{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- Module      :  IDE.Pane.HLint
-- Copyright   :  (c) Juergen Nicklisch-Franken, Hamish Mackenzie
-- License     :  GNU-GPL
-- Maintainer  :  <maintainer at leksah.org>
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability  :  portable
-- | The pane of ide where HLint results are displayed

module IDE.Pane.HLint (
,   refreshHLint
,   HLintState(..)
,   getHLint
) where

import Graphics.UI.Gtk hiding (get)
import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.Events as Gdk
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding(Parser)
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as P
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Typeable
import IDE.Core.State hiding (SrcSpan(..))
import IDE.BufferMode
import IDE.LogRef (logOutput, defaultLineLogger)
import IDE.Pane.SourceBuffer
    (goToSourceDefinition', maybeActiveBuf, IDEBuffer(..), replaceHLintSource)
import IDE.TextEditor (grabFocus)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import System.FilePath ((</>), dropFileName)
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..))
import IDE.Pane.Log (getLog)
import Control.Monad (void, forM_, foldM, when)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ask)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans(..))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Language.Haskell.HLint (Suggestion(..), suggestionLocation)
import Language.Haskell.Exts (SrcLoc(..))
import Language.Haskell.Exts.SrcLoc (SrcSpan(..))

import qualified Language.Haskell.HLint2 as H
import IDE.Utils.GUIUtils (__, treeViewContextMenu)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, findIndex)
import Debug.Trace (trace)
import Control.Exception (SomeException, catch)
import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName)
import IDE.Metainfo.Provider (getWorkspaceInfo)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (keys, lookup)
import Distribution.Package (PackageIdentifier(..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
       (replicate, unlines, init, lines, pack, unpack)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified System.IO.Strict as S (readFile)

data HLintRecord = HLintRecord {
            condPackage :: Maybe IDEPackage
        ,   context     :: Text
        ,   condIdea    :: Maybe H.Idea
        ,   parDir      :: Maybe FilePath
        } deriving (Eq)

isDir HLintRecord{parDir = Nothing}  = True
isDir otherwies                     = False

-- | A HLint pane description

data IDEHLint       =   IDEHLint {
    scrolledView    ::   ScrolledWindow
,   treeView        ::   TreeView
,   hlintStore      ::   TreeStore HLintRecord
} deriving Typeable

data HLintState      =   HLintState

instance Pane IDEHLint IDEM
    primPaneName _  =   "HLint"
    getAddedIndex _ =   0
    getTopWidget    =   castToWidget . scrolledView
    paneId b        =   "*HLint"

instance RecoverablePane IDEHLint HLintState IDEM where
    saveState p     =   return (Just HLintState)
    recoverState pp HLintState =   do
        nb      <-  getNotebook pp
        buildPane pp nb builder
    builder pp nb windows = reifyIDE $ \ ideR -> do
        hlintStore   <-  treeStoreNew []
        treeView    <-  treeViewNew
        treeViewSetModel treeView hlintStore

        renderer1    <- cellRendererTextNew
        renderer10   <- cellRendererPixbufNew
        col1         <- treeViewColumnNew
        treeViewColumnSetTitle col1 (__ "Context")
        treeViewColumnSetSizing col1 TreeViewColumnAutosize
        treeViewColumnSetResizable col1 True
        treeViewColumnSetReorderable col1 True
        treeViewAppendColumn treeView col1
        cellLayoutPackStart col1 renderer10 False
        cellLayoutPackStart col1 renderer1 True
        cellLayoutSetAttributes col1 renderer1 hlintStore
            $ \row -> [ cellText := context row ]

        treeViewSetHeadersVisible treeView False
        sel <- treeViewGetSelection treeView
        treeSelectionSetMode sel SelectionSingle

        scrolledView <- scrolledWindowNew Nothing Nothing
        scrolledWindowSetShadowType scrolledView ShadowIn
        containerAdd scrolledView treeView
        scrolledWindowSetPolicy scrolledView PolicyAutomatic PolicyAutomatic

        let hlint = IDEHLint {..}
        cid1 <- after treeView focusInEvent $ do
            liftIO $ reflectIDE (makeActive hlint) ideR
            return True
        cid2 <- on treeView rowExpanded $ \ iter path -> do
            record <- treeStoreGetValue hlintStore path
            case record of
                HLintRecord { condPackage = Just p, parDir = Nothing } ->
                    reflectIDE (refreshDir hlintStore iter p) ideR
                _ -> reflectIDE (ideMessage Normal (__ "Unexpected Expansion in HLint Pane")) ideR
        cid3 <- on treeView rowActivated $ \ path col -> do
            record <- treeStoreGetValue hlintStore path
            mbIter <- treeModelGetIter hlintStore path
            case (mbIter, record) of
                (Just iter, HLintRecord { condPackage = Just p, parDir = Nothing }) ->
                    reflectIDE (refreshDir hlintStore iter p) ideR
                _ -> return ()
        cid4 <- on treeView keyPressEvent $ do
            name <- eventKeyName
            liftIO $ case name of
                        "Return" -> reflectIDE (gotoSource True treeView hlintStore) ideR
                        "Escape" -> do
                            reflectIDE (do
                                lastActiveBufferPane ?>>= \paneName -> do
                                    (PaneC pane) <- paneFromName paneName
                                    makeActive pane
                                    return ()
                                triggerEventIDE StartFindInitial) ideR
                            return True
                            -- gotoSource True
                        _ -> return False
        treeViewContextMenu treeView
            $ hlintContextMenu ideR hlintStore treeView
        on sel treeSelectionSelectionChanged (reflectIDE (void $ gotoSource False treeView hlintStore) ideR)

        return (Just hlint,map ConnectC [cid1])

getHLint :: Maybe PanePath -> IDEM IDEHLint
getHLint Nothing    = forceGetPane (Right "*HLint")
getHLint (Just pp)  = forceGetPane (Left pp)

data FindResult = WhereExpected TreeIter | Found TreeIter | NotFound

find :: Eq a => a -> TreeStore a -> Maybe TreeIter -> IO FindResult
find _ _ Nothing = return NotFound
find a store (Just iter) = do
    row <- treeModelGetRow store iter
    if row == a
        then return $ WhereExpected iter
        else treeModelIterNext store iter >>= find'
    find' :: Maybe TreeIter -> IO FindResult
    find' Nothing = return NotFound
    find' (Just iter) = do
        row <- treeModelGetRow store iter
        if row == a
            then return $ Found iter
            else treeModelIterNext store iter >>= find'

removeUntil :: Eq a => a -> TreeStore a -> TreePath -> IO ()
removeUntil a store path = do
    row <- treeStoreGetValue store path
    when (row /= a) $ do
        found <- treeStoreRemove store path
        when found $ removeUntil a store path

removeRemaining :: TreeStore a -> TreePath -> IO ()
removeRemaining store path = do
    found <- treeStoreRemove store path
    when found $ removeRemaining store path

getSelectionHLintRecord ::  TreeView
    ->  TreeStore HLintRecord
    -> IO (Maybe HLintRecord)
getSelectionHLintRecord treeView hlintStore = do
    treeSelection   <-  treeViewGetSelection treeView
    paths           <-  treeSelectionGetSelectedRows treeSelection
    case paths of
        p:_ ->  Just <$> treeStoreGetValue hlintStore p
        _   ->  return Nothing

refreshHLint :: WorkspaceAction
refreshHLint = do
    ws <- ask
    maybeActive <- lift $ readIDE activePack
    let packages = case maybeActive of
            Just active -> active : filter (/= active) (wsAllPackages ws)
            Nothing     -> wsAllPackages ws
    lift $ hlintDirectories2 packages

--gotoSource :: Bool -> IDEM Bool
gotoSource focus treeView hlintStore = do
    sel <- liftIO $ getSelectionHLintRecord treeView hlintStore
    case sel of
        Just record ->
            case record of
                HLintRecord {condIdea = Just idea} ->
                    goToSourceDefinition' (srcSpanFilename (H.ideaSpan idea))
                                        (Location "" (srcSpanStartLine (H.ideaSpan idea))
                                                         (srcSpanStartColumn (H.ideaSpan idea))
                                                         (srcSpanEndLine (H.ideaSpan idea))
                                                         (srcSpanEndColumn (H.ideaSpan idea)))
                        ?>>= (\(IDEBuffer {sourceView = sv}) -> when focus $ grabFocus sv)
                _ -> return ()
        Nothing -> return ()
    return True

hlintDirectories2 :: [IDEPackage] -> IDEAction
hlintDirectories2 packages = do
    hlint <- getHLint Nothing
    let store = hlintStore hlint
    liftIO $ do
        treeStoreClear store
        forM_ packages $ \ p -> do
            nDir <- treeModelIterNChildren store Nothing
            treeStoreInsert store [] nDir $ HLintRecord (Just p) (packageIdentifierToString (ipdPackageId p)) Nothing Nothing
            treeStoreInsert store [nDir] 0 $ HLintRecord (Just p) (packageIdentifierToString (ipdPackageId p)) Nothing Nothing

refreshDir :: TreeStore HLintRecord -> TreeIter -> IDEPackage -> IDEM ()
refreshDir store iter package = do
    mbHlintDir <- liftIO $ leksahSubDir "hlint"
    (flags, classify, hint) <- liftIO $ case mbHlintDir of
                                            Just d  ->
#if MIN_VERSION_hlint(1, 9, 13)
                                                H.autoSettings' d
                                            Nothing -> H.autoSettings
    let modules = Map.keys (ipdModules package)
    paths <- getSourcePaths (ipdPackageId package) modules
    resL <- liftIO $ mapM (\ file -> do
        str <- S.readFile file
        H.parseModuleEx flags file (Just str)) paths
    let resOk = mapMaybe (\ pr -> case pr of
                                    Left e -> trace ("can't parse: " ++ H.parseErrorContents e ++
                                        " location " ++ show H.parseErrorLocation) Nothing
                                    Right r -> Just r) resL
    let ideas = H.applyHints classify hint resOk
    liftIO $ setHLint2Results store iter (T.unpack $ packageIdentifierToString (ipdPackageId package)) ideas
    return ()

getSourcePaths :: PackageIdentifier -> [ModuleName] -> IDEM [FilePath]
getSourcePaths packId names = do
    mbWorkspaceInfo     <-  getWorkspaceInfo
    case mbWorkspaceInfo of
        Nothing -> return []
        Just (sc, _) -> return (mapMaybe (sourcePathFromScope sc) names)
    sourcePathFromScope :: GenScope -> ModuleName -> Maybe FilePath
    sourcePathFromScope (GenScopeC (PackScope l _)) mn =
        case packId `Map.lookup` l of
            Just pack ->
                case filter (\md -> modu (mdModuleId md) == mn)
                                    (pdModules pack) of
                    (mod : tl) ->  mdMbSourcePath mod
                    []         -> Nothing
            Nothing -> Nothing

hlint2Record dir idea = HLintRecord {
    condPackage = Nothing,
    context     = T.pack $ show idea,
    condIdea    = Just idea,
    parDir      = Just dir}

setHLint2Results :: TreeStore HLintRecord -> TreeIter -> FilePath -> [H.Idea] -> IO Int
setHLint2Results store parent dir ideas = do
    parentPath <- treeModelGetPath store parent
    forM_ (zip [0..] records) $ \(n, record) -> do
        mbChild <- treeModelIterNthChild store (Just parent) n
        findResult <- find record store mbChild
        case (mbChild, findResult) of
            (_, WhereExpected _) -> return ()
            (Just iter, Found _) -> do
                path <- treeModelGetPath store iter
                removeUntil record store path
            _ -> treeStoreInsert store parentPath n record
    removeRemaining store (parentPath++[nRecords])
    return nRecords
    records = map (hlint2Record dir) ideas
    nRecords = length records

hlintContextMenu :: IDERef
                  -> TreeStore HLintRecord
                  -> TreeView
                  -> Menu
                  -> IO ()
hlintContextMenu ideR store treeView theMenu = do
    mbSel           <-  getSelectionHLintRecord treeView store
    item0           <-  menuItemNewWithLabel (__ "Replace")
    item0 `on` menuItemActivate $ reflectIDE (replaceHlint store treeView mbSel) ideR
    menuShellAppend theMenu item0
    replaceableSelection Nothing = False
    replaceableSelection (Just s) | isNothing (parDir s) = True
                                  | otherwise = False

replaceHlint store treeView (Just sel) =
    case condIdea sel of
        Just idea | isJust (H.ideaTo idea) ->
            let lined = T.lines (T.pack $ fromJust (H.ideaTo idea))
                startColumn = srcSpanStartColumn (H.ideaSpan idea)
                source = T.init $ T.unlines (head lined :
                                            map (\ s -> T.replicate startColumn " " <> s) (tail lined))
                replaceHLintSource (srcSpanFilename (H.ideaSpan idea))
                                   (srcSpanStartLine (H.ideaSpan idea))
                                   (srcSpanEndLine (H.ideaSpan idea))
                                   (srcSpanEndColumn (H.ideaSpan idea))
        otherwise -> return ()
replaceHlint _ _ Nothing    = return ()