-- | /Caution/: Improper use of this module can lead to unexpected behaviour if the preconditions of the functions are not met.
module Lens.Family.Unchecked (
-- * Lenses
-- | A lens family is created by separating a substructure from the rest of its structure by a functor.
-- How to create a lens family is best illustrated by the common example of a field of a record:
-- > data MyRecord a = MyRecord { _myA :: a, _myB :: Int }
-- >
-- > -- The use of type variables a and a' allow for polymorphic updates.
-- > myA :: Functor f => LensLike f (MyRecord a) (MyRecord a') a a'
-- > myA f (MyRecord a b) = (\a' -> MyRecord a' b) `fmap` (f a)
-- >
-- > -- The field _myB is monomorphic, so we can use a 'LensLike''  type.
-- > -- However, the structure of the function is exactly the same as for LensLike.
-- > myB :: Functor f => LensLike' f (MyRecord a) Int
-- > myB f (MyRecord a b) = (\b' -> MyRecord a b') `fmap` (f b)
-- By following this template you can safely build your own lenses.
-- To use this template, you do not need anything from this module other than the type synonyms 'LensLike' and 'LensLike'', and even they are optional.
-- See the @lens-family-th@ package to generate this code using Template Haskell.
-- /Note/: It is possible to build lenses without even depending on @lens-family-core@ by expanding away the type synonym.
-- > -- A lens definition that only requires the Haskell "Prelude".
-- > myA :: Functor f => (a -> f a') -> (MyRecord a) -> f (MyRecord a')
-- > myA f (MyRecord a b) = (\a' -> MyRecord a' b) `fmap` (f a)
-- You can build lenses for more than just fields of records.
-- Any value @l :: Functor f => LensLike f a a' b b'@ is well-defined when it satisfies the two van Laarhoven lens laws:
-- * @l Identity === Identity@
-- * @l (Compose . fmap f . g) === Compose . fmap (l f) . (l g)@
-- The functions 'lens' and 'iso' can also be used to construct lenses.
-- The resulting lenses will be well-defined so long as their preconditions are satisfied.

-- * Traversals
-- | If you have zero or more fields of the same type of a record, a traversal can be used to refer to all of them in order.
-- Multiple references are made by replacing the 'Functor' constraint of lenses with an 'Control.Applicative.Applicative' constraint.
-- Consider the following example of a record with two 'Int' fields.
-- > data MyRecord = MyRecord { _myA :: Int, _myB :: Int }
-- >
-- > -- myInts is a traversal over both fields of MyRecord.
-- > myInts :: Applicative f => LensLike' f MyRecord Int
-- > myInts f (MyRecord a b) = MyRecord <$> f a <*> f b
-- If the record and the referenced fields are parametric, you can can build traversals with polymorphic updating.
-- Consider the following example of a record with two 'Maybe' fields.
-- > data MyRecord a = MyRecord { _myA :: Maybe a, _myB :: Maybe a }
-- >
-- > -- myInts is a traversal over both fields of MyRecord.
-- > myMaybes :: Applicative f => LensLike f (MyRecord a) (MyRecord a') (Maybe a) (Maybe a')
-- > myMaybes f (MyRecord a b) = MyRecord <$> f a <*> f b
-- /Note/: As with lenses, is possible to build traversals without even depending on @lens-family-core@ by expanding away the type synonym.
-- > -- A traversal definition that only requires the Haskell "Prelude".
-- > myMaybes :: Applicative f => (Maybe a -> f (Maybe a')) -> MyRecord a -> f (MyRecord a')
-- > myMaybes f (MyRecord a b) = MyRecord <$> f a <*> f b
-- Unfortuantely, there are no helper functions for making traversals.
-- You must make them by hand.
-- Any value @t :: Applicative f => LensLike f a a' b b'@ is well-defined when it satisfies the two van Laarhoven traversal laws:
-- * @t Identity === Identity@
-- * @t (Compose . fmap f . g) === Compose . fmap (t f) . (t g)@
-- 'Data.Traversable.traverse' is the canonical traversal for various containers.

-- * Documentation
  , iso
  , setting
-- * Types
  , LensLike, LensLike'
  , Setter, Setter'
  , Setting
  ) where

import Lens.Family.Setting (Setting(..))

type LensLike f a a' b b' = (b -> f b') -> (a -> f a')
type LensLike' f a b = (b -> f b) -> (a -> f a)

type Setter a a' b b' = LensLike Setting a a' b b'
type Setter' a b = Setter a a b b

lens :: Functor f
     => (a -> b) -- ^ getter
     -> (a -> b' -> a') -- ^ setter
     -> LensLike f a a' b b'
-- ^ @
-- lens :: (a -> b) -> (a -> b' -> a') -> Lens a a' b b'
-- @
-- Build a lens from a @getter@ and @setter@ families.
-- /Caution/: In order for the generated lens family to be well-defined, you must ensure that the three lens laws hold:
-- * @getter (setter a b) === b@
-- * @setter a (getter a) === a@
-- * @setter (setter a b1) b2) === setter a b2@
lens getter setter f a = fmap (setter a) (f (getter a))

iso :: Functor f 
    => (a -> b) -- ^ yin
    -> (b' -> a') -- ^ yang
    -> LensLike f a a' b b'
-- ^ @
-- iso :: (a -> b) -> (b' -> a') -> Lens a a' b b'
-- @
-- Build a lens from isomorphism families.
-- /Caution/: In order for the generated lens family to be well-defined, you must ensure that the two isomorphism laws hold:
-- * @yin . yang === id@
-- * @yang . yin === id@
iso getter setter = lens getter (const setter)

-- | 'setting' promotes a \"semantic editor combinator\" to a modify-only lens.
-- To demote a lens to a semantic edit combinator, use the section @(l %~)@ or @sec l@.
-- >>> setting map . fstL %~ length $ [("The",0),("quick",1),("brown",1),("fox",2)]
-- [(3,0),(5,1),(5,1),(3,2)]
-- /Caution/: In order for the generated setter family to be well-defined, you must ensure that the two functors laws hold:
-- * @sec id === id@
-- * @sec f . sec g === sec (f . g)@
setting :: ((b -> b') -> a -> a') -- ^ sec (semantic editor combinator)
        -> Setter a a' b b'
setting s f = Setting . s (unSetting . f)