-- | One of most commonly-asked questions about this package is whether
-- it provides lenses for working with 'Data.Map.Map'. It does, but their uses
-- are perhaps obscured by their genericity. This module exists to provide
-- documentation for them.
-- 'Data.Map.Map' is an instance of 'Control.Lens.At.At', so we have a lenses
-- on values at keys:
-- >>> Map.fromList [(1, "world")] ^.at 1
-- Just "world"
-- >>> at 1 .~ Just "world" $ Map.empty
-- fromList [(1,"world")]
-- >>> at 0 ?~ "hello" $ Map.empty
-- fromList [(0,"hello")]
-- We can traverse, fold over, and map over key-value pairs in a
-- 'Data.Map.Map', thanks to its 'Control.Lens.Indexed.TraversableWithIndex',
-- 'Control.Lens.Indexed.FoldableWithIndex', and
-- 'Control.Lens.Indexed.FunctorWithIndex' instances.
-- >>> imap const $ Map.fromList [(1, "Venus")]
-- fromList [(1,1)]
-- >>> ifoldMap (\i _ -> Sum i) $ Map.fromList [(2, "Earth"), (3, "Mars")]
-- Sum {getSum = 5}
-- >>> itraverse_ (curry print) $ Map.fromList [(4, "Jupiter")]
-- (4,"Jupiter")
-- >>> itoList $ Map.fromList [(5, "Saturn")]
-- [(5,"Saturn")]
-- A related class, 'Control.Lens.At.Ixed', allows us to use
-- 'Control.Lens.At.ix' to traverse a value at a particular key.
-- >>> ix 2 %~ ("New " ++) $ Map.fromList [(2, "Earth")]
-- fromList [(2,"New Earth")]
-- >>> preview (ix 8) $ Map.empty
-- Nothing
-- Additionally, 'Data.Map.Map' has 'Control.Lens.Traversal.TraverseMin' and
-- 'Control.Lens.Traversal.TraverseMax' instances, which let us traverse over
-- the value at the least and greatest keys, respectively.
-- >>> preview traverseMin $ Map.fromList [(5, "Saturn"), (6, "Uranus")]
-- Just "Saturn"
-- >>> preview traverseMax $ Map.fromList [(5, "Saturn"), (6, "Uranus")]
-- Just "Uranus"
module Data.Map.Lens () where
-- $setup
-- >>> import Control.Lens
-- >>> import Data.Monoid
-- >>> import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- >>> :set -XNoOverloadedStrings