module CSPM.DataStructures.Syntax where

import CSPM.DataStructures.Types
import CSPM.DataStructures.Names
import Util.Annotated
import Util.Exception

-- P = post parsing, TC = post typechecking, An = annotated
type AnModule = Annotated () Module
-- Declarations may bind multiple names
type AnDecl = Annotated (Maybe SymbolTable, PSymbolTable) Decl
type AnMatch = Annotated () Match
type AnPat = Annotated () Pat
type AnExp = Annotated (Maybe Type, PType) Exp
type AnField = Annotated () Field
type AnStmt = Annotated () Stmt
type AnDataTypeClause = Annotated () DataTypeClause
type AnAssertion = Annotated () Assertion
type AnInteractiveStmt = Annotated () InteractiveStmt

getType :: Annotated (Maybe Type, PType) a -> Type
getType an = case fst (annotation an) of
    Just t -> t
    Nothing -> panic "Cannot get the type of something that is not typechecked"

getSymbolTable :: Annotated (Maybe SymbolTable, PSymbolTable) a -> SymbolTable
getSymbolTable an = case fst (annotation an) of
    Just t -> t
    Nothing -> panic "Cannot get the symbol table of something that is not typechecked"

type PModule = AnModule
type PDecl = AnDecl
type PMatch = AnMatch
type PPat = AnPat
type PExp = AnExp
type PStmt = AnStmt
type PField = AnField
type PDataTypeClause = AnDataTypeClause
type PAssertion = AnAssertion
type PInteractiveStmt = AnInteractiveStmt

type TCModule = AnModule
type TCDecl = AnDecl
type TCMatch = AnMatch
type TCPat = AnPat
type TCExp = AnExp
type TCField = AnField
type TCStmt = AnStmt
type TCDataTypeClause = AnDataTypeClause
type TCAssertion = AnAssertion
type TCInteractiveStmt = AnInteractiveStmt

-- *************************************************************************
-- Basic Components
-- *************************************************************************
data Literal = 
    Int Integer
    | Bool Bool
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- *************************************************************************
-- Modules
-- *************************************************************************
data Module = 
    GlobalModule [AnDecl]
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- *************************************************************************
-- Expressions
-- *************************************************************************
data BinaryBooleanOp =
    | Or 
    | Equals 
    | NotEquals 
    | LessThan 
    | GreaterThan 
    | LessThanEq 
    | GreaterThanEq
    deriving (Eq, Show)
data UnaryBooleanOp =
    deriving (Eq, Show)

data UnaryMathsOp = 
    deriving (Eq, Show)

data BinaryMathsOp = 
    Divide | Minus | Mod | Plus | Times
    deriving (Eq, Show)

data Exp =
    App AnExp [AnExp]
    | BooleanBinaryOp BinaryBooleanOp AnExp AnExp
    | BooleanUnaryOp UnaryBooleanOp AnExp
    | Concat AnExp AnExp
    | DotApp AnExp AnExp
    | If AnExp AnExp AnExp
    | Lambda AnPat AnExp
    | Let [AnDecl] AnExp
    | Lit Literal
    | List [AnExp]
    | ListComp [AnExp] [AnStmt]
    | ListEnumFrom AnExp
    | ListEnumFromTo AnExp AnExp
    -- TODO: ListEnumFrom and ListEnumTO - test in FDR
    -- TODO: compare with official CSPM syntax
    | ListLength AnExp
    | MathsBinaryOp BinaryMathsOp AnExp AnExp
    | MathsUnaryOp UnaryMathsOp AnExp
    | Paren AnExp
    | Set [AnExp]
    | SetComp [AnExp] [AnStmt]
    | SetEnum [AnExp]           -- {| |}
    | SetEnumComp [AnExp] [AnStmt]  -- {|c.x | x <- xs|}
    | SetEnumFrom AnExp
    | SetEnumFromTo AnExp AnExp
    | Tuple [AnExp]
    | Var QualifiedName

    -- Processes
    | AlphaParallel AnExp AnExp AnExp AnExp -- Proc Alpha Alpha Proc
    | Exception AnExp AnExp AnExp -- Proc Alpha Proc
    | ExternalChoice AnExp AnExp
    | GenParallel AnExp AnExp AnExp -- Proc Alpha Proc 
    | GuardedExp AnExp AnExp            -- b & P
    | Hiding AnExp AnExp
    | InternalChoice AnExp AnExp
    | Interrupt AnExp AnExp
    | Interleave AnExp AnExp
    | LinkParallel AnExp [(AnExp, AnExp)] [AnStmt] AnExp -- Exp, tied chans, generators, second
    | Prefix AnExp [AnField] AnExp
    | Rename AnExp [(AnExp, AnExp)] [AnStmt]
    | SequentialComp AnExp AnExp -- P; Q
    | SlidingChoice AnExp AnExp

    -- Replicated Operators
    | ReplicatedAlphaParallel [AnStmt] AnExp AnExp -- alpha exp is second
    | ReplicatedExternalChoice [AnStmt] AnExp
    | ReplicatedInterleave [AnStmt] AnExp 
    | ReplicatedInternalChoice [AnStmt] AnExp
    | ReplicatedLinkParallel [(AnExp, AnExp)] [AnStmt] AnExp
    | ReplicatedParallel AnExp [AnStmt] AnExp -- alpha exp is first
    -- Used only for parsing
    | ExpPatWildCard
    | ExpPatDoublePattern AnExp AnExp
    deriving (Eq, Show)

data Field = 
    -- | !x
    Output AnExp
    -- | ?x:A
    | Input AnPat (Maybe AnExp)
    -- | $x:A (see P395 UCS)
    | NonDetInput AnPat (Maybe AnExp)
    deriving (Eq, Show)
data Stmt = 
    Generator AnPat AnExp
    | Qualifier AnExp
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- A statement in an interactive session
data InteractiveStmt =
    Evaluate AnExp
    | Bind AnDecl
    | RunAssertion Assertion
    deriving Show
-- *************************************************************************
-- Declarations
-- *************************************************************************
data Decl = 
    -- Third argument is the annotated type
    FunBind Name [AnMatch]
    | PatBind AnPat AnExp
    | Assert Assertion
    | External [Name]
    | Transparent [Name]
    -- The expression in the following three definitions means a type expression
    -- and therefore dots and commas have special meanings. See TPC P529 for
    -- details (or the typechecker or evaluator).
    | Channel [Name] (Maybe AnExp)
    | DataType Name [AnDataTypeClause]
    | NameType Name AnExp
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- TODO: annotate
data Assertion = 
    Refinement AnExp Model AnExp [ModelOption]
    | PropertyCheck AnExp SemanticProperty (Maybe Model)
    | BoolAssertion AnExp
    | ASNot Assertion
    deriving (Eq, Show)
data Model = 
    | Failures 
    | FailuresDivergences 
    | Refusals
    | RefusalsDivergences
    | Revivals
    | RevivalsDivergences
    deriving (Eq, Show)
data ModelOption = 
    TauPriority AnExp
    deriving (Eq, Show)
data SemanticProperty = 
    | Deterministic     
    | LivelockFreedom
    deriving (Eq, Show)
-- TODO: annotate
data DataTypeClause =
    DataTypeClause Name (Maybe AnExp)
    deriving (Eq, Show)

data Match =
    Match [[AnPat]] AnExp
    deriving (Eq, Show)

data Pat =
    PConcat AnPat AnPat
    | PDotApp AnPat AnPat
    | PDoublePattern AnPat AnPat
    | PList [AnPat]
    | PLit Literal
    | PParen AnPat
    | PSet [AnPat]
    | PTuple [AnPat]
    | PVar Name
    | PWildCard
    -- In all compiled patterns we store the original pattern
    -- Because of the fact that you can write patterns such as:
    --  f(<x,y>^xs^<z,p>)
    --  f(<x,y>)
    --  f(xs^<x,y>)
    -- we need an easy may of matching them. Thus, we compile
    -- the patterns to a PCompList instead.
    -- PCompList ps (Just (p, ps')) corresponds to a list
    -- where it starts with ps (where each p in ps matches exactly one
    -- component, has a middle of p and and end matching exactly ps'
    | PCompList [AnPat] (Maybe (AnPat, [AnPat])) Pat
    -- Recall the longest match rule when evaluating this
    -- How about:
    -- channel c : A.Int.A
    -- datatype A = B.Bool
    -- func(c.B.true.x) =
    -- func(c.B.false.0.B.x) =
    | PCompDot [AnPat] Pat

    deriving (Eq, Show)