Time of storage: "Mon May 25 15:28:15 CEST 2009" Layout: VerticalP (TerminalP {paneGroups = fromList [], paneTabs = Just TopP, currentPage = 0, detachedId = Nothing, detachedSize = Nothing}) (HorizontalP (TerminalP {paneGroups = fromList [], paneTabs = Just BottomP, currentPage = 0, detachedId = Nothing, detachedSize = Nothing}) (TerminalP {paneGroups = fromList [], paneTabs = Just BottomP, currentPage = 0, detachedId = Nothing, detachedSize = Nothing}) 615) 889 Population: [(Just (InfoSt (InfoState (Descr {descrName' = "multisetEditor", typeInfo' = "multisetEditor :: forall alpha.\n (Show alpha, Default alpha, Eq alpha) =>\n ColumnDescr alpha\n -> (Editor alpha, Parameters)\n -> Maybe ([alpha] -> [alpha])\n -> Maybe (alpha -> alpha -> Bool)\n -> Editor [alpha]\n", descrModu' = PM {pack = PackageIdentifier {pkgName = PackageName "leksah", pkgVersion = Version {versionBranch = [0,5,0], versionTags = []}}, modu = ModuleName ["Graphics","UI","Editor","Composite"]}, mbLocation' = Just (Location {locationSLine = 499, locationSCol = 0, locationELine = 616, locationECol = 25}), mbComment' = Just "An editor with a subeditor, of which a list of items can be selected\n\n", details' = VariableDescr}))),[SplitP RightP,SplitP BottomP]),(Just (ModulesSt (ModulesState 313 (Package,True) (Nothing,Nothing) (ExpanderState {localExp = ([],[]), localExpNoBlack = ([[5,16],[5,13],[5,1],[5],[4,0,1],[4,0,0],[4,0],[4],[1,0],[1],[0]],[]), packageExp = ([],[]), packageExpNoBlack = ([],[]), systemExp = ([],[]), systemExpNoBlack = ([],[])}))),[SplitP RightP,SplitP TopP]),(Just (BufferSt (BufferState "/home/jutaro/Develop/leksah/data/welcome.txt" 800)),[SplitP LeftP])] Window size: (1476,1171) Active package: Nothing Active pane: Just "welcome.txt" Toolbar visible: True FindbarState: (False,FindState {entryStr = "paneP", entryHist = ["paneP","Group","stringxEditor","multiset"], replaceStr = "Category", replaceHist = [], caseSensitive = False, entireWord = False, wrapAround = True, regex = False, lineNr = 1}) Recently opened files: ["/home/jutaro/.leksah/Current.session","/home/jutaro/Develop/leksah/data/Current.session","/home/jutaro/Develop/leksah/doc/open_points.txt","/home/jutaro/Develop/leksah/src/Graphics/UI/Frame/ViewFrame.hs","/home/jutaro/Develop/leksah/src/IDE/Core/Types.hs","/home/jutaro/Develop/leksah/src/IDE/Pane/Preferences.hs","/home/jutaro/Develop/leksah/src/IDE/Pane/PackageEditor.hs","/home/jutaro/Develop/leksah/data/Default.prefs","/home/jutaro/.leksah/Default.prefs"] Recently opened packages: ["/home/jutaro/Develop/leksah/leksah.cabal"]