{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Module : IDE.Session -- Copyright : (c) Juergen Nicklisch-Franken, Hamish Mackenzie -- License : GNU-GPL -- -- Maintainer : -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable -- -- -- | Module for saving and recovering the layout -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module IDE.Session ( saveSession , saveSessionAs , saveSessionAsPrompt , recoverSession , sessionClosePane , loadSession , loadSessionPrompt , viewFullScreen , viewDark ) where import Prelude hiding (catch) import Graphics.UI.Gtk hiding (showLayout) import Graphics.UI.Gtk.General.CssProvider (cssProviderNew, cssProviderLoadFromString) import Graphics.UI.Gtk.General.StyleContext (styleContextAddProvider) import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import System.FilePath import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe import Data.Typeable import qualified Data.Set as Set import IDE.Core.State import IDE.Utils.GUIUtils import IDE.Utils.FileUtils import Text.PrinterParser import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ as PP import Graphics.UI.Editor.Parameters import IDE.TextEditor import IDE.Pane.Modules import IDE.Pane.SourceBuffer import IDE.Pane.Info (InfoState(..), setInfoStyle) import IDE.Pane.Log (LogState(..)) import IDE.Pane.Preferences import IDE.Pane.PackageFlags import IDE.Pane.Search import IDE.Pane.Grep import IDE.Pane.HLint import IDE.Pane.WebKit.Documentation import IDE.Pane.WebKit.Output import IDE.Pane.WebKit.Inspect import IDE.Pane.Files import IDE.Pane.Breakpoints import IDE.Pane.Trace import IDE.Pane.Variables import IDE.Find import System.Time (getClockTime) import IDE.Package (deactivatePackage) import IDE.Pane.Errors (fillErrorList, ErrorsState(..)) import Control.Exception (catch, SomeException(..)) import IDE.Pane.Workspace (WorkspaceState(..)) import IDE.Workspaces (workspaceOpenThis) import IDE.Completion (setCompletionSize) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..)) import Control.Monad (void, when) import System.Log.Logger (debugM) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T (pack) import Data.Traversable (forM) import Data.Foldable (forM_) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This needs to be incremented, when the session format changes -- theSessionVersion :: Int theSessionVersion = 1 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- All pane types must be in here ! -- data PaneState = BufferSt BufferState | LogSt LogState | InfoSt InfoState | ModulesSt ModulesState | PrefsSt PrefsState | FlagsSt FlagsState | SearchSt SearchState | FilesSt FilesState | GrepSt GrepState | HLintSt HLintState | DocumentationSt DocumentationState | OutputSt OutputState | InspectSt InspectState | BreakpointsSt BreakpointsState | TraceSt TraceState | VariablesSt VariablesState | ErrorsSt ErrorsState | WorkspaceSt WorkspaceState deriving(Eq,Ord,Read,Show) asPaneState :: RecoverablePane alpha beta gamma => beta -> PaneState asPaneState s | isJust (cast s :: Maybe BufferState) = BufferSt (fromJust $ cast s) asPaneState s | isJust (cast s :: Maybe LogState) = LogSt (fromJust $ cast s) asPaneState s | isJust (cast s :: Maybe InfoState) = InfoSt (fromJust $ cast s) asPaneState s | isJust (cast s :: Maybe ModulesState) = ModulesSt (fromJust $ cast s) asPaneState s | isJust (cast s :: Maybe PrefsState) = PrefsSt (fromJust $ cast s) asPaneState s | isJust (cast s :: Maybe FlagsState) = FlagsSt (fromJust $ cast s) asPaneState s | isJust (cast s :: Maybe SearchState) = SearchSt (fromJust $ cast s) asPaneState s | isJust (cast s :: Maybe FilesState) = FilesSt (fromJust $ cast s) asPaneState s | isJust (cast s :: Maybe GrepState) = GrepSt (fromJust $ cast s) asPaneState s | isJust (cast s :: Maybe HLintState) = HLintSt (fromJust $ cast s) asPaneState s | isJust (cast s :: Maybe DocumentationState) = DocumentationSt (fromJust $ cast s) asPaneState s | isJust (cast s :: Maybe OutputState) = OutputSt (fromJust $ cast s) asPaneState s | isJust (cast s :: Maybe InspectState) = InspectSt (fromJust $ cast s) asPaneState s | isJust (cast s :: Maybe BreakpointsState) = BreakpointsSt (fromJust $ cast s) asPaneState s | isJust (cast s :: Maybe TraceState) = TraceSt (fromJust $ cast s) asPaneState s | isJust (cast s :: Maybe VariablesState) = VariablesSt (fromJust $ cast s) asPaneState s | isJust (cast s :: Maybe ErrorsState) = ErrorsSt (fromJust $ cast s) asPaneState s | isJust (cast s :: Maybe WorkspaceState) = WorkspaceSt (fromJust $ cast s) asPaneState s = error "SaveSession>>asPaneState incomplete cast" recover :: PanePath -> PaneState -> IDEAction recover pp (BufferSt p) = void (recoverState pp p) recover pp (LogSt p) = void (recoverState pp p) recover pp (InfoSt p) = void (recoverState pp p) recover pp (ModulesSt p) = void (recoverState pp p) recover pp (PrefsSt p) = void (recoverState pp p) recover pp (FlagsSt p) = void (recoverState pp p) recover pp (SearchSt p) = void (recoverState pp p) recover pp (FilesSt p) = void (recoverState pp p) recover pp (GrepSt p) = void (recoverState pp p) recover pp (HLintSt p) = void (recoverState pp p) recover pp (DocumentationSt p) = void (recoverState pp p) recover pp (OutputSt p) = void (recoverState pp p) recover pp (InspectSt p) = void (recoverState pp p) recover pp (BreakpointsSt p) = void (recoverState pp p) recover pp (TraceSt p) = void (recoverState pp p) recover pp (VariablesSt p) = void (recoverState pp p) recover pp (ErrorsSt p) = void (recoverState pp p) recover pp (WorkspaceSt p) = void (recoverState pp p) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | *Implementation sessionClosePane :: IDEAction sessionClosePane = do activePane' <- getActivePane case activePane' of Nothing -> return () Just (pn,_) -> do (PaneC p) <- paneFromName pn closePane p return () data SessionState = SessionState { sessionVersion :: Int , saveTime :: Text , layoutS :: PaneLayout , population :: [(Maybe PaneState,PanePath)] , windowSize :: (Int,Int) , fullScreen :: Bool , dark :: Bool , completionSize :: (Int,Int) , workspacePath :: Maybe FilePath , activePaneN :: Maybe Text , toolbarVisibleS :: Bool , findbarState :: (Bool,FindState) , recentOpenedFiles :: [FilePath] , recentOpenedWorksp :: [FilePath] } defaultSession = SessionState { sessionVersion = theSessionVersion , saveTime = "" , layoutS = VerticalP TerminalP { paneGroups = Map.fromList [] , paneTabs = Just TopP , currentPage = -1 , detachedId = Nothing , detachedSize = Nothing} (HorizontalP TerminalP { paneGroups = Map.fromList [ ("Debug",HorizontalP TerminalP { paneGroups = Map.fromList [] , paneTabs = Nothing , currentPage = -1 , detachedId = Nothing , detachedSize = Nothing} TerminalP { paneGroups = Map.fromList [] , paneTabs = Just TopP , currentPage = -1 , detachedId = Nothing , detachedSize = Nothing} 167)] , paneTabs = Just TopP , currentPage = 2 , detachedId = Nothing , detachedSize = Nothing} TerminalP { paneGroups = Map.fromList [] , paneTabs = Just TopP , currentPage = 1 , detachedId = Nothing , detachedSize = Nothing} 456) 693 , population = [ (Just (InfoSt (InfoState Nothing)),[SplitP RightP,SplitP BottomP]) , (Just (LogSt LogState),[SplitP RightP,SplitP BottomP]) , (Just (ModulesSt (ModulesState 200 (SystemScope,False) (Nothing,Nothing) ExpanderState { packageExp = ([],[]) , packageExpNoBlack = ([],[]) , packageDExp = ([],[]) , packageDExpNoBlack = ([],[]) , workspaceExp = ([],[]) , workspaceExpNoBlack = ([],[]) , workspaceDExp = ([],[]) , workspaceDExpNoBlack = ([],[]) , systemExp = ([],[]) , systemExpNoBlack = ([],[])})),[SplitP RightP,SplitP TopP]) , (Just (WorkspaceSt WorkspaceState),[SplitP RightP,SplitP BottomP])] , windowSize = (1024,768) , fullScreen = False , dark = False , completionSize = (750,400) , workspacePath = Nothing , activePaneN = Nothing , toolbarVisibleS = True , findbarState = (False,FindState{ entryStr = "" , entryHist = [] , replaceStr = "" , replaceHist = [] , caseSensitive = False , entireWord = False , wrapAround = True , regex = False , lineNr = 1}) , recentOpenedFiles = [] , recentOpenedWorksp = [] } sessionDescr :: [FieldDescriptionS SessionState] sessionDescr = [ mkFieldS (paraName <<<- ParaName "Version of session file format" $ emptyParams) (PP.text . show) intParser sessionVersion (\ b a -> a{sessionVersion = b}) , mkFieldS (paraName <<<- ParaName "Time of storage" $ emptyParams) (PP.text . show) stringParser saveTime (\ b a -> a{saveTime = b}) , mkFieldS (paraName <<<- ParaName "Layout" $ emptyParams) (PP.text . show) readParser layoutS (\ b a -> a{layoutS = b}) , mkFieldS (paraName <<<- ParaName "Population" $ emptyParams) (PP.text . show) readParser population (\ b a -> a{population = b}) , mkFieldS (paraName <<<- ParaName "Window size" $ emptyParams) (PP.text . show) (pairParser intParser) windowSize (\(c,d) a -> a{windowSize = (c,d)}) , mkFieldS (paraName <<<- ParaName "Full screen" $ emptyParams) (PP.text . show) readParser fullScreen (\b a -> a{fullScreen = b}) , mkFieldS (paraName <<<- ParaName "Dark" $ emptyParams) (PP.text . show) readParser dark (\b a -> a{dark = b}) , mkFieldS (paraName <<<- ParaName "Completion size" $ emptyParams) (PP.text . show) (pairParser intParser) completionSize (\(c,d) a -> a{completionSize = (c,d)}) , mkFieldS (paraName <<<- ParaName "Workspace" $ emptyParams) (PP.text . show) readParser workspacePath (\fp a -> a{workspacePath = fp}) , mkFieldS (paraName <<<- ParaName "Active pane" $ emptyParams) (PP.text . show) readParser activePaneN (\fp a -> a{activePaneN = fp}) , mkFieldS (paraName <<<- ParaName "Toolbar visible" $ emptyParams) (PP.text . show) readParser toolbarVisibleS (\fp a -> a{toolbarVisibleS = fp}) , mkFieldS (paraName <<<- ParaName "FindbarState" $ emptyParams) (PP.text . show) readParser findbarState (\fp a -> a{findbarState = fp}) , mkFieldS (paraName <<<- ParaName "Recently opened files" $ emptyParams) (PP.text . show) readParser recentOpenedFiles (\fp a -> a{recentOpenedFiles = fp}) , mkFieldS (paraName <<<- ParaName "Recently opened workspaces" $ emptyParams) (PP.text . show) readParser recentOpenedWorksp (\fp a -> a{recentOpenedWorksp = fp})] -- -- | Get and save the current session -- saveSession :: IDEAction saveSession = do sessionPath <- liftIO $ getConfigFilePathForSave standardSessionFilename mbSessionPath2 <- do ws <- readIDE workspace case ws of Nothing -> return Nothing Just ws -> return $ Just (dropExtension (wsFile ws) ++ leksahSessionFileExtension) saveSessionAs sessionPath mbSessionPath2 saveSessionAs :: FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> IDEAction saveSessionAs sessionPath mbSecondPath = do forget <- getForgetSession if forget then ideMessage Normal (__ "Forget this session") else do sysMessage Normal (__ "Now saving session") bufs <- allBuffers case filter (\b -> bufferName b == "_Eval.hs") bufs of [IDEBuffer{sourceView = sv}] -> do ebuf <- getBuffer sv setModified ebuf False _ -> return () wdw <- getMainWindow layout <- mkLayout population <- getPopulation size <- liftIO $ windowGetSize wdw fullScreen <- getFullScreenState dark <- getDarkState (completionSize,_) <- readIDE completion mbWs <- readIDE workspace activePane' <- getActivePane let activeP = case activePane' of Nothing -> Nothing Just (s,_) -> Just s (toolbarVisible,_) <- readIDE toolbar findState <- getFindState (findbarVisible,_) <- readIDE findbar timeNow <- liftIO getClockTime recentFiles' <- readIDE recentFiles recentWorkspaces' <- readIDE recentWorkspaces let state = SessionState { sessionVersion = theSessionVersion , saveTime = T.pack $ show timeNow , layoutS = layout , population = population , windowSize = size , fullScreen = fullScreen , dark = dark , completionSize = completionSize , workspacePath = case mbWs of Nothing -> Nothing Just ws -> Just (wsFile ws) , activePaneN = activeP , toolbarVisibleS = toolbarVisible , findbarState = (findbarVisible,findState) , recentOpenedFiles = recentFiles' , recentOpenedWorksp = recentWorkspaces'} liftIO $ writeFields sessionPath state sessionDescr when (isJust mbSecondPath) $ liftIO $ writeFields (fromJust mbSecondPath) state sessionDescr saveSessionAsPrompt :: IDEAction saveSessionAsPrompt = do window <- getMainWindow response <- liftIO $ do configFolder <- getConfigDir chooseSaveFile window (__ "Save Session as") (Just configFolder) case response of Just fn -> saveSessionAs (if takeExtension fn == leksahSessionFileExtension then fn else addExtension fn leksahSessionFileExtension) Nothing Nothing -> return () loadSessionPrompt :: IDEAction loadSessionPrompt = do window' <- getMainWindow response <- liftIO $ do configFolder <- getConfigDir dialog <- fileChooserDialogNew (Just $ __ "Select session file") (Just window') FileChooserActionOpen [("gtk-cancel" ,ResponseCancel) ,("gtk-open" , ResponseAccept)] fileChooserSetCurrentFolder dialog configFolder widgetShow dialog res <- dialogRun dialog case res of ResponseAccept -> do fileName <- fileChooserGetFilename dialog widgetHide dialog return fileName _ -> do widgetHide dialog return Nothing case response of Just fn -> loadSession fn Nothing -> return () loadSession :: FilePath -> IDEAction loadSession sessionPath = do liftIO $ debugM "leksah" "loadSession" saveSession :: IDEAction deactivatePackage recentFiles' <- readIDE recentFiles recentWorkspaces' <- readIDE recentWorkspaces b <- fileCloseAll (\_ -> return True) when b $ do detachedCloseAll paneCloseAll groupsCloseAll viewCollapseAll recoverSession sessionPath modifyIDE_ (\ ide -> ide{ recentFiles = recentFiles' , recentWorkspaces = recentWorkspaces'}) return () detachedCloseAll :: IDEAction detachedCloseAll = do windows <- getWindows liftIO $ mapM_ widgetDestroy (tail windows) paneCloseAll :: IDEAction paneCloseAll = do panes' <- getPanesSt mapM_ (\ (PaneC p) -> closePane p) (Map.elems panes') groupsCloseAll :: IDEAction groupsCloseAll = do layout' <- getLayout mapM_ closeGroup (Set.toList $ allGroupNames layout') viewCollapseAll :: IDEAction viewCollapseAll = do layout' <- getLayout case layout' of TerminalP {} -> return () VerticalP {} -> viewCollapse' [SplitP LeftP] HorizontalP {} -> viewCollapse' [SplitP TopP] mkLayout :: IDEM PaneLayout mkLayout = do rawLayout <- getLayout getLayout' rawLayout [] where getLayout' (HorizontalP l r _) pp = do l2 <- getLayout' l (pp ++ [SplitP TopP]) r2 <- getLayout' r (pp ++ [SplitP BottomP]) pane <- getPaned pp pos <- liftIO $ panedGetPosition pane return (HorizontalP l2 r2 pos) getLayout' (VerticalP l r _) pp = do l2 <- getLayout' l (pp ++ [SplitP LeftP]) r2 <- getLayout' r (pp ++ [SplitP RightP]) pane <- getPaned pp pos <- liftIO $ panedGetPosition pane return (VerticalP l2 r2 pos) getLayout' raw@(TerminalP {paneGroups = groups}) pp = do groups2 <- forM (Map.toAscList groups) $ \(group, g) -> do l <- getLayout' g (pp ++ [GroupP group]) return (group, l) nb <- getNotebook pp showTabs <- liftIO $ notebookGetShowTabs nb pos <- liftIO $ notebookGetTabPos nb current <- liftIO $ notebookGetCurrentPage nb size <- case detachedId raw of Just _ -> do Just parent <- liftIO $ widgetGetParent nb liftIO (Just <$> windowGetSize (castToWindow parent)) Nothing -> return $ detachedSize raw return raw { paneGroups = Map.fromAscList groups2 , paneTabs = if showTabs then Just (posTypeToPaneDirection pos) else Nothing , currentPage = current , detachedSize = size} getPopulation :: IDEM[(Maybe PaneState,PanePath)] getPopulation = do paneMap <- getPaneMapSt mapM (\ (pn,v) -> do (PaneC p) <- paneFromName pn mbSt <- saveState p case mbSt of Nothing -> return (Nothing, fst v) Just st -> return (Just (asPaneState st), fst v)) $ Map.toList paneMap getActive :: IDEM(Maybe FilePath) getActive = do active <- readIDE activePack case active of Nothing -> return Nothing Just p -> return (Just (ipdCabalFile p)) -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Parsing -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- | Read and apply the saved layout -- recoverSession :: FilePath -> IDEM (Bool,Bool) recoverSession sessionPath = catchIDE (do liftIO $ debugM "leksah" "recoverSession" wdw <- getMainWindow sessionSt <- liftIO $ catch (readFields sessionPath sessionDescr defaultSession) (\(_ :: SomeException) -> return defaultSession) liftIO $ uncurry (windowSetDefaultSize wdw) (windowSize sessionSt) applyLayout (layoutS sessionSt) workspaceOpenThis False (workspacePath sessionSt) liftIO $ debugM "leksah" "recoverSession calling populate" populate (population sessionSt) liftIO $ debugM "leksah" "recoverSession calling setCurrentPages" setCurrentPages (layoutS sessionSt) when (isJust (activePaneN sessionSt)) $ do mbPane <- mbPaneFromName (fromJust (activePaneN sessionSt)) case mbPane of Nothing -> return () Just (PaneC p) -> makeActive p liftIO $ debugM "leksah" "recoverSession setting up toolbars" setFindState ((snd . findbarState) sessionSt) if toolbarVisibleS sessionSt then showToolbar else hideToolbar if (fst . findbarState) sessionSt then showFindbar else hideFindbar setCompletionSize (completionSize sessionSt) modifyIDE_ (\ide -> ide{recentFiles = recentOpenedFiles sessionSt, recentWorkspaces = recentOpenedWorksp sessionSt}) setFullScreenState (fullScreen sessionSt) viewFullScreen setDarkState (dark sessionSt) viewDark liftIO $ debugM "leksah" "recoverSession done" return (toolbarVisibleS sessionSt, (fst . findbarState) sessionSt)) (\ (e :: SomeException) -> do sysMessage Normal (T.pack $ show e) return (True,True)) applyLayout :: PaneLayout -> IDEAction applyLayout layoutS = do old <- getLayout case old of TerminalP {} -> applyLayout' layoutS [] otherwise -> throwIDE (__ "apply Layout can only be allied to empty Layout") where applyLayout' (TerminalP groups mbTabPos _ mbDetachedId mbDetachedSize) pp = do forM_ (Map.keys groups) $ \group -> viewNest' pp group nb <- getNotebook pp case (mbDetachedId, mbDetachedSize) of (Just id, Just (width, height)) -> do mbPair <- viewDetach' pp id case mbPair of Nothing -> return () Just (win,wid) -> do liftIO $ widgetShowAll win liftIO $ windowSetDefaultSize win width height _ -> return () liftIO $notebookSetShowTabs nb (isJust mbTabPos) case mbTabPos of Just p -> liftIO $notebookSetTabPos nb (paneDirectionToPosType p) _ -> return () forM_ (Map.toAscList groups) $ \(group, g) -> applyLayout' g (pp ++ [GroupP group]) applyLayout' (VerticalP l r pos) pp = do viewSplit' pp Vertical pane <- getPaned pp liftIO $panedSetPosition pane pos applyLayout' l (pp ++ [SplitP LeftP]) applyLayout' r (pp ++ [SplitP RightP]) applyLayout' (HorizontalP t b pos) pp = do viewSplit' pp Horizontal pane <- getPaned pp liftIO $panedSetPosition pane pos applyLayout' t (pp ++ [SplitP TopP]) applyLayout' b (pp ++ [SplitP BottomP]) populate :: [(Maybe PaneState,PanePath)] -> IDEAction populate = mapM_ (\ (mbPs,pp) -> forM_ mbPs (recover pp)) setCurrentPages :: PaneLayout -> IDEAction setCurrentPages layout = setCurrentPages' layout [] where setCurrentPages' (HorizontalP t b _) p = do setCurrentPages' t (SplitP TopP : p) setCurrentPages' b (SplitP BottomP : p) setCurrentPages' (VerticalP l r _) p = do setCurrentPages' l (SplitP LeftP : p) setCurrentPages' r (SplitP RightP : p) setCurrentPages' (TerminalP groups _ ind _ _) p = do forM_ (Map.toAscList groups) $ \(group, g) -> setCurrentPages' g (GroupP group : p) when (ind >= 0) $ do nb <- getNotebook (reverse p) liftIO $ notebookSetCurrentPage nb ind viewFullScreen :: IDEAction viewFullScreen = do isFullScreen <- getFullScreenState mbWindow <- getActiveWindow case (mbWindow, isFullScreen) of (Nothing, _) -> return () (Just window, True) -> liftIO $ windowFullscreen window (Just window, False) -> liftIO $ windowUnfullscreen window viewDark :: IDEAction viewDark = getDarkState >>= setDark getActiveSettings :: PaneMonad alpha => alpha (Maybe Settings) getActiveSettings = do mbScreen <- getActiveScreen case mbScreen of Nothing -> return Nothing Just screen -> liftIO $ Just <$> settingsGetForScreen screen setDark :: Bool -> IDEM () setDark dark = do setInfoStyle fillErrorList False prefs <- readIDE prefs buffers <- allBuffers mapM_ updateStyle' buffers mbSettings <- getActiveSettings case mbSettings of Just settings -> liftIO $ settingsSetLongProperty settings ("gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme" :: Text) (if dark then 1 else 0) "Leksah" Nothing -> return ()