{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

Module      :  Language.Libconfig.Types
Copyright   :  (c) Matthew Peddie 2014
License     :  BSD3

Maintainer  :  mpeddie@gmail.com
Stability   :  experimental
Portability :  GHC

Core types for configuration file data.


module Language.Libconfig.Types (
  -- $intro

  -- ** A note about the examples

  -- $setup

  -- * Primitive types
  , nameToText
  , textToName
  , Setting(..)
  , getSettingName
  , getSettingValue
  , Value(..)
  , isScalar
  , isCollection
  , isArray
  , isGroup
  , isList
  , Scalar(..)
  , isBoolean
  , isInteger
  , isInteger64
  , isHex
  , isHex64
  , isFloat
  , isString
    -- * Collection types
  , Array
  , List
  , Group
    -- * Re-exports
  , Int32
  , Int64
  , Word32
  , Word64
  , Text
  ) where

import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)

import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)

import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Monoid ((<>))

import Control.Monad (guard)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)

import Data.Binary (Binary)
import Data.Text.Binary ()
import Data.Serialize (Serialize)
import Data.Serialize.Text ()

import Data.Int (Int32, Int64)
import Data.Word (Word32, Word64)

-- $setup
-- To run these usage examples, you must tell GHC it's allowed to
-- parse string literals as 'Text' values:
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings

-- | A @libconfig@ 'Name' is a string of restricted form.  It must
-- match the regular expression @[A-Za-z\*][-A-Za-z0-9_\*]*@.
newtype Name = Name { getName :: Text }
             deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance Show Name where
  show (Name text) = show text

instance Read Name where
  readsPrec p str = do
    (x, moar) <- readsPrec p str
    guard (isJust $ textToName x)
    return (Name x, moar)

instance Hashable Name
instance NFData Name

-- | Convert a 'Text' string to a 'Name'.
-- >>> textToName "robert"
-- Just "robert"
-- >>> textToName "Obi-wan"
-- Just "Obi-wan"
-- If the given string does not match the restrictions on the form of
-- 'Name's, then 'Nothing' is returned.
-- >>> textToName ""
-- Nothing
-- >>> textToName "0bi-wan"
-- Nothing
textToName :: Text -> Maybe Name
textToName t
  | t == T.empty = Nothing
  | hd `T.isInfixOf` nameFirstLetters &&
    T.all (\c -> T.singleton c `T.isInfixOf` nameLetters) tl = Just $ Name t
  | otherwise = Nothing
    (hd, tl) = T.splitAt 1 t
    nameFirstLetters = T.pack $ ['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z'] ++ "*"
    nameLetters = nameFirstLetters <> T.pack ('_' : '-' : ['0'..'9'])

-- | Convert a 'Name' to 'Text'
-- >>> let Just robert = textToName "robert"
-- >>> nameToText robert
-- "robert"
nameToText :: Name -> Text
nameToText = getName

infixr 3 :=
-- | A @libconfig@ 'Setting' is a name-value pair, @name := value@.
data Setting = !Name := !Value
             deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Ord, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance Hashable Setting where
instance NFData Setting where

-- | Get out the name of a 'Setting'
getSettingName :: Setting -> Name
getSettingName (n := _) = n

-- | Get out the value of a 'Setting'
getSettingValue :: Setting -> Value
getSettingValue (_ := v) = v

-- | A libconfig 'Value' is either a 'Scalar' value or some type of
-- collection.
data Value = Scalar !Scalar
           | Array !Array
           | List !List
           | Group !Group
           deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Ord, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance Hashable Value where
instance NFData Value where

-- |
-- >>> isScalar $ Scalar (String "butts")
-- True
-- >>> isScalar $ Array [String "butts"]
-- False
isScalar :: Value -> Bool
isScalar (Scalar _) = True
isScalar _          = False

-- | @isCollection = not . isScalar@
-- >>> isCollection $ Scalar (String "butts")
-- False
-- >>> isCollection $ Array [String "butts"]
-- True
isCollection :: Value -> Bool
isCollection = not . isScalar

-- |
-- >>> isArray $ Array [String "butts"]
-- True
-- >>> isArray $ List [Scalar $ String "butts"]
-- False
isArray :: Value -> Bool
isArray (Array _) = True
isArray _          = False

-- |
-- >>> isList $ Array [String "butts"]
-- False
-- >>> isList $ List [Scalar $ String "butts"]
-- True
isList :: Value -> Bool
isList (List _) = True
isList _          = False

-- |
-- >>> isGroup $ Array [String "butts"]
-- False
-- >>> let Just asset = textToName "asset"
-- >>> isGroup $ Group [asset := Scalar (String "butts")]
-- True
isGroup :: Value -> Bool
isGroup (Group _) = True
isGroup _          = False

-- | A libconfig 'Scalar' value is a boolean value, a string or one of
-- an assortment of numeric types.
data Scalar = Boolean !Bool
            | Integer !Int32
            | Integer64 !Int64
            | Hex !Word32
            | Hex64 !Word64
            | Float !Double
            | String !Text
            deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Ord, Data, Typeable, Generic)

-- |
-- >>> isBoolean $ Boolean True
-- True
-- >>> isBoolean $ Float 22.22
-- False
isBoolean :: Scalar -> Bool
isBoolean (Boolean _) = True
isBoolean _           = False

-- |
-- >>> isInteger $ Integer 19
-- True
-- >>> isInteger $ Float 22.22
-- False
isInteger :: Scalar -> Bool
isInteger (Integer _) = True
isInteger _           = False

-- |
-- >>> isInteger64 $ Integer64 22222222222
-- True
-- >>> isInteger64 $ Float 22.22
-- False
isInteger64 :: Scalar -> Bool
isInteger64 (Integer64 _) = True
isInteger64 _           = False

-- |
-- >>> isHex $ Hex 0x13
-- True
-- >>> isHex $ Float 22.22
-- False
isHex :: Scalar -> Bool
isHex (Hex _) = True
isHex _           = False

-- |
-- >>> isHex64 $ Hex64 0x52c8c338e
-- True
-- >>> isHex64 $ Float 22.22
-- False
isHex64 :: Scalar -> Bool
isHex64 (Hex64 _) = True
isHex64 _           = False

-- |
-- >>> isFloat $ Float 22.22
-- True
-- >>> isFloat $ Integer 19
-- False
isFloat :: Scalar -> Bool
isFloat (Float _) = True
isFloat _           = False

-- |
-- >>> isString $ String "BUTTS"
-- True
-- >>> isString $ Float 22.22
-- False
isString :: Scalar -> Bool
isString (String _) = True
isString _           = False

instance Hashable Scalar where
instance NFData Scalar where

instance Binary Name
instance Binary Setting
instance Binary Value
instance Binary Scalar

instance Serialize Name
instance Serialize Setting
instance Serialize Value
instance Serialize Scalar

-- | libconfig 'Array's can contain any number of 'Scalar' values.
-- These values must be of the same type.  This is currently not
-- enforced by the data structure, and violating it may lead to
-- failures to encode.
type Array = [Scalar]

-- | libconfig 'List's can contain any number of 'Value's.
type List = [Value]

-- | libconfig 'Group's are like 'List's, except that each element in the
-- 'Group' is a 'Setting' with its own unique name, not just an
-- unlabeled 'Value'.
type Group = [Setting]

-- $intro
-- Here is the example configuration file @test/test.conf@ from the
-- <http://www.hyperrealm.com/libconfig/libconfig_manual.html#Configuration-Files libconfig manual>.
-- @
--      # Example application configuration file
--      version = "1.0";
--      application:
--      {
--        window:
--        {
--          title = "My Application";
--          size = { w = 640; h = 480; };
--          pos = { x = 350; y = 250; };
--        };
--        list = ( ( "abc", 123, true ), 1.234, ( /* an empty list */) );
--        books = ( { title  = "Treasure Island";
--                    author = "Robert Louis Stevenson";
--                    price  = 29.95;
--                    qty    = 5; },
--                  { title  = "Snow Crash";
--                    author = "Neal Stephenson";
--                    price  = 9.99;
--                    qty    = 8; } );
--        misc:
--        {
--          pi = 3.141592654;
--          bigint = 9223372036854775807L;
--          columns = [ "Last Name", "First Name", "MI" ];
--          bitmask = 0x1FC3;
--        };
--      };
-- @
-- The 'Language.Libconfig.Decode.decode' function renders this as the
-- following structure:
-- @
-- [
--   "version" := Scalar (String "1.0")
-- , "application" := Group [
--       "window" := Group [
--          "title" := Scalar (String "My Application")
--        , "size" := Group [
--              "w" := Scalar (Integer 640)
--            , "h" := Scalar (Integer 480)
--           ]
--         , "pos" := Group [
--              "x" := Scalar (Integer 350)
--            , "y" := Scalar (Integer 250)
--           ]
--        ]
--     , "list" := List [
--           List [
--              Scalar (String "abc")
--            , Scalar (Integer 123)
--            , Scalar (Boolean True)
--           ]
--         , Scalar (Float 1.234)
--         , List []
--        ]
--     , "books" := List [
--           Group [
--              "title" := Scalar (String "Treasure Island")
--            , "author" := Scalar (String "Robert Louis Stevenson")
--            , "price" := Scalar (Float 29.95)
--            , "qty" := Scalar (Integer 5)
--           ]
--         , Group [
--              "title" := Scalar (String "Snow Crash")
--            , "author" := Scalar (String "Neal Stephenson")
--            , "price" := Scalar (Float 9.99)
--            , "qty" := Scalar (Integer 8)
--           ]
--        ]
--     , "misc" := Group [
--           "pi" := Scalar (Float 3.141592654)
--         , "bigint" := Scalar (Integer64 9223372036854775807)
--         , "columns" := Array [
--               String "Last Name"
--             , String "First Name"
--             , String "MI"
--           ]
--         , "bitmask" := Scalar (Integer 8131)
--       ]
--    ]
-- ]
-- @