Version of session file format: 1 Time of storage: "Fri Feb 26 17:11:46 CET 2010" Layout: VerticalP (TerminalP {paneGroups = fromList [], paneTabs = Just TopP, currentPage = -1, detachedId = Nothing, detachedSize = Nothing}) (HorizontalP (TerminalP {paneGroups = fromList [("Browser",HorizontalP (TerminalP {paneGroups = fromList [], paneTabs = Nothing, currentPage = 0, detachedId = Nothing, detachedSize = Nothing}) (TerminalP {paneGroups = fromList [], paneTabs = Nothing, currentPage = 0, detachedId = Nothing, detachedSize = Nothing}) 329)], paneTabs = Just BottomP, currentPage = 0, detachedId = Nothing, detachedSize = Nothing}) (TerminalP {paneGroups = fromList [], paneTabs = Just BottomP, currentPage = 0, detachedId = Nothing, detachedSize = Nothing}) 658) 886 Population: [(Just (InfoSt (InfoState Nothing)),[SplitP RightP,SplitP TopP,GroupP "Browser",SplitP BottomP]),(Just (LogSt LogState),[SplitP RightP,SplitP BottomP]),(Just (ModulesSt (ModulesState 401 (SystemScope,True) (Nothing,Nothing) (ExpanderState {packageExp = ([],[]), packageExpNoBlack = ([],[]), packageDExp = ([],[]), packageDExpNoBlack = ([],[]), workspaceExp = ([],[]), workspaceExpNoBlack = ([[6,13],[6]],[]), workspaceDExp = ([],[]), workspaceDExpNoBlack = ([],[]), systemExp = ([],[]), systemExpNoBlack = ([],[])}))),[SplitP RightP,SplitP TopP,GroupP "Browser",SplitP TopP]),(Just (WorkspaceSt WorkspaceState),[SplitP RightP,SplitP BottomP])] Window size: (1643,1030) Workspace: Nothing Active pane: Nothing Toolbar visible: True FindbarState: (True,FindState {entryStr = "", entryHist = [], replaceStr = "", replaceHist = [], caseSensitive = False, entireWord = False, wrapAround = False, regex = False, lineNr = 1}) Recently opened files: [] Recently opened workspaces: []