-- |
-- Module      : Control.Monad.Levels
-- Copyright   : Sebastian Fischer
-- License     : PublicDomain
-- Maintainer  : Sebastian Fischer (sebf@informatik.uni-kiel.de)
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- This library provides an implementation of the MonadPlus type
-- class that enumerates the levels of the search space and allows to
-- implement breadth-first search.
-- The implementation is inspired by Mike Spivey and Silvija Seres:
-- cf. Chapter 9 of the book 'The Fun of Programming'.
-- Warning: @Levels@ is only a monad when the results of the
-- enumeration functions are interpreted as a multiset, i.e., a valid
-- transformation according to the monad laws may change the order of
-- the results.

module Control.Monad.Levels ( 

  Levels, levels, breadthFirstSearch, levelDiagonalisation

  ) where

import Control.Monad

-- | 
-- Non-Deterministic computations of type @Levels a@ can be searched
-- level-wise.
newtype Levels a = Levels { 

  -- |
  -- The function @levels@ yields the results of a non-deterministic
  -- computation grouped in levels.
  levels :: [[a]]


-- |
-- The function @breadthFirstSearch@ enumerates the results of a
-- non-deterministic computation in breadth-first order.
breadthFirstSearch :: Levels a -> [a]
breadthFirstSearch = concat . levels

-- |
-- The function @levelDiagonalisation@ enumerates the results of a
-- non-deterministic computation by diagonally interleaving the
-- results of all levels.
levelDiagonalisation :: Levels a -> [a]
levelDiagonalisation = concat . diagonals . levels

diagonals :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
diagonals []       = []
diagonals (xs:xss) = zipConc [[x] | x <- xs] ([] : diagonals xss)

zipConc :: [[a]] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
zipConc []       yss      = yss
zipConc xss      []       = xss
zipConc (xs:xss) (ys:yss) = (xs++ys) : zipConc xss yss

instance Monad Levels
  return x = Levels [[x]]

  Levels x >>= f = Levels (x `bind` (levels . f))

bind :: [[a]] -> (a -> [[b]]) -> [[b]]
bind x f = map concat (diagonals (map (foldr zipConc [] . map f) x))

instance MonadPlus Levels
  mzero = Levels []

  Levels xs `mplus` Levels ys = Levels ([] : zipConc xs ys)