))
-- | Searching of metadata

searchMeta :: Scope -> Text -> SearchMode -> IDEM [Descr]
searchMeta _ "" _ = return []
searchMeta (PackageScope False) searchString searchType = do
    packageInfo'    <- getPackageInfo
    case packageInfo' of
        Nothing    -> return []
        Just (GenScopeC (PackScope _ rl), _) -> return (searchInScope searchType searchString rl)
searchMeta (PackageScope True) searchString searchType = do
    packageInfo'    <- getPackageInfo
    case packageInfo' of
        Nothing    -> return []
        Just (GenScopeC (PackScope _ rl), GenScopeC (PackScope _ rr)) ->
            return (searchInScope searchType searchString rl
                                ++  searchInScope searchType searchString rr)
searchMeta (WorkspaceScope False) searchString searchType = do
    workspaceInfo'    <- getWorkspaceInfo
    case workspaceInfo' of
        Nothing    -> return []
        Just (GenScopeC (PackScope _ rl), _) -> return (searchInScope searchType searchString rl)
searchMeta (WorkspaceScope True) searchString searchType = do
    workspaceInfo'    <- getWorkspaceInfo
    case workspaceInfo' of
        Nothing    -> return []
        Just (GenScopeC (PackScope _ rl), GenScopeC (PackScope _ rr)) ->
            return (searchInScope searchType searchString rl
                                ++  searchInScope searchType searchString rr)
searchMeta SystemScope searchString searchType = do
    systemInfo'  <- getSystemInfo
    packageInfo' <- getPackageInfo
    case systemInfo' of
        Nothing ->
            case packageInfo' of
                        Nothing    -> return []
                        Just (GenScopeC (PackScope _ rl), _) ->
                                return (searchInScope searchType searchString rl)
        Just (GenScopeC (PackScope _ s)) ->
            case packageInfo' of
                Nothing    -> return (searchInScope searchType searchString s)
                Just (GenScopeC (PackScope _ rl), _) -> return (searchInScope searchType searchString rl
                                        ++  searchInScope searchType searchString s)

searchInScope :: SymbolTable alpha =>  SearchMode -> Text -> alpha  -> [Descr]
searchInScope (Exact _)  l st      = searchInScopeExact l st
searchInScope (Prefix True) l st   = (concat . symElems) (searchInScopePrefix l st)
searchInScope (Prefix False) l _ | T.null l = []
searchInScope (Prefix False) l st  = (concat . symElems) (searchInScopeCaseIns l st "")
searchInScope (Regex b) l st       = searchRegex l st b

searchInScopeExact :: SymbolTable alpha =>  Text -> alpha  -> [Descr]
searchInScopeExact = symLookup

searchInScopePrefix :: SymbolTable alpha   =>  Text -> alpha  -> alpha
searchInScopePrefix searchString symbolTable =
    let (_, exact, mapR)   = symSplitLookup searchString symbolTable
        (mbL, _, _)        = symSplitLookup (searchString <> "{") mapR
    in case exact of
            Nothing -> mbL
            Just e  -> symInsert searchString e mbL

searchInScopeCaseIns :: SymbolTable alpha => Text -> alpha -> Text -> alpha
searchInScopeCaseIns a symbolTable b  = searchInScopeCaseIns' (T.unpack a) symbolTable (T.unpack b)
  searchInScopeCaseIns' [] st _                    =  st
  searchInScopeCaseIns' (a:l)  st pre | isLower a  =
    let s1 = pre ++ [a]
        s2 = pre ++ [toUpper a]
    in  symUnion (searchInScopeCaseIns' l (searchInScopePrefix (T.pack s1) st) s1)
                 (searchInScopeCaseIns' l (searchInScopePrefix (T.pack s2) st) s2)
                                   | isUpper a  =
    let s1 = pre ++ [a]
        s2 = pre ++ [toLower a]
    in  symUnion (searchInScopeCaseIns' l (searchInScopePrefix (T.pack s1) st) s1)
                 (searchInScopeCaseIns' l (searchInScopePrefix (T.pack s2) st) s2)
                                    | otherwise =
    let s =  pre ++ [a]
    in searchInScopeCaseIns' l (searchInScopePrefix (T.pack s) st) s

searchRegex :: SymbolTable alpha => Text -> alpha  -> Bool -> [Descr]
searchRegex searchString st caseSense =
    case compileRegex caseSense searchString of
        Left err ->
            unsafePerformIO $ sysMessage Normal (T.pack $ show err) >> return []
        Right regex ->
            filter (\e ->
                case execute regex (dscName e) of
                    Left e        -> False
                    Right Nothing -> False
                    _             -> True)
                        (concat (symElems st))

compileRegex :: Bool -> Text -> Either String Regex
compileRegex caseSense searchString =
    let compOption = defaultCompOpt {
                            Regex.caseSensitive = caseSense
                        ,   multiline = True } in
    compile compOption defaultExecOpt searchString

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Handling of scopes

-- | Loads the infos for the given packages (has an collecting argument)
buildScope :: SymbolTable alpha  =>  PackageDescr -> PackScope alpha  -> PackScope alpha
buildScope packageD (PackScope packageMap symbolTable) =
    let pid = pdPackage packageD
    in if pid `Map.member` packageMap
        then PackScope packageMap symbolTable
        else PackScope (Map.insert pid packageD packageMap)
                  (buildSymbolTable packageD symbolTable)

buildSymbolTable :: SymbolTable alpha  =>  PackageDescr -> alpha  -> alpha
buildSymbolTable pDescr symbolTable =
     foldl' buildScope'
            symbolTable allDescriptions
        allDescriptions =  concatMap mdIdDescriptions (pdModules pDescr)
        buildScope' st idDescr =
            let allDescrs = allDescrsFrom idDescr
            in  foldl' (\ map descr -> symInsert (dscName descr) [descr] map)
                        st allDescrs
        allDescrsFrom descr | isReexported descr = [descr]
                            | otherwise =
            case dscTypeHint descr of
                DataDescr constructors fields ->
                    descr : map (\(SimpleDescr fn ty loc comm exp) ->
                        Real RealDescr{dscName' = fn, dscMbTypeStr' = ty,
                            dscMbModu' = dscMbModu descr, dscMbLocation' = loc,
                            dscMbComment' = comm, dscTypeHint' = FieldDescr descr, dscExported' = exp})
                            ++  map (\(SimpleDescr fn ty loc comm exp) ->
                        Real RealDescr{dscName' = fn, dscMbTypeStr' = ty,
                            dscMbModu' = dscMbModu descr, dscMbLocation' = loc,
                            dscMbComment' = comm, dscTypeHint' = ConstructorDescr descr, dscExported' = exp})
                ClassDescr _ methods ->
                    descr : map (\(SimpleDescr fn ty loc comm exp) ->
                        Real RealDescr{dscName' = fn, dscMbTypeStr' = ty,
                            dscMbModu' = dscMbModu descr, dscMbLocation' = loc,
                            dscMbComment' = comm, dscTypeHint' = MethodDescr descr, dscExported' = exp})
                NewtypeDescr (SimpleDescr fn ty loc comm exp) mbField ->
                    descr : Real RealDescr{dscName' = fn, dscMbTypeStr' = ty,
                            dscMbModu' = dscMbModu descr, dscMbLocation' = loc,
                            dscMbComment' = comm, dscTypeHint' = ConstructorDescr descr, dscExported' = exp}
                             : case mbField of
                                    Just (SimpleDescr fn ty loc comm exp) ->
                                        [Real RealDescr{dscName' = fn, dscMbTypeStr' = ty,
                                        dscMbModu' = dscMbModu descr, dscMbLocation' = loc,
                                        dscMbComment' = comm, dscTypeHint' = FieldDescr descr, dscExported' = exp}]
                                    Nothing -> []
                InstanceDescr _ -> []
                _ -> [descr]

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Low level functions for calling the collector

callCollector :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> (Bool -> IDEAction) -> IDEAction
callCollector rebuild sources extract cont = do
    liftIO $ infoM "leksah" "callCollector"
    doServerCommand command $ \ res ->
        case res of
            ServerOK         -> do
                liftIO $ infoM "leksah" "callCollector finished"
                cont True
            ServerFailed str -> do
                liftIO $ infoM "leksah" (T.unpack str)
                cont False
            _                -> do
                liftIO $ infoM "leksah" "impossible server answer"
                cont False
    where command = SystemCommand {
            scRebuild = rebuild,
            scSources = sources,
            scExtract = extract}

callCollectorWorkspace :: Bool -> FilePath -> PackageIdentifier -> [(Text,FilePath)] ->
    (Bool -> IDEAction) -> IDEAction
callCollectorWorkspace rebuild fp  pi modList cont = do
    liftIO $ infoM "leksah" "callCollectorWorkspace"
    if null modList
        then do
            liftIO $ infoM "leksah" "callCollectorWorkspace: Nothing to do"
            cont True
            doServerCommand command  $ \ res ->
                case res of
                    ServerOK         -> do
                        liftIO $ infoM "leksah" "callCollectorWorkspace finished"
                        cont True
                    ServerFailed str -> do
                        liftIO $ infoM "leksah" (T.unpack str)
                        cont False
                    _                -> do
                        liftIO $ infoM "leksah" "impossible server answer"
                        cont False
    where command = WorkspaceCommand {
            wcRebuild     = rebuild,
            wcPackage     = pi,
            wcPath        = fp,
            wcModList     = modList}

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Additions for completion

keywords :: [Text]
keywords = [
    ,   "case"
    ,   "of"
    ,   "class"
    ,   "data"
    ,   "default"
    ,   "deriving"
    ,   "do"
    ,   "forall"
    ,   "foreign"
    ,   "hiding"
    ,   "if"
    ,   "then"
    ,   "else"
    ,   "import"
    ,   "infix"
    ,   "infixl"
    ,   "infixr"
    ,   "instance"
    ,   "let"
    ,   "in"
    ,   "mdo"
    ,   "module"
    ,   "newtype"
    ,   "qualified"
    ,   "type"
    ,   "where"]

keywordDescrs :: [Descr]
keywordDescrs = map (\s -> Real $ RealDescr
                                (Just (BS.pack " Haskell keyword"))
                                True) keywords

extensionDescrs :: [Descr]
extensionDescrs =  map (\ext -> Real $ RealDescr
                                    (T.pack $ "X" ++ show ext)
                                    (Just (BS.pack " Haskell language extension"))

moduleNameDescrs :: PackageDescr -> [Descr]
moduleNameDescrs pd = map (\md -> Real $ RealDescr
                                    (T.pack . display . modu $ mdModuleId md)
                                    (Just (mdModuleId md))
                                    (Just (BS.pack " Module name"))
                                    True) (pdModules pd)

addOtherToScope ::  SymbolTable alpha  =>  PackScope alpha -> Bool -> PackScope alpha
addOtherToScope (PackScope packageMap symbolTable) addAll = PackScope packageMap newSymbolTable
    where newSymbolTable = foldl' (\ map descr -> symInsert (dscName descr) [descr] map)
                        symbolTable (if addAll
                                        then keywordDescrs ++ extensionDescrs ++ modNameDescrs
                                        else modNameDescrs)
          modNameDescrs = concatMap moduleNameDescrs (Map.elems packageMap)