{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Data.Lens
-- Copyright   :  (C) 2012-2013 Edward Kmett, (C) 2006-2012 Neil Mitchell
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Edward Kmett <ekmett@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  Rank2Types
-- Smart and naïve generic traversals given 'Data' instances.
-- 'template', 'uniplate', and 'biplate' each build up information about what
-- types can be contained within another type to speed up 'Traversal'.
module Data.Data.Lens
  -- * Generic Traversal
  , tinplate
  , uniplate
  , biplate
  -- * Field Accessor Traversal
  , upon
  , upon'
  , onceUpon
  , onceUpon'
  -- * Data Traversal
  , gtraverse
  ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Exception as E
import           Control.Lens.Combinators
import           Control.Lens.Internal.Context
import           Control.Lens.Internal.Indexed
import           Control.Lens.Setter
import           Control.Lens.Traversal
import           Control.Lens.Type
import           Data.Data
import           GHC.IO
import           Unsafe.Coerce as Unsafe
import           Data.Maybe

#ifndef SAFE
import           Data.Foldable
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import           Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap, (!))
import qualified Data.HashSet as S
import           Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import           Data.IORef
import           Data.Monoid
import           GHC.Exts (realWorld#)

{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Eta reduce" #-}
{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use foldl" #-}
{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" #-}

-- $setup
-- >>> import Control.Lens

-- Generic Traversal

-- | A generic applicative transformation that maps over the immediate subterms.
-- 'gtraverse' is to 'traverse' what 'gmapM' is to 'mapM'
-- This really belongs in @Data.Data@.
gtraverse :: (Applicative f, Data a) => (forall d. Data d => d -> f d) -> a -> f a
gtraverse f = gfoldl (\x y -> x <*> f y) pure
{-# INLINE gtraverse #-}

-- Naïve Traversal

-- | Naïve 'Traversal' using 'Data'. This does not attempt to optimize the traversal.
-- This is primarily useful when the children are immediately obvious, and for benchmarking.
tinplate :: (Data s, Typeable a) => Traversal' s a
tinplate f = gfoldl (step f) pure
{-# INLINE tinplate #-}

step :: (Applicative f, Typeable a, Data s) => (a -> f a) -> f (s -> r) -> s -> f r
step f w s = w <*> case cast s of
  Just a  -> unsafeCoerce <$> f a
  Nothing -> tinplate f s
{-# INLINE step #-}

-- Smart Traversal

-- | Find every occurrence of a given type @a@ recursively that doesn't require
-- passing through something of type @a@ using 'Data', while avoiding traversal
-- of areas that cannot contain a value of type @a@.
-- This is 'uniplate' with a more liberal signature.
template :: forall s a. (Data s, Typeable a) => Traversal' s a
#ifdef SAFE
template = tinplate
template = uniplateData (fromOracle answer) where
  answer = hitTest (undefined :: s) (undefined :: a)
{-# INLINE template #-}

-- | Find descendants of type @a@ non-transitively, while avoiding computation of areas that cannot contain values of
-- type @a@ using 'Data'.
-- 'uniplate' is a useful default definition for 'Control.Lens.Plated.plate'
uniplate :: Data a => Traversal' a a
uniplate = template
{-# INLINE uniplate #-}

-- | 'biplate' performs like 'template', except when @s ~ a@, it returns itself and nothing else.
biplate :: forall s a. (Data s, Typeable a) => Traversal' s a
#ifdef SAFE
biplate f s
  | typeOf (undefined :: s) == typeOf (undefined :: a) = pure s
  | otherwise                                          = template f s
biplate = biplateData (fromOracle answer) where
  answer = hitTest (undefined :: s) (undefined :: a)
{-# INLINE biplate #-}

-- Automatic Traversal construction from field accessors

data FieldException a = FieldException !Int a deriving Typeable

instance Show (FieldException a) where
  showsPrec d (FieldException i _) = showParen (d > 10) $
    showString "<field " . showsPrec 11 i . showChar '>'

instance Typeable a => Exception (FieldException a)

lookupon :: Typeable a => LensLike' (Indexing Mutator) s a -> (s -> a) -> s -> Maybe (Int, Context a a s)
lookupon l field s = case unsafePerformIO $ E.try $ evaluate $ field $ s & indexing l %@~ \i (a::a) -> E.throw (FieldException i a) of
  Right _ -> Nothing
  Left e -> case fromException e of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just (FieldException i a) -> Just (i, Context (\a' -> set (elementOf l i) a' s) a)
{-# INLINE lookupon #-}

-- | This automatically constructs a 'Traversal'' from an function.
-- >>> (2,4) & upon fst *~ 5
-- (10,4)
-- There are however, caveats on how this function can be used!
-- First, the user supplied function must access only one field of the specified type. That is to say the target
-- must be a single element that would be visited by @'holesOnOf' 'template' 'uniplate'@
-- Note: this even permits a number of functions to be used directly.
-- >>> [1,2,3,4] & upon head .~ 0
-- [0,2,3,4]
-- >>> [1,2,3,4] & upon last .~ 5
-- [1,2,3,5]
-- >>> [1,2,3,4] ^? upon tail
-- Just [2,3,4]
-- >>> "" ^? upon tail
-- Nothing
-- Accessing parents on the way down to children is okay:
-- >>> [1,2,3,4] & upon (tail.tail) .~ [10,20]
-- [1,2,10,20]
-- Second, the structure must not contain strict or unboxed fields of the same type that will be visited by 'Data'
-- @'upon' :: ('Data' s, 'Data' a) => (s -> a) -> 'IndexedTraversal'' [Int] s a@
upon :: forall p f s a. (Indexable [Int] p, Applicative f, Data s, Data a) => (s -> a) -> p a (f a) -> s -> f s
upon field f s = case lookupon template field s of
  Nothing -> pure s
  Just (i, Context k0 a0) ->
      go :: [Int] -> Traversal' s a -> (a -> s) -> a -> f s
      go is l k a = case lookupon (l.uniplate) field s of
        Nothing                 -> k <$> indexed f (reverse is) a
        Just (j, Context k' a') -> go (j:is) (l.elementOf uniplate j) k' a'
    in go [i] (elementOf template i) k0 a0
{-# INLINE upon #-}

-- | The design of 'onceUpon'' doesn't allow it to search inside of values of type 'a' for other values of type 'a'.
-- 'upon'' provides this additional recursion.
-- Like 'onceUpon'', 'upon'' trusts the user supplied function more than 'upon' using it directly
-- as the accessor. This enables reading from the resulting 'Lens' to be considerably faster at the risk of
-- generating an illegal lens.
-- >>> upon' (tail.tail) .~ [10,20] $ [1,2,3,4]
-- [1,2,10,20]
upon' :: forall s a. (Data s, Data a) => (s -> a) -> IndexedLens' [Int] s a
upon' field f s = let
    ~(isn, kn) = case lookupon template field s of
      Nothing -> (error "upon': no index, not a member", const s)
      Just (i, Context k0 _) -> go [i] (elementOf template i) k0
    go :: [Int] -> Traversal' s a -> (a -> s) -> ([Int], a -> s)
    go is l k = case lookupon (l.uniplate) field s of
      Nothing                -> (reverse is, k)
      Just (j, Context k' _) -> go (j:is) (l.elementOf uniplate j) k'
  in kn <$> indexed f isn (field s)
{-# INLINE upon' #-}

-- | This automatically constructs a 'Traversal'' from a field accessor.
-- The index of the 'Traversal' can be used as an offset into @'elementOf' ('indexing' 'template')@ or into the list
-- returned by @'holesOf' 'template'@.
-- The design of 'onceUpon' doesn't allow it to search inside of values of type 'a' for other values of type 'a'.
-- 'upon' provides this additional recursion, but at the expense of performance.
-- >>> onceUpon (tail.tail) .~ [10,20] $ [1,2,3,4] -- BAD
-- [1,10,20]
-- >>> upon (tail.tail) .~ [10,20] $ [1,2,3,4] -- GOOD
-- [1,2,10,20]
-- When in doubt, use 'upon' instead.
onceUpon :: forall s a. (Data s, Typeable a) => (s -> a) -> IndexedTraversal' Int s a
onceUpon field f s = case lookupon template field s of
  Nothing               -> pure s
  Just (i, Context k a) -> k <$> indexed f i a
{-# INLINE onceUpon #-}

-- | This more trusting version of 'upon' uses your function directly as the getter for a 'Lens'.
-- This means that reading from 'upon'' is considerably faster than 'upon'.
-- However, you pay for faster access in two ways:
-- 1. When passed an illegal field accessor, 'upon'' will give you a 'Lens' that quietly violates
--    the laws, unlike 'upon', which will give you a legal 'Traversal' that avoids modifying the target.
-- 2. Modifying with the lens is slightly slower, since it has to go back and calculate the index after the fact.
-- When given a legal field accessor, the index of the 'Lens' can be used as an offset into
-- @'elementOf' ('indexed' 'template')@ or into the list returned by @'holesOf' 'template'@.
-- When in doubt, use 'upon'' instead.
onceUpon' :: forall s a. (Data s, Typeable a) => (s -> a) -> IndexedLens' Int s a
onceUpon' field f s = k <$> indexed f i (field s) where
  ~(i, Context k _) = fromMaybe (error "upon': no index, not a member") (lookupon template field s)
{-# INLINE onceUpon' #-}

#ifndef SAFE

-- Data Box

data DataBox = forall a. Data a => DataBox
  { dataBoxKey :: TypeRep
  , _dataBoxVal :: a

dataBox :: Data a => a -> DataBox
dataBox a = DataBox (typeOf a) a
{-# INLINE dataBox #-}

-- partial, caught elsewhere
sybChildren :: Data a => a -> [DataBox]
sybChildren x
  | isAlgType dt = do
    c <- dataTypeConstrs dt
    gmapQ dataBox (fromConstr c `asTypeOf` x)
  | otherwise = []
  where dt = dataTypeOf x
{-# INLINE sybChildren #-}

-- HitMap

type HitMap = HashMap TypeRep (HashSet TypeRep)

emptyHitMap :: HitMap
emptyHitMap = M.fromList
  [ (tRational, S.singleton tInteger)
  , (tInteger,  S.empty)
  ] where
  tRational = typeOf (undefined :: Rational)
  tInteger  = typeOf (undefined :: Integer )

insertHitMap :: DataBox -> HitMap -> HitMap
insertHitMap box hit = fixEq trans (populate box) `mappend` hit where
  populate :: DataBox -> HitMap
  populate a = f a M.empty where
    f (DataBox k v) m
      | M.member k hit || M.member k m = m
      | cs <- sybChildren v = fs cs $ M.insert k (S.fromList $ map dataBoxKey cs) m
    fs []     m = m
    fs (x:xs) m = fs xs (f x m)

  trans :: HitMap -> HitMap
  trans m = M.map f m where
    f x = x `mappend` foldMap g x
    g x = M.lookupDefault (hit ! x) x m

fixEq :: Eq a => (a -> a) -> a -> a
fixEq f = go where
  go x | x == x'   = x'
       | otherwise = go x'
       where x' = f x
{-# INLINE fixEq #-}

#ifndef HLINT
-- | inlineable 'unsafePerformIO'
inlinePerformIO :: IO a -> a
inlinePerformIO (IO m) = case m realWorld# of
  (# _, r #) -> r
{-# INLINE inlinePerformIO #-}

-- Cache

data Cache = Cache HitMap (HashMap TypeRep (HashMap TypeRep (Maybe Follower)))

cache :: IORef Cache
cache = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef $ Cache emptyHitMap M.empty
{-# NOINLINE cache #-}

readCacheFollower :: DataBox -> TypeRep -> Maybe Follower
readCacheFollower b@(DataBox kb _) ka = inlinePerformIO $
  readIORef cache >>= \ (Cache hm m) -> case M.lookup kb m >>= M.lookup ka of
    Just a -> return a
    Nothing -> E.try (return $! insertHitMap b hm) >>= \r -> case r of
      Left SomeException{}                         -> atomicModifyIORef cache $ \(Cache hm' n) -> (Cache hm' (insert2 kb ka Nothing n), Nothing)
      Right hm' | fol <- Just (follower kb ka hm') -> atomicModifyIORef cache $ \(Cache _ n) -> (Cache hm' (insert2 kb ka fol n),    fol)

insert2 :: TypeRep -> TypeRep -> a -> HashMap TypeRep (HashMap TypeRep a) -> HashMap TypeRep (HashMap TypeRep a)
insert2 x y v = M.insertWith (const $ M.insert y v) x (M.singleton y v)
{-# INLINE insert2 #-}

readCacheHitMap :: DataBox -> Maybe HitMap
readCacheHitMap b@(DataBox kb _) = inlinePerformIO $
  readIORef cache >>= \ (Cache hm _) -> case M.lookup kb hm of
    Just _  -> return $ Just hm
    Nothing -> E.try (return $! insertHitMap b hm) >>= \r -> case r of
      Left SomeException{} -> return Nothing
      Right hm' -> atomicModifyIORef cache $ \(Cache _ follow) -> (Cache hm' follow, Just hm')

-- Answers

data Answer a
  = Hit a
  | Follow
  | Miss
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read)

instance Functor Answer where
  fmap f (Hit a) = Hit (f a)
  fmap _ Follow  = Follow
  fmap _ Miss    = Miss
  {-# INLINE fmap #-}

-- Oracles

newtype Oracle a = Oracle { fromOracle :: forall t. Typeable t => t -> Answer a }

instance Functor Oracle where
  fmap f (Oracle g) = Oracle (fmap f . g)
  {-# INLINE fmap #-}

hitTest :: (Data a, Typeable b) => a -> b -> Oracle b
hitTest a b
  | kb <- typeOf b = case readCacheFollower (dataBox a) kb of
    Nothing -> Oracle $ \c ->
      if typeOf c == kb
      then Hit (unsafeCoerce c)
      else Follow
    Just p -> Oracle $ \c -> let kc = typeOf c in
      if kc == kb then Hit (unsafeCoerce c)
      else if p kc then Follow
      else Miss

-- Traversals

biplateData :: forall f s a. (Applicative f, Data s, Typeable a) => (forall c. Typeable c => c -> Answer a) -> (a -> f a) -> s -> f s
biplateData o f a0 = go2 a0 where
  go :: Data d => d -> f d
  go s = gfoldl (\x y -> x <*> go2 y) pure s
  go2 :: Data d => d -> f d
  go2 s = case o s of
    Hit a  -> Unsafe.unsafeCoerce <$> f a
    Follow -> go s
    Miss   -> pure s
{-# INLINE biplateData #-}

uniplateData :: forall f s a. (Applicative f, Data s, Typeable a) => (forall c. Typeable c => c -> Answer a) -> (a -> f a) -> s -> f s
uniplateData o f a0 = go a0 where
  go :: Data d => d -> f d
  go s = gfoldl (\x y -> x <*> go2 y) pure s
  go2 :: Data d => d -> f d
  go2 s = case o s of
    Hit a  -> Unsafe.unsafeCoerce <$> f a
    Follow -> go s
    Miss   -> pure s
{-# INLINE uniplateData #-}

-- Follower

part :: (a -> Bool) -> HashSet a -> (HashSet a, HashSet a)
part p s = (S.filter p s, S.filter (not . p) s)
{-# INLINE part #-}

type Follower = TypeRep -> Bool

follower :: TypeRep -> TypeRep -> HitMap -> Follower
follower a b m
  | S.null hit               = const False
  | S.null miss              = const True
  | S.size hit < S.size miss = S.member ?? hit
  | otherwise = \k -> not (S.member k miss)
  where (hit, miss) = part (\x -> S.member b (m ! x)) (S.insert a (m ! a))
