Name: lens-tutorial Version: 1.0.4 Cabal-Version: >=1.10 Build-Type: Simple License: BSD3 License-File: LICENSE Copyright: 2015 Gabriel Gonzalez Author: Gabriel Gonzalez Maintainer: Bug-Reports: Synopsis: Tutorial for the lens library Description: This is a basic tutorial that you can use to get started with the @lens@ library. This tutorial covers: . * The motivation behind the @lens@ library . * How to use the library for the most common use cases . * How to interpret type errors . * Basic familiarity with how lenses work under the hood Category: Control Source-Repository head Type: git Location: Library HS-Source-Dirs: src Build-Depends: base < 5, lens Exposed-Modules: Control.Lens.Tutorial Default-Language: Haskell2010 test-suite tests Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 HS-Source-Dirs: test Main-Is: Main.hs GHC-Options: -O2 -Wall Default-Language: Haskell2010 Build-Depends: base < 5 , doctest >= 0.9.12 && < 0.11