{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, TypeSynonymInstances,
   MultiParamTypeClasses, DeriveDataTypeable, OverloadedStrings #-}
-- Module      :  IDE.Pane.Variables
-- Copyright   :  2007-2011 Juergen Nicklisch-Franken, Hamish Mackenzie
-- License     :  GPL
-- Maintainer  :  maintainer@leksah.org
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :
-- |

module IDE.Pane.Variables (
,   VariablesState
,   showVariables
,   fillVariablesList
,   fillVariablesListQuiet
) where

import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Data.Typeable (Typeable(..))
import IDE.Core.State
import IDE.Package (tryDebug, tryDebugQuiet)
import IDE.Debug (debugCommand')
import IDE.Utils.Tool (ToolOutput(..))
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as  P
    (whiteSpace, symbol, makeTokenParser)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language (emptyDef)
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.Events (Event(..))
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.General.Enums
    (Click(..), MouseButton(..))
import IDE.Workspaces (packageTry, packageTryQuiet)
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL (consume)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans(..))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import IDE.Utils.GUIUtils (treeViewContextMenu, __)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T (pack, unpack)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))

-- | Represents the Variables pane
data IDEVariables    =   IDEVariables {
    scrolledView    ::   ScrolledWindow
,   treeView        ::   TreeView
,   variables       ::   TreeStore VarDescription
} deriving Typeable

-- | The data for a single entry in the pane
data VarDescription = VarDescription {
    varName         ::  Text
,   varType         ::  Text
,   varValue        ::  Text}

-- | The additional state used when recovering the pane
data VariablesState  =   VariablesState

instance Pane IDEVariables IDEM
    primPaneName _  =   __ "Variables"
    getAddedIndex _ =   0
    getTopWidget    =   castToWidget . scrolledView
    paneId b        =   "*Variables"

instance RecoverablePane IDEVariables VariablesState IDEM where
    saveState p     =   return (Just VariablesState)
    recoverState pp VariablesState =   do
        nb      <-  getNotebook pp
        buildPane pp nb builder
    builder = builder'

-- | Get the Variables pane
getVariables :: IDEM IDEVariables
getVariables = forceGetPane (Right "*Variables")

-- | Display the Variables pane
showVariables :: IDEAction
showVariables = do
    pane <- getVariables
    displayPane pane False

-- | Builds the Variables pane, together with a list
--   of connections of events
builder' :: PanePath ->
    Notebook ->
    Window ->
    IDEM (Maybe IDEVariables, Connections)
builder' pp nb windows = reifyIDE $  \ideR -> do
    variables   <-  treeStoreNew []
    treeView    <-  treeViewNew
    treeViewSetModel treeView variables

    renderer1    <- cellRendererTextNew
    col1         <- treeViewColumnNew
    treeViewColumnSetTitle col1 (__ "Name")
    treeViewColumnSetSizing col1 TreeViewColumnAutosize
    treeViewColumnSetResizable col1 True
    treeViewColumnSetReorderable col1 True
    treeViewAppendColumn treeView col1
    cellLayoutPackStart col1 renderer1 False
    cellLayoutSetAttributes col1 renderer1 variables
        $ \row -> [ cellText := varName row]

    renderer2    <- cellRendererTextNew
    col2         <- treeViewColumnNew
    treeViewColumnSetTitle col2 (__ "Type")
    treeViewColumnSetSizing col2 TreeViewColumnAutosize
    treeViewColumnSetResizable col2 True
    treeViewColumnSetReorderable col2 True
    treeViewAppendColumn treeView col2
    cellLayoutPackStart col2 renderer2 False
    cellLayoutSetAttributes col2 renderer2 variables
        $ \row -> [ cellText := varType row]

    renderer3    <- cellRendererTextNew
    col3         <- treeViewColumnNew
    treeViewColumnSetTitle col3 (__ "Value")
    treeViewColumnSetSizing col3 TreeViewColumnAutosize
    treeViewColumnSetResizable col3 True
    treeViewColumnSetReorderable col3 True
    treeViewAppendColumn treeView col3
    cellLayoutPackStart col3 renderer3 False
    cellLayoutSetAttributes col3 renderer3 variables
        $ \row -> [ cellText := varValue row]

    treeViewSetHeadersVisible treeView True
    sel <- treeViewGetSelection treeView
    treeSelectionSetMode sel SelectionSingle

    scrolledView <- scrolledWindowNew Nothing Nothing
    scrolledWindowSetShadowType scrolledView ShadowIn
    containerAdd scrolledView treeView
    scrolledWindowSetPolicy scrolledView PolicyAutomatic PolicyAutomatic

    let pane = IDEVariables scrolledView treeView variables
    cid1 <- after treeView focusInEvent $ do
        liftIO $ reflectIDE (makeActive pane) ideR
        return True
    (cid2, cid3) <- treeViewContextMenu treeView $ variablesContextMenu ideR variables treeView
    cid4 <- on treeView rowActivated $ variablesSelect ideR variables
    return (Just pane, map ConnectC [cid1, cid2, cid3, cid4])

-- | Quietly list the variable bindings of the current debug session
fillVariablesListQuiet :: IDEAction
fillVariablesListQuiet = packageTryQuiet $ do
    mbVariables <- liftIDE getPane
    case mbVariables of
        Nothing -> return ()
        Just var -> tryDebugQuiet $ debugCommand' ":show bindings" $ do
            to <- CL.consume
            liftIO $ postGUIAsync $
                case parse variablesParser "" . T.unpack $ selectString to of
                    Left e -> sysMessage Normal (T.pack $ show e)
                    Right triples -> do
                        treeStoreClear (variables var)
                        mapM_ (insertBreak (variables var))
                            (zip triples [0..length triples])
    insertBreak treeStore (v,index)  = treeStoreInsert treeStore [] index v

-- | List the variable bindings of the current debug session
fillVariablesList :: IDEAction
fillVariablesList = packageTry $ do
    mbVariables <- liftIDE getPane
    case mbVariables of
        Nothing -> return ()
        Just var -> tryDebug $ debugCommand' ":show bindings" $ do
            to <- CL.consume
            liftIO $ postGUIAsync $
                case parse variablesParser "" . T.unpack $ selectString to of
                    Left e -> sysMessage Normal (T.pack $ show e)
                    Right triples -> do
                        treeStoreClear (variables var)
                        mapM_ (insertBreak (variables var))
                            (zip triples [0..length triples])
    insertBreak treeStore (v,index)  = treeStoreInsert treeStore [] index v

-- | Concatenates the tool output lines with newlines
selectString :: [ToolOutput] -> Text
selectString (ToolOutput str:r)  = "\n" <> str <> selectString r
selectString (_:r)               = selectString r
selectString []                  = ""

-- | Tries to get the selected variable in the Pane,
--  together with the 'TreePath'
getSelectedVariable ::  TreeView
    -> TreeStore VarDescription
    -> IO (Maybe (VarDescription,TreePath))
getSelectedVariable treeView treeStore = do
    treeSelection   <-  treeViewGetSelection treeView
    paths           <-  treeSelectionGetSelectedRows treeSelection
    case paths of
        a:r ->  do
            val     <-  treeStoreGetValue treeStore a
            return (Just (val,a))
        _  ->  return Nothing

-- | Parses multiple 'VarDescription's
variablesParser :: CharParser () [VarDescription]
variablesParser = do
    r <- many variableParser
    return r

-- | Parses a 'VarDescription' from a line of ghci output
variableParser :: CharParser () VarDescription
variableParser = do
    varName <- T.pack <$> many (noneOf ":")
    symbol "::"
    typeStr  <- T.pack <$> many (noneOf "=")
    char '='
    value <- T.pack <$> many (
        noneOf "\n"
        <|> try (do
                r <- char '\n'
                lookAhead (char ' ')
                return r))

    return (VarDescription varName typeStr value)
    <?> "variableParser"

-- | Parses only the value of a variable binding from a line of
-- ghci output
valueParser :: CharParser () Text
valueParser = do
    many (noneOf "=")
    char '='
    T.pack <$> many anyChar
    <?> "valueParser"

-- | Parses only the type of a variable binding from a line of
-- ghci output
typeParser :: CharParser () Text
typeParser = do
    many (noneOf ":")
    symbol "::"
    T.pack <$> many anyChar
    <?> "typeParser"

lexer = P.makeTokenParser emptyDef
symbol = P.symbol lexer
whiteSpace = P.whiteSpace lexer

-- | Constructs the context menu of the Variables pane
variablesContextMenu :: IDERef
                  -> TreeStore VarDescription
                  -> TreeView
                  -> Menu
                  -> IO ()
variablesContextMenu ideR store treeView theMenu = do
    item1           <-  menuItemNewWithLabel (__ "Force")
    item1 `on` menuItemActivate $ do
        mbSel  <-  getSelectedVariable treeView store
        case mbSel of
            Just (varDescr,path) -> reflectIDE (forceVariable varDescr path store) ideR
            otherwise     -> return ()
    sep1 <- separatorMenuItemNew
    item2           <-  menuItemNewWithLabel (__ "Print")
    item2 `on` menuItemActivate $ do
        mbSel  <-  getSelectedVariable treeView store
        case mbSel of
            Just (varDescr,path) -> reflectIDE (printVariable varDescr path store) ideR
            otherwise     -> return ()
    item3           <-  menuItemNewWithLabel (__ "Update")
    item3 `on` menuItemActivate $ postGUIAsync (reflectIDE fillVariablesList ideR)
    mapM_ (menuShellAppend theMenu) [castToMenuItem item1,
        castToMenuItem item2, castToMenuItem sep1, castToMenuItem item3]

-- | Called when a variable is selected in the Variables pane.
-- Forces the variable and updates the entry in the pane,
variablesSelect :: IDERef
                -> TreeStore VarDescription
                -> TreePath
                -> TreeViewColumn
                -> IO ()
variablesSelect ideR store path _ = do
    varDescr <- treeStoreGetValue store path
    reflectIDE (forceVariable varDescr path store) ideR

-- | Force the value of the given 'VarDescription', retrieve its type
-- and update the appropriate entry in the Variables pane
forceVariable :: VarDescription -> TreePath -> TreeStore VarDescription -> IDEAction
forceVariable varDescr path treeStore = packageTry $ tryDebug $ do
    debugCommand' (":force " <> varName varDescr) $ do
        to <- CL.consume
        liftIO $ postGUIAsync $
            case parse valueParser "" . T.unpack $ selectString to of
                Left e -> sysMessage Normal (T.pack $ show e)
                Right value -> do
                    var <- treeStoreGetValue treeStore path
                    treeStoreSetValue treeStore path var{varValue = value}
    debugCommand' (":type " <> varName varDescr) $ do
        to <- CL.consume
        liftIO $ postGUIAsync $
            case parse typeParser "" . T.unpack $ selectString to of
                Left e -> sysMessage Normal (T.pack $ show e)
                Right typ -> do
                    var <- treeStoreGetValue treeStore path
                    treeStoreSetValue treeStore path var{varType = typ}

-- | Print the value of the given 'VarDescription', retrieve its type
-- and update the appropriate entry in the Variables pane
printVariable :: VarDescription -> TreePath -> TreeStore VarDescription -> IDEAction
printVariable varDescr path treeStore = packageTry $ tryDebug $ do
    debugCommand' (":print " <> varName varDescr) $ do
        to <- CL.consume
        liftIO $ postGUIAsync $
            case parse valueParser "" . T.unpack $ selectString to of
                Left e -> sysMessage Normal (T.pack $ show e)
                Right value -> do
                    var <- treeStoreGetValue treeStore path
                    treeStoreSetValue treeStore path var{varValue = value}
    debugCommand' (":type " <> varName varDescr) $ do
        to <- CL.consume
        liftIO $ postGUIAsync $
            case parse typeParser "" . T.unpack $ selectString to of
                Left e -> sysMessage Normal (T.pack $ show e)
                Right typ -> do
                    var <- treeStoreGetValue treeStore path
                    treeStoreSetValue treeStore path var{varType = typ}