--Default Keymap file for Leksah --Allowed Modifiers are -- is the Windows key on PC keyboards -- is often labelled Alt Gr. --The defined values for the keys can can be found at -- http://gitweb.freedesktop.org/?p=xorg/proto/x11proto.git;a=blob_plain;f=keysymdef.h. -- The names of the keys are the names of the macros without the prefix. --File n -> FileNew "Opens a new empty buffer" o -> FileOpen "Opens an existing file" --x/f -> FileOpen "Opens an existing file" s -> FileSave "Saves the current buffer" --x/s -> FileSave "Saves the current buffer" --x/w -> FileSaveAs "Saves the current buffer as a new file" s -> FileSaveAll "Saves all modified buffers" w -> FileClose "Closes the current buffer" --x/k -> FileClose "Closes the current buffer" F4 -> Quit "Quits this program" --x/c -> Quit "Quits this program" --Edit z -> EditUndo "Undos the last user action" --x/u -> EditUndo "Undos the last user action" y -> EditRedo "Redos the last user action" --x/r -> EditRedo "Redos the last user action" --x -> EditCut --c -> EditCopy --v -> EditPaste -> EditDelete a -> EditSelectAll "Select the whole text in the current buffer" f -> EditFind "Search for a text string (Toggles the " F3 -> EditFindNext "Find the next occurence of the text string" F3 -> EditFindPrevious "Find the previous occurence of the text string" l -> EditGotoLine "Go to line with a known index" Right -> EditComment "Add a line style comment to the selected lies" Left -> EditUncomment "Remove a line style comment" Right -> EditShiftRight "Shift right" Left -> EditShiftLeft "Shift Left" --View Left -> ViewMoveLeft "Move the current pane left" Right -> ViewMoveRight "Move the current pane right" Up -> ViewMoveUp "Move the current pane up" Down -> ViewMoveDown "Move the current pane down" 2 -> ViewSplitHorizontal "Split the current pane in horizontal direction" 3 -> ViewSplitVertical "Split the current pane in vertical direction" 1 -> ViewCollapse "Collapse the panes around the currentla selected pane into one" -> ViewTabsLeft "Shows the tabs of the current notebook on the left" -> ViewTabsRight "Shows the tabs of the current notebook on the right" -> ViewTabsUp "Shows the tabs of the current notebook on the top" -> ViewTabsDown "Shows the tabs of the current notebook on the bottom" -> ViewSwitchTabs "Switches if tabs for the current notebook are visible" t -> ToggleToolbar -> HelpDebug -> HelpAbout b -> BuildPackage r -> AddAllImports r -> RunPackage j -> NextError j -> PreviousError m -> ShowModules --i -> ShowInterface -- i -> ShowInfo e -> EditAlignEqual l -> EditAlignLeftArrow r -> EditAlignRightArrow t -> EditAlignTypeSig i -> AddOneImport i -> AddAllImports -- "For the next to entries the modifier is mandatory" Page_Up -> FlipUp "Switch to next pane in reverse recently used oder" Page_Down -> FlipDown "Switch to next pane in recently used oder" space -> StartComplete "Initiate complete in a source buffer"