{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, TemplateHaskell #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Control.Lens
-- Copyright   :  (C) 2012 Edward Kmett
--                (C) 2012 Dan Burton
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Edward Kmett <ekmett@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable
-- A self-contained lens library with lenses that are compatible with other
-- van Laarhoven lens libraries.
-- Lenses produced by this library are compatible with other van Laarhoven
-- lens family libraries, such as lens-family, lens-family-core and
-- lens-family-th, but the API is simpler.
-- Note: If you merely want your library to provide lenses you may not have
-- to actually import _any_ lens library, for a "Lens Bar Foo", just export
-- a function with the signature:
-- > foo :: Functor f => (Foo -> f Foo) -> Bar -> f Bar
-- and then you can compose it with other lenses using (.).
module Control.Lens
  -- * Lenses
  , LensFamily

  -- * Constructing lenses
  , makeLenses
  , makeLensesBy
  , makeLensesFor
  , lens
  , iso
  , clone

  -- * Reading from lenses
  , getL, modL, setL
  , (^.), (^$)
  , (^%=), (^=), (^+=), (^-=), (^*=), (^/=), (^||=), (^&&=)

  -- * Manipulating state
  , access
  , Focus(..)
  , (%=), (~=), (%%=), (+=), (-=), (*=), (//=), (||=), (&&=)

  -- * Common lenses
  , fstLens
  , sndLens
  , mapLens
  , intMapLens
  , setLens
  , intSetLens

  -- ** Getters
  , Getter
  , getting

  -- ** Setters
  , Setter
  , SetterFamily
  , setting

  -- * Implementation details
  , IndexedStore(..)
  , Focusing(..)
  ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Monad (liftM)
import           Control.Monad.State.Class
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy as Lazy
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as Strict
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import           Data.Char (toLower)
import           Data.Functor.Identity
import           Data.IntMap as IntMap
import           Data.IntSet as IntSet
import           Data.Map as Map
import           Data.Set as Set
import           Language.Haskell.TH

infixl 8 ^.
infixr 4 ^%=, ^=, ^+=, ^*=, ^-=, ^/=, ^&&=, ^||=
infix  4 ~=, %=, %%=, +=, -=, *=, //=, &&=, ||=
infixr 0 ^$

type Lens a b                 = forall f. Functor f => (b -> f b) -> a -> f a
type LensFamily a b c d       = forall f. Functor f => (c -> f d) -> a -> f b
type Getter a b               = forall x y z. (b -> Const z x) -> a -> Const z y
type Setter a b               = (b -> Identity b) -> a -> Identity a
type SetterFamily a b c d     = (c -> Identity d) -> a -> Identity b

lens :: Functor f => (a -> c) -> (d -> a -> b) -> (c -> f d) -> a -> f b
lens ac dab cfd a = (`dab` a) <$> cfd (ac a)
{-# INLINE lens #-}

iso :: Functor f => (a -> c) -> (d -> b) -> (c -> f d) -> a -> f b
iso f g h a = g <$> h (f a )
{-# INLINE iso #-}

getting :: (a -> c) -> (c -> Const r d) -> a -> Const r b
getting f g a = Const (getConst (g (f a)))
{-# INLINE getting #-}

setting :: ((c -> d) -> a -> b) -> (c -> Identity d) -> a -> Identity b
setting f g a = Identity (f (runIdentity . g) a)
{-# INLINE setting #-}

-- Using Lenses

getL :: ((c -> Const c d) -> a -> Const c b) -> a -> c
getL l a = getConst (l Const a)
{-# INLINE getL #-}

modL :: ((c -> Identity d) -> a -> Identity b) -> (c -> d) -> a -> b
modL l f a = runIdentity (l (Identity . f) a)
{-# INLINE modL #-}

setL :: ((c -> Identity d) -> a -> Identity b) -> d -> a -> b
setL l d a = runIdentity (l (\_ -> Identity d) a)
{-# INLINE setL #-}

(^$) :: ((c -> Const c d) -> a -> Const c b) -> a -> c
l ^$ a = getConst (l Const a)
{-# INLINE (^$) #-}

(^.) :: a -> ((c -> Const c d) -> a -> Const c b) -> c
a ^. l = getConst (l Const a)
{-# INLINE (^.) #-}

(^%=) :: ((c -> Identity d) -> a -> Identity b) -> (c -> d) -> a -> b
l ^%= f = runIdentity . l (Identity . f)
{-# INLINE (^%=) #-}

(^=) :: ((c -> Identity d) -> a -> Identity b) -> d -> a -> b
l ^= v = runIdentity . l (Identity . const v)
{-# INLINE (^=) #-}

(^+=) :: Num c => ((c -> Identity c) -> a -> Identity a) -> c -> a -> a
l ^+= n = modL l (+ n)
{-# INLINE (^+=) #-}

(^*=) :: Num c => ((c -> Identity c) -> a -> Identity a) -> c -> a -> a
l ^-= n = modL l (`subtract` n)
{-# INLINE (^-=) #-}

(^-=) :: Num c => ((c -> Identity c) -> a -> Identity a) -> c -> a -> a
l ^*= n = modL l (* n)
{-# INLINE (^*=) #-}

(^/=) :: Fractional c => ((c -> Identity c) -> a -> Identity a) -> c -> a -> a
l ^/= n = modL l (/ n)

(^||=):: ((Bool -> Identity Bool) -> a -> Identity a) -> Bool -> a -> a
l ^||= n = modL l (|| n)
{-# INLINE (^||=) #-}

(^&&=) :: ((Bool -> Identity Bool) -> a -> Identity a) -> Bool -> a -> a
l ^&&= n = modL l (&& n)
{-# INLINE (^&&=) #-}

-- Cloning Lenses

data IndexedStore c d a = IndexedStore (d -> a) c

instance Functor (IndexedStore c d) where
  fmap f (IndexedStore g c) = IndexedStore (f . g) c

clone :: Functor f => ((c -> IndexedStore c d d) -> a -> IndexedStore c d b) -> (c -> f d) -> a -> f b
clone f cfd a = case f (IndexedStore id) a of
  IndexedStore db c -> db <$> cfd c
{-# INLINE clone #-}

-- Common Lenses

fstLens :: LensFamily (a,c) (b,c) a b
fstLens f (a,c) = (\b -> (b,c)) <$> f a
{-# INLINE fstLens #-}

sndLens :: LensFamily (c,a) (c,b) a b
sndLens f (c,a) = (,) c <$> f a
{-# INLINE sndLens #-}

mapLens :: Ord k => k -> Lens (Map k v) (Maybe v)
mapLens k f m = go <$> f (Map.lookup k m) where
  go Nothing   = Map.delete k m
  go (Just v') = Map.insert k v' m
{-# INLINE mapLens #-}

intMapLens :: Int -> Lens (IntMap v) (Maybe v)
intMapLens k f m = go <$> f (IntMap.lookup k m) where
  go Nothing   = IntMap.delete k m
  go (Just v') = IntMap.insert k v' m
{-# INLINE intMapLens #-}

setLens :: Ord k => k -> Lens (Set k) Bool
setLens k f s = go <$> f (Set.member k s) where
  go False = Set.delete k s
  go True  = Set.insert k s
{-# INLINE setLens #-}

intSetLens :: Int -> Lens IntSet Bool
intSetLens k f s = go <$> f (IntSet.member k s) where
  go False = IntSet.delete k s
  go True  = IntSet.insert k s
{-# INLINE intSetLens #-}

-- State

access :: MonadState a m => ((c -> Const c d) -> a -> Const c b) -> m c
access l = gets (^. l)
{-# INLINE access #-}

newtype Focusing m c a = Focusing { unfocusing :: m (c, a) }

instance Monad m => Functor (Focusing m c) where
  fmap f (Focusing m) = Focusing (liftM (fmap f) m)

class Focus st where
  focus :: Monad m => ((b -> Focusing m c b) -> a -> Focusing m c a) -> st b m c -> st a m c

instance Focus Strict.StateT where
  focus l (Strict.StateT m) = Strict.StateT $ \a -> unfocusing (l (Focusing . m) a)

instance Focus Lazy.StateT where
  focus l (Lazy.StateT m) = Lazy.StateT $ \a -> unfocusing (l (Focusing . m) a)

instance Focus ReaderT where
  focus l (ReaderT m) = ReaderT $ \a -> liftM undefined $  unfocusing $ l (\b -> Focusing $ (\c -> (c,b)) `liftM` m b) a

(~=) :: MonadState a m => Setter a b -> b -> m ()
l ~= b = modify (l ^= b)
{-# INLINE (~=) #-}

(%=) :: MonadState a m => Setter a b -> (b -> b) -> m ()
l %= f = modify (l ^%= f)
{-# INLINE (%=) #-}

(%%=) :: MonadState a m => ((b -> (c,b)) -> a -> (c,a)) -> (b -> (c, b)) -> m c
l %%= f = state (l f)
{-# INLINE (%%=) #-}

(+=) :: (MonadState a m, Num b) => Setter a b -> b -> m ()
l += b = modify $ l ^+= b
{-# INLINE (+=) #-}

(-=) :: (MonadState a m, Num b) => Setter a b -> b -> m ()
l -= b = modify $ l ^-= b
{-# INLINE (-=) #-}

(*=) :: (MonadState a m, Num b) => Setter a b -> b -> m ()
l *= b = modify $ l ^*= b
{-# INLINE (*=) #-}

(//=) ::  (MonadState a m, Fractional b) => Setter a b -> b -> m ()
l //= b = modify $ l ^/= b
{-# INLINE (//=) #-}

(&&=):: MonadState a m => Setter a Bool -> Bool -> m ()
l &&= b = modify $ l ^&&= b
{-# INLINE (&&=) #-}

(||=) :: MonadState a m => Setter a Bool -> Bool -> m ()
l ||= b = modify $ l ^||= b
{-# INLINE (||=) #-}

-- Template Haskell

-- | By default, if the field name begins with an underscore,
-- then the underscore will simply be removed (and the new first character
-- lowercased if necessary).
defaultNameTransform :: String -> Maybe String
defaultNameTransform ('_':c:rest) = Just $ toLower c : rest
defaultNameTransform _ = Nothing

-- | Information about the larger type the lens will operate on.
type LensTypeInfo = (Name, [TyVarBndr])

-- | Information about the smaller type the lens will operate on.
type ConstructorFieldInfo = (Name, Strict, Type)

-- | Derive lenses with the provided name transformation
-- and filtering function. Produce @Just lensName@ to generate a lens
-- of the resultant name, or @Nothing@ to not generate a lens
-- for the input record name.
-- Example usage:
-- > makeLensesBy (\n -> Just (n ++ "L")) ''Foo
makeLensesBy ::
     (String -> Maybe String) -- ^ the name transformer
  -> Name -> Q [Dec]
makeLensesBy nameTransform datatype = do
  typeInfo          <- extractLensTypeInfo datatype
  let derive1 = deriveLens nameTransform typeInfo
  constructorFields <- extractConstructorFields datatype
  concat <$> mapM derive1 constructorFields

extractLensTypeInfo :: Name -> Q LensTypeInfo
extractLensTypeInfo datatype = do
  let datatypeStr = nameBase datatype
  i <- reify datatype
  return $ case i of
    TyConI (DataD    _ n ts _ _) -> (n, ts)
    TyConI (NewtypeD _ n ts _ _) -> (n, ts)
    _ -> error $ "Can't derive Lens for: "  ++ datatypeStr ++ ", type name required."

extractConstructorFields :: Name -> Q [ConstructorFieldInfo]
extractConstructorFields datatype = do
  let datatypeStr = nameBase datatype
  i <- reify datatype
  return $ case i of
    TyConI (DataD    _ _ _ [RecC _ fs] _) -> fs
    TyConI (NewtypeD _ _ _ (RecC _ fs) _) -> fs
    TyConI (DataD    _ _ _ [_]         _) -> error $ "Can't derive Lens without record selectors: " ++ datatypeStr
    TyConI NewtypeD{} -> error $ "Can't derive Lens without record selectors: " ++ datatypeStr
    TyConI TySynD{}   -> error $ "Can't derive Lens for type synonym: " ++ datatypeStr
    TyConI DataD{}    -> error $ "Can't derive Lens for tagged union: " ++ datatypeStr
    _                 -> error $ "Can't derive Lens for: "  ++ datatypeStr ++ ", type name required."

-- Derive a lens for the given record selector
-- using the given name transformation function.
deriveLens :: (String -> Maybe String)
           -> LensTypeInfo
           -> ConstructorFieldInfo
           -> Q [Dec]
deriveLens nameTransform ty field = case nameTransform (nameBase fieldName) of
  Nothing          -> return []
  Just lensNameStr -> do
    body <- deriveLensBody (mkName lensNameStr) fieldName
    return [body]
    (fieldName, _fieldStrict, _fieldType) = field
    (_tyName, _tyVars) = ty  -- just to clarify what's here

-- Given a record field name,
-- produces a single function declaration:
-- lensName f a = (\x -> a { field = x }) `fmap` f (field a)
deriveLensBody :: Name -> Name -> Q Dec
deriveLensBody lensName fieldName = funD lensName [defLine]
    a = mkName "a"
    f = mkName "f"
    defLine = clause pats (normalB body) []
    pats = [varP f, varP a]
    body = [| (\x -> $(record a fieldName [|x|]))
              `fmap` $(appE (varE f) (appE (varE fieldName) (varE a)))
    record rec fld val = val >>= \v -> recUpdE (varE rec) [return (fld, v)]

-- | Derive lenses for the record selectors in
-- a single-constructor data declaration,
-- or for the record selector in a newtype declaration.
-- Lenses will only be generated for record fields which
-- are prefixed with an underscore.
-- Example usage:
-- > makeLenses ''Foo
makeLenses :: Name -> Q [Dec]
makeLenses = makeLensesBy defaultNameTransform

-- | Derive lenses, specifying explicit pairings of @(fieldName, lensName)@.
-- Example usage:
-- > makeLensesFor [("_foo", "fooLens"), ("bar", "lbar")] ''Foo
makeLensesFor :: [(String, String)] -> Name -> Q [Dec]
makeLensesFor fields = makeLensesBy (`Prelude.lookup` fields)