Show line numbers: True --(True/False) TextView Font: "Monospace 10" Right margin: 101 --Size or 0 for no right margin Tab width: 4 Use standard line ends even on windows: True Remove trailing blanks when saving a file: True Source candy: Default --Empty for do not use or the name of a candy file in a config dir Name of the keymap: Default --The name of a keymap file in a config dir Editor Style: "" LogView Font: "Sans 10" Window default size: (800,800) --Default size of the main ide window specified as pair (int,int) Browser: "firefox" Standard source pane path: [LeftP] Standard log pane path: [RightP,BottomP] Standard modules pane path: [RightP,TopP] Paths under which haskell sources for packages may be found: [] Packages which are excluded from the modules pane: [Dependency (PackageName "ghc") AnyVersion] Update metadata after every build: True Update metadata at startup: True