{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
-- | This module contains lenses for common structures in Haskell.
-- It also contains the lens combinators 'mergeL' and '***'.
module Lens.Family2.Stock
  ( -- * Lens Combinators
  , (***)
  -- * Stock Lenses
  , fstL, sndL
  , funL
  , mapL, intMapL
  , setL, intSetL
  -- * Types
  , LensFamily, Lens
  ) where

import Lens.Family2.Unchecked (LensFamily, Lens, mkLens)
import qualified Lens.Family.Stock as Stock
import Lens.Family ((^.), (^=))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet

-- I suspect there is a more clever way to define this function.
-- | Given two lens families, make a new lens on their product.
(***) :: LensFamily a1 a1' b1 b1' -> LensFamily a2 a2' b2 b2' -> LensFamily (a1, a2) (a1', a2') (b1, b2) (b1', b2')
(***) l1 l2 f (a1, a2) = (\(v'1, v'2) -> (l1 ^= v'1 $ a1, l2 ^= v'2 $ a2)) `fmap` f (a1 ^. l1, a2 ^. l2)

-- | Lens on the first element of a pair.
fstL :: LensFamily (a, b) (a', b) a a'
fstL = Stock.fstL

-- | Lens on the second element of a pair.
sndL :: LensFamily (a, b) (a, b') b b'
sndL = Stock.sndL

-- | Lens on a given point of a function.
funL :: (Eq k) => k -> Lens (k -> v) v
funL = Stock.funL

-- | Lens on a given point of a 'Map.Map'.
mapL :: (Ord k) => k -> Lens (Map.Map k v) (Maybe v)
mapL = Stock.mapL

-- | Lens on a given point of a 'IntMap.IntMap'.
intMapL :: Int -> Lens (IntMap.IntMap v) (Maybe v)
intMapL = Stock.intMapL

-- | Lens on a given point of a 'Set.Set'.
setL :: (Ord k) => k -> Lens (Set.Set k) Bool
setL = Stock.setL

-- | Lens on a given point of a 'IntSet.IntSet'.
intSetL :: Int -> Lens IntSet.IntSet Bool
intSetL = Stock.intSetL