{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Module : IDE.Statusbar -- Copyright : 2007-2011 Juergen Nicklisch-Franken, Hamish Mackenzie -- License : GPL -- -- Maintainer : maintainer@leksah.org -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : -- -- | Builds and updates the Statusbar, To update the bar triiger the Statusbar changed event. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module IDE.Statusbar ( changeStatusbar , buildStatusbar ) where import IDE.Core.State (postAsyncIDE, getMainWindow, widgetGet, PaneMonad(..), IDEAction(..), StatusbarCompartment(..)) import Graphics.UI.Gtk (windowTitle, castToStatusbar, Statusbar(..), boxPackStart, hBoxNew, widgetSetSizeRequest, widgetSetName, statusbarNew, HBox(..), statusbarPush, statusbarPop, Packing(..), boxPackEnd, imageSetPixelSize, imageNewFromStock, IconSize(..), Image, castToImage, imageSetFromStock, set, AttrOp(..) ) import Graphics.UI.Frame.Panes (IDEPane(..), paneName) import Text.Printf (printf) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..)) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T (pack, lines, unpack) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) changeStatusbar :: [StatusbarCompartment] -> IDEAction changeStatusbar = postAsyncIDE . mapM_ changeStatusbar' where changeStatusbar' (CompartmentCommand accStr) = do sb <- getSBSpecialKeys liftIO $statusbarPop sb 1 liftIO $statusbarPush sb 1 accStr return () changeStatusbar' (CompartmentPane (Just (PaneC pane))) = do sb <- getSBActivePane liftIO $ statusbarPop sb 1 liftIO $ statusbarPush sb 1 (paneName pane) return () changeStatusbar' (CompartmentPane Nothing) = do sb <- getSBActivePane liftIO $ statusbarPop sb 1 liftIO $ statusbarPush sb 1 ("" :: Text) return () changeStatusbar' (CompartmentState string) = do let realStr = if '\n' `elem` T.unpack string then head (T.lines string) <> " ..." else string sb <- getSBErrors liftIO $ statusbarPop sb 1 liftIO $ statusbarPush sb 1 realStr return () changeStatusbar' (CompartmentPackage string) = do sb <- getSBActivePackage window <- getMainWindow liftIO $ statusbarPop sb 1 liftIO $ statusbarPush sb 1 string liftIO $ set window [ windowTitle := "Leksah: " <> string ] return () changeStatusbar' (CompartmentBufferPos (line,col)) = do sb <- getStatusbarLC liftIO $ statusbarPop sb 1 liftIO $ statusbarPush sb 1 (T.pack $ printf "Ln %4d, Col %3d" (line + 1) (col + 1)) return () changeStatusbar' (CompartmentOverlay modi) = do sb <- getStatusbarIO liftIO $ statusbarPop sb 1 liftIO $ statusbarPush sb 1 $ if modi then "OVR" else ("INS" :: Text) return () changeStatusbar' (CompartmentBuild bool) = do im <- getImBuild liftIO $ imageSetFromStock im (if bool then "ide_build" else "ide_empty") IconSizeMenu return () changeStatusbar' (CompartmentCollect bool) = do im <- getImCollect liftIO $ imageSetFromStock im (if bool then "ide_rebuild_meta" else "ide_empty") IconSizeMenu return () buildStatusbar :: IO HBox buildStatusbar = do sblk <- statusbarNew widgetSetName sblk ("statusBarSpecialKeys" :: Text) widgetSetSizeRequest sblk 150 (-1) sbap <- statusbarNew widgetSetName sbap ("statusBarActivePane" :: Text) widgetSetSizeRequest sbap 150 (-1) sbapr <- statusbarNew widgetSetName sbapr ("statusBarActiveProject" :: Text) widgetSetSizeRequest sbapr 150 (-1) sbe <- statusbarNew widgetSetName sbe ("statusBarErrors" :: Text) widgetSetSizeRequest sbe 150 (-1) sblc <- statusbarNew widgetSetName sblc ("statusBarLineColumn" :: Text) widgetSetSizeRequest sblc 150 (-1) sbio <- statusbarNew widgetSetName sbio ("statusBarInsertOverwrite" :: Text) widgetSetSizeRequest sbio 60 (-1) buildImage <- imageNewFromStock "ide_empty" IconSizeMenu widgetSetName buildImage ("buildImage" :: Text) imageSetPixelSize buildImage 16 collectImage <- imageNewFromStock "ide_empty" IconSizeMenu widgetSetName collectImage ("collectImage" :: Text) imageSetPixelSize collectImage 16 hb <- hBoxNew False 1 widgetSetName hb ("statusBox" :: Text) boxPackStart hb sblk PackGrow 0 boxPackStart hb sbap PackGrow 0 boxPackStart hb sbapr PackGrow 0 --boxPackStart hb dummy PackGrow 0 boxPackEnd hb sblc PackNatural 0 boxPackEnd hb sbio PackNatural 0 boxPackEnd hb collectImage PackNatural 0 boxPackEnd hb buildImage PackNatural 0 boxPackEnd hb sbe PackNatural 0 return hb getSBSpecialKeys :: PaneMonad alpha => alpha Statusbar getSBSpecialKeys = widgetGet ["Leksah Main Window", "topBox","statusBox","statusBarSpecialKeys"] castToStatusbar getSBActivePane :: PaneMonad alpha => alpha Statusbar getSBActivePane = widgetGet ["Leksah Main Window", "topBox","statusBox","statusBarActivePane"] castToStatusbar getSBActivePackage :: PaneMonad alpha => alpha Statusbar getSBActivePackage = widgetGet ["Leksah Main Window", "topBox","statusBox","statusBarActiveProject"] castToStatusbar getSBErrors :: PaneMonad alpha => alpha Statusbar getSBErrors = widgetGet ["Leksah Main Window", "topBox","statusBox","statusBarErrors"] castToStatusbar getStatusbarIO :: PaneMonad alpha => alpha Statusbar getStatusbarIO = widgetGet ["Leksah Main Window", "topBox","statusBox","statusBarInsertOverwrite"] castToStatusbar getStatusbarLC :: PaneMonad alpha => alpha Statusbar getStatusbarLC = widgetGet ["Leksah Main Window", "topBox","statusBox","statusBarLineColumn"] castToStatusbar getImBuild :: PaneMonad alpha => alpha Image getImBuild = widgetGet ["Leksah Main Window", "topBox","statusBox","buildImage"] castToImage getImCollect :: PaneMonad alpha => alpha Image getImCollect = widgetGet ["Leksah Main Window", "topBox","statusBox","collectImage"] castToImage