leksah-server- Metadata collection for leksah

Safe HaskellSafe-Infered



Support for running external tools. Written mainly for GHCi but with | support for others in mind.



runInteractiveTool :: ToolState -> CommandLineReader -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()Source

runCommand :: String -> IO ProcessHandle

Runs a command using the shell.

waitForProcess :: ProcessHandle -> IO ExitCode

Waits for the specified process to terminate, and returns its exit code.

GHC Note: in order to call waitForProcess without blocking all the other threads in the system, you must compile the program with -threaded.



:: ProcessHandle

A process in the process group

-> IO () 

Sends an interrupt signal to the process group of the given process.

On Unix systems, it sends the group the SIGINT signal.

On Windows systems, it generates a CTRL_BREAK_EVENT and will only work for processes created using createProcess and setting the create_group flag

getProcessExitCode :: ProcessHandle -> IO (Maybe ExitCode)

This is a non-blocking version of waitForProcess. If the process is still running, Nothing is returned. If the process has exited, then Just e is returned where e is the exit code of the process.



:: FilePath

Filename of the executable

-> [String]

Arguments to pass to the executable

-> Maybe FilePath

Optional path to the working directory

-> Maybe [(String, String)]

Optional environment (otherwise inherit)

-> IO (Handle, Handle, Handle, ProcessHandle) 

Runs a raw command, and returns Handles that may be used to communicate with the process via its stdin, stdout and stderr respectively.

For example, to start a process and feed a string to its stdin:

   (inp,out,err,pid) <- runInteractiveProcess "..."
   forkIO (hPutStr inp str)

The Handles are initially in binary mode; if you need them to be in text mode then use hSetBinaryMode.



:: FilePath

Filename of the executable

-> [String]

Arguments to pass to the executable

-> Maybe FilePath

Optional path to the working directory

-> Maybe [(String, String)]

Optional environment (otherwise inherit)

-> Maybe Handle

Handle to use for stdin (Nothing => use existing stdin)

-> Maybe Handle

Handle to use for stdout (Nothing => use existing stdout)

-> Maybe Handle

Handle to use for stderr (Nothing => use existing stderr)

-> IO ProcessHandle 

Runs a raw command, optionally specifying Handles from which to take the stdin, stdout and stderr channels for the new process (otherwise these handles are inherited from the current process).

Any Handles passed to runProcess are placed immediately in the closed state.

Note: consider using the more general createProcess instead of runProcess.