module FlagDump(Flag(..),process,helpMsg,helpFlags) where import qualified Data.Set as Set -- | Flags data Flag = AllDcons -- ^ show unified data constructor table | AllKind -- ^ show unified kind table after everything has been typechecked | AllTypes -- ^ show unified type table, after everything has been typechecked | Aspats -- ^ show as patterns | Bindgroups -- ^ show bindgroups | BoxySteps -- ^ show step by step what the type inferencer is doing | Class -- ^ detailed information on each class | ClassSummary -- ^ summary of all classes | Core -- ^ show intermediate core code | CoreAfterlift -- ^ show final core before writing ho file | CoreBeforelift -- ^ show core before lambda lifting | CoreInitial -- ^ show core right after E.FromHs conversion | CoreMangled -- ^ de-typed core right before it is converted to grin | CoreMini -- ^ show details even when optimizing individual functions | CorePass -- ^ show each iteration of code while transforming | CoreSteps -- ^ show what happens in each pass | Datatable -- ^ show data table of constructors | Dcons -- ^ data constructors | Decls -- ^ processed declarations | Defs -- ^ Show all defined names in a module | Derived -- ^ show generated derived instances | EAlias -- ^ show expanded aliases | EInfo -- ^ show info tags on all bound variables | ESize -- ^ print the size of E after each pass | EVerbose -- ^ print very verbose version of E code always | Eval -- ^ show detailed eval inlining info | Exports -- ^ show which names are exported from each module | Grin -- ^ show final grin code | GrinGraph -- ^ print dot file of final grin code to | GrinInitial -- ^ grin right after conversion from core | GrinNormalized -- ^ grin right after first normalization | GrinPass -- ^ show each iteration of code while transforming | GrinPosteval -- ^ show grin code just before eval\/apply inlining | GrinPreeval -- ^ show grin code just before eval\/apply inlining | GrinSteps -- ^ show what happens in each transformation | Html -- ^ use html escape codes in output | Imports -- ^ show in scope names for each module | Instance -- ^ show instances | Kind -- ^ show results of kind inference for each module | KindSteps -- ^ show steps of kind inference | OptimizationStats -- ^ show combined stats of optimization passes | Parsed -- ^ parsed code | Preprocessed -- ^ code after preprocessing\/deliting | Program -- ^ impl expls, the whole shebang. | Progress -- ^ show basic progress indicators | Renamed -- ^ code after uniqueness renaming | Rules -- ^ show all user rules and catalysts | RulesSpec -- ^ show specialization rules | SccModules -- ^ show strongly connected modules in dependency order | Sigenv -- ^ initial signature environment | SquareStats -- ^ use square corners rather than curved ones, for compatibility | Srcsigs -- ^ processed signatures from source code | Stats -- ^ show extra information about stuff | Steps -- ^ show interpreter go | Tags -- ^ list of all tags and their types | The -- ^ '-d' flag. The following is a list of possible parameters you can pass to | Types -- ^ display unified type table containing all defined names | Tyvar -- ^ show original tyvars rather than renaming them. deriving(Eq,Ord,Bounded) instance Show Flag where show The = "the" show Preprocessed = "preprocessed" show Renamed = "renamed" show Parsed = "parsed" show Derived = "derived" show Imports = "imports" show Exports = "exports" show SccModules = "scc-modules" show Defs = "defs" show Kind = "kind" show KindSteps = "kind-steps" show Dcons = "dcons" show ClassSummary = "class-summary" show Class = "class" show Instance = "instance" show Bindgroups = "bindgroups" show Types = "types" show AllKind = "all-kind" show AllDcons = "all-dcons" show AllTypes = "all-types" show Sigenv = "sigenv" show Srcsigs = "srcsigs" show Program = "program" show Decls = "decls" show BoxySteps = "boxy-steps" show Aspats = "aspats" show Tyvar = "tyvar" show CorePass = "core-pass" show CoreSteps = "core-steps" show CoreMini = "core-mini" show CoreInitial = "core-initial" show CoreBeforelift = "core-beforelift" show CoreAfterlift = "core-afterlift" show Core = "core" show CoreMangled = "core-mangled" show Datatable = "datatable" show OptimizationStats = "optimization-stats" show Rules = "rules" show RulesSpec = "rules-spec" show EInfo = "e-info" show EVerbose = "e-verbose" show EAlias = "e-alias" show ESize = "e-size" show Tags = "tags" show GrinPreeval = "grin-preeval" show GrinPosteval = "grin-posteval" show Grin = "grin" show GrinInitial = "grin-initial" show GrinNormalized = "grin-normalized" show Steps = "steps" show Eval = "eval" show GrinPass = "grin-pass" show GrinSteps = "grin-steps" show GrinGraph = "grin-graph" show Progress = "progress" show Stats = "stats" show Html = "html" show SquareStats = "square-stats" one "verbose" = Right $ foldr (.) id [ f | Right f <- [ one "progress"]] one "the" = Right $ Set.insert The one "no-the" = Right $ Set.delete The one "core-mini" = Right $ Set.insert CoreMini one "no-core-mini" = Right $ Set.delete CoreMini one "kind-steps" = Right $ Set.insert KindSteps one "no-kind-steps" = Right $ Set.delete KindSteps one "veryverbose" = Right $ foldr (.) id [ f | Right f <- [ one "progress",one "stats"]] one "program" = Right $ Set.insert Program one "no-program" = Right $ Set.delete Program one "grin-preeval" = Right $ Set.insert GrinPreeval one "no-grin-preeval" = Right $ Set.delete GrinPreeval one "tyvar" = Right $ Set.insert Tyvar one "no-tyvar" = Right $ Set.delete Tyvar one "grin-graph" = Right $ Set.insert GrinGraph one "no-grin-graph" = Right $ Set.delete GrinGraph one "e-alias" = Right $ Set.insert EAlias one "no-e-alias" = Right $ Set.delete EAlias one "renamed" = Right $ Set.insert Renamed one "no-renamed" = Right $ Set.delete Renamed one "aspats" = Right $ Set.insert Aspats one "no-aspats" = Right $ Set.delete Aspats one "all-dcons" = Right $ Set.insert AllDcons one "no-all-dcons" = Right $ Set.delete AllDcons one "all-kind" = Right $ Set.insert AllKind one "no-all-kind" = Right $ Set.delete AllKind one "instance" = Right $ Set.insert Instance one "no-instance" = Right $ Set.delete Instance one "square-stats" = Right $ Set.insert SquareStats one "no-square-stats" = Right $ Set.delete SquareStats one "defs" = Right $ Set.insert Defs one "no-defs" = Right $ Set.delete Defs one "e-size" = Right $ Set.insert ESize one "no-e-size" = Right $ Set.delete ESize one "grin-pass" = Right $ Set.insert GrinPass one "no-grin-pass" = Right $ Set.delete GrinPass one "core-initial" = Right $ Set.insert CoreInitial one "no-core-initial" = Right $ Set.delete CoreInitial one "class" = Right $ Set.insert Class one "no-class" = Right $ Set.delete Class one "datatable" = Right $ Set.insert Datatable one "no-datatable" = Right $ Set.delete Datatable one "core-afterlift" = Right $ Set.insert CoreAfterlift one "no-core-afterlift" = Right $ Set.delete CoreAfterlift one "steps" = Right $ Set.insert Steps one "no-steps" = Right $ Set.delete Steps one "all-types" = Right $ Set.insert AllTypes one "no-all-types" = Right $ Set.delete AllTypes one "core" = Right $ Set.insert Core one "no-core" = Right $ Set.delete Core one "types" = Right $ Set.insert Types one "no-types" = Right $ Set.delete Types one "preprocessed" = Right $ Set.insert Preprocessed one "no-preprocessed" = Right $ Set.delete Preprocessed one "rules" = Right $ Set.insert Rules one "no-rules" = Right $ Set.delete Rules one "exports" = Right $ Set.insert Exports one "no-exports" = Right $ Set.delete Exports one "core-steps" = Right $ Set.insert CoreSteps one "no-core-steps" = Right $ Set.delete CoreSteps one "sigenv" = Right $ Set.insert Sigenv one "no-sigenv" = Right $ Set.delete Sigenv one "kind" = Right $ Set.insert Kind one "no-kind" = Right $ Set.delete Kind one "html" = Right $ Set.insert Html one "no-html" = Right $ Set.delete Html one "rules-spec" = Right $ Set.insert RulesSpec one "no-rules-spec" = Right $ Set.delete RulesSpec one "optimization-stats" = Right $ Set.insert OptimizationStats one "no-optimization-stats" = Right $ Set.delete OptimizationStats one "srcsigs" = Right $ Set.insert Srcsigs one "no-srcsigs" = Right $ Set.delete Srcsigs one "class-summary" = Right $ Set.insert ClassSummary one "no-class-summary" = Right $ Set.delete ClassSummary one "grin-steps" = Right $ Set.insert GrinSteps one "no-grin-steps" = Right $ Set.delete GrinSteps one "dcons" = Right $ Set.insert Dcons one "no-dcons" = Right $ Set.delete Dcons one "eval" = Right $ Set.insert Eval one "no-eval" = Right $ Set.delete Eval one "grin-posteval" = Right $ Set.insert GrinPosteval one "no-grin-posteval" = Right $ Set.delete GrinPosteval one "grin-initial" = Right $ Set.insert GrinInitial one "no-grin-initial" = Right $ Set.delete GrinInitial one "parsed" = Right $ Set.insert Parsed one "no-parsed" = Right $ Set.delete Parsed one "core-pass" = Right $ Set.insert CorePass one "no-core-pass" = Right $ Set.delete CorePass one "e-verbose" = Right $ Set.insert EVerbose one "no-e-verbose" = Right $ Set.delete EVerbose one "core-mangled" = Right $ Set.insert CoreMangled one "no-core-mangled" = Right $ Set.delete CoreMangled one "progress" = Right $ Set.insert Progress one "no-progress" = Right $ Set.delete Progress one "imports" = Right $ Set.insert Imports one "no-imports" = Right $ Set.delete Imports one "stats" = Right $ Set.insert Stats one "no-stats" = Right $ Set.delete Stats one "core-beforelift" = Right $ Set.insert CoreBeforelift one "no-core-beforelift" = Right $ Set.delete CoreBeforelift one "e-info" = Right $ Set.insert EInfo one "no-e-info" = Right $ Set.delete EInfo one "decls" = Right $ Set.insert Decls one "no-decls" = Right $ Set.delete Decls one "tags" = Right $ Set.insert Tags one "no-tags" = Right $ Set.delete Tags one "derived" = Right $ Set.insert Derived one "no-derived" = Right $ Set.delete Derived one "bindgroups" = Right $ Set.insert Bindgroups one "no-bindgroups" = Right $ Set.delete Bindgroups one "boxy-steps" = Right $ Set.insert BoxySteps one "no-boxy-steps" = Right $ Set.delete BoxySteps one "scc-modules" = Right $ Set.insert SccModules one "no-scc-modules" = Right $ Set.delete SccModules one "grin-normalized" = Right $ Set.insert GrinNormalized one "no-grin-normalized" = Right $ Set.delete GrinNormalized one "grin" = Right $ Set.insert Grin one "no-grin" = Right $ Set.delete Grin one x = Left x {-# NOINLINE process #-} process s xs = foldr f (s,[]) (map one xs) where f (Right g) (s,xs) = (g s,xs) f (Left x) (s,xs) = (s,x:xs) {-# NOINLINE helpMsg #-} helpMsg = "\n-- Front End --\n defs\n Show all defined names in a module\n derived\n show generated derived instances\n exports\n show which names are exported from each module\n imports\n show in scope names for each module\n parsed\n parsed code\n preprocessed\n code after preprocessing/deliting\n renamed\n code after uniqueness renaming\n scc-modules\n show strongly connected modules in dependency order\n\n-- Type Checker --\n all-dcons\n show unified data constructor table\n all-kind\n show unified kind table after everything has been typechecked\n all-types\n show unified type table, after everything has been typechecked\n aspats\n show as patterns\n bindgroups\n show bindgroups\n boxy-steps\n show step by step what the type inferencer is doing\n class\n detailed information on each class\n class-summary\n summary of all classes\n dcons\n data constructors\n decls\n processed declarations\n instance\n show instances\n kind\n show results of kind inference for each module\n kind-steps\n show steps of kind inference\n program\n impl expls, the whole shebang.\n sigenv\n initial signature environment\n srcsigs\n processed signatures from source code\n types\n display unified type table containing all defined names\n tyvar\n show original tyvars rather than renaming them.\n\n-- Intermediate code --\n core\n show intermediate core code\n core-afterlift\n show final core before writing ho file\n core-beforelift\n show core before lambda lifting\n core-initial\n show core right after E.FromHs conversion\n core-mangled\n de-typed core right before it is converted to grin\n core-mini\n show details even when optimizing individual functions\n core-pass\n show each iteration of code while transforming\n core-steps\n show what happens in each pass\n datatable\n show data table of constructors\n e-alias\n show expanded aliases\n e-info\n show info tags on all bound variables\n e-size\n print the size of E after each pass\n e-verbose\n print very verbose version of E code always\n optimization-stats\n show combined stats of optimization passes\n rules\n show all user rules and catalysts\n rules-spec\n show specialization rules\n\n-- Grin code --\n eval\n show detailed eval inlining info\n grin\n show final grin code\n grin-graph\n print dot file of final grin code to\n grin-initial\n grin right after conversion from core\n grin-normalized\n grin right after first normalization\n grin-pass\n show each iteration of code while transforming\n grin-posteval\n show grin code just before eval/apply inlining\n grin-preeval\n show grin code just before eval/apply inlining\n grin-steps\n show what happens in each transformation\n steps\n show interpreter go\n tags\n list of all tags and their types\n\n-- General --\n html\n use html escape codes in output\n progress\n show basic progress indicators\n square-stats\n use square corners rather than curved ones, for compatibility\n stats\n show extra information about stuff\n verbose\n progress\n veryverbose\n progress stats\n" helpFlags = ["all-dcons", "all-kind", "all-types", "aspats", "bindgroups", "boxy-steps", "class", "class-summary", "core", "core-afterlift", "core-beforelift", "core-initial", "core-mangled", "core-mini", "core-pass", "core-steps", "datatable", "dcons", "decls", "defs", "derived", "e-alias", "e-info", "e-size", "e-verbose", "eval", "exports", "grin", "grin-graph", "grin-initial", "grin-normalized", "grin-pass", "grin-posteval", "grin-preeval", "grin-steps", "html", "imports", "instance", "kind", "kind-steps", "optimization-stats", "parsed", "preprocessed", "program", "progress", "renamed", "rules", "rules-spec", "scc-modules", "sigenv", "square-stats", "srcsigs", "stats", "steps", "tags", "the", "types", "tyvar", "verbose", "veryverbose"]