{-# LINE 1 "src/Foreign/LibFFI/Dynamic/FFIType.hsc" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Foreign.LibFFI.Dynamic.FFIType where

import Data.Functor.Contravariant
import Data.Int
import Data.Word
import Foreign.C
import Foreign.LibFFI.Dynamic.Type
import Foreign.Marshal hiding (void)
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.StablePtr
import Foreign.Storable

class FFIType a where
    ffiType :: Type a

ffiTypeOf :: FFIType a => p a -> Type a
ffiTypeOf = const ffiType

ffiTypeOf_ :: FFIType a => p a -> SomeType
ffiTypeOf_ = toSomeType . ffiTypeOf

newtype InArg a b = InArg { peekArg :: Ptr a -> IO b }
instance Functor (InArg a) where
    fmap f arg = InArg (fmap f . peekArg arg)

castInArg :: InArg a c -> InArg b c
castInArg arg = InArg (peekArg arg . castPtr)

withInArg :: InArg a b -> Ptr a -> (b -> IO t) -> IO t
withInArg arg p action = peekArg arg p >>= action

newtype OutArg a b = OutArg { withOutArg :: forall t. b -> (Ptr a -> IO t) -> IO t }
instance Contravariant (OutArg a) where
    contramap f arg = OutArg (withOutArg arg . f)

castOutArg :: OutArg a c -> OutArg b c
castOutArg (OutArg f) = OutArg (\x k -> f x (k . castPtr))

composeInArgs :: InArg a (Ptr b) -> InArg b c -> InArg a c
composeInArgs arg1 arg2 = InArg $ \p -> peekArg arg1 p >>=  peekArg arg2

composeOutArgs :: OutArg b c -> OutArg a (Ptr b) -> OutArg a c
composeOutArgs f g = OutArg $ \x -> withOutArg f x . flip (withOutArg g)

class FFIType a => ArgType a where
    inArg :: InArg a a
    default inArg :: Storable a => InArg a a
    inArg = InArg peek

    outArg :: OutArg a a
    default outArg :: Storable a => OutArg a a
    outArg = OutArg with

data InRet a b = InRet
    { allocaRet :: !(forall t. (Ptr a -> IO t) -> IO t)
    , peekRet   :: !(Ptr a -> IO b)
instance Functor (InRet a) where
    fmap f ret = ret { peekRet = fmap f . peekRet ret }

castInRet :: InRet a c -> InRet b c
castInRet ret = InRet
    { allocaRet = \k -> allocaRet ret (k . castPtr)
    , peekRet = peekRet ret . castPtr

withInRet :: InRet a b -> (Ptr a -> IO t) -> IO b
withInRet ret action = allocaRet ret $ \p -> do
    action p
    peekRet ret p

-- OutRet does not need alloc operation because allocation
-- is done by libffi's generated wrappers.
newtype OutRet a b = OutRet { pokeRet :: Ptr a -> b -> IO () }
instance Contravariant (OutRet a) where
    contramap f ret = OutRet (\p -> pokeRet ret p . f)

castOutRet :: OutRet a c -> OutRet b c
castOutRet ret = OutRet (pokeRet ret . castPtr)

class FFIType a => RetType a where
    inRet  :: InRet a a
    default inRet :: Storable a => InRet a a
    inRet = InRet alloca peek

    outRet :: OutRet a a
    default outRet :: Storable a => OutRet a a
    outRet = OutRet poke

instance FFIType () where ffiType = void
instance RetType () where
    inRet = InRet ($ nullPtr) (\_ -> return ())
    outRet = OutRet (\_ _ -> return ())

type BoolRepr =
    $( case 1 of
{-# LINE 104 "src/Foreign/LibFFI/Dynamic/FFIType.hsc" #-}
        1 -> [t| Word8   |]
        2 -> [t| Word16  |]
        4 -> [t| Word32  |]
        8 -> [t| Word64  |]
        _ -> fail "Bool is weird"

instance FFIType Bool where
    ffiType = castType (ffiType :: Type BoolRepr)

instance RetType Bool where
    inRet = castInRet (fmap fromWord inRet)
            fromWord :: Word -> Bool
            fromWord = (0 /=)

    outRet = castOutRet (contramap toWord outRet)
            toWord :: Bool -> Word
            toWord False    = 0
            toWord True     = 1

instance ArgType Bool where
    inArg = castInArg (fmap fromRepr inArg)
            fromRepr :: BoolRepr -> Bool
            fromRepr = (0 /=)

    outArg = castOutArg (contramap toRepr outArg)
            toRepr :: Bool -> BoolRepr
            toRepr False    = 0
            toRepr True     = 1

instance FFIType (Ptr a) where ffiType = pointer
instance ArgType (Ptr a)
instance RetType (Ptr a)

instance FFIType (FunPtr a) where ffiType = castType pointer
instance ArgType (FunPtr a)
instance RetType (FunPtr a)

instance FFIType (StablePtr a) where ffiType = castType pointer
instance ArgType (StablePtr a)
instance RetType (StablePtr a)

instance FFIType Float where ffiType = floating
instance ArgType Float
instance RetType Float

instance FFIType Double where ffiType = floating
instance ArgType Double
instance RetType Double

instance FFIType Int where ffiType = sint
instance ArgType Int
instance RetType Int

inRetViaInt :: Integral a => InRet a a
inRetViaInt = castInRet (fmap (fromIntegral :: Integral a => Int -> a ) inRet)
inRetViaWord :: Integral a => InRet a a
inRetViaWord = castInRet (fmap (fromIntegral :: Integral a => Word -> a ) inRet)

outRetViaInt :: Integral a => OutRet a a
outRetViaInt = castOutRet (contramap (fromIntegral :: Integral a => a -> Int) outRet)
outRetViaWord :: Integral a => OutRet a a
outRetViaWord = castOutRet (contramap (fromIntegral :: Integral a => a -> Word) outRet)

instance FFIType Int8 where ffiType = sint8
instance ArgType Int8
instance RetType Int8 where
    inRet  = inRetViaInt
    outRet = outRetViaInt

instance FFIType Int16 where ffiType = sint16
instance ArgType Int16
instance RetType Int16 where
    inRet  = inRetViaInt
    outRet = outRetViaInt

instance FFIType Int32 where ffiType = sint32
instance ArgType Int32
instance RetType Int32 where
    inRet  = inRetViaInt
    outRet = outRetViaInt

instance FFIType Int64 where ffiType = sint64
instance ArgType Int64
instance RetType Int64

instance FFIType Word where ffiType = uint
instance ArgType Word
instance RetType Word

instance FFIType Word8 where ffiType = uint8
instance ArgType Word8
instance RetType Word8 where
    inRet  = inRetViaWord
    outRet = outRetViaWord

instance FFIType Word16 where ffiType = uint16
instance ArgType Word16
instance RetType Word16 where
    inRet  = inRetViaWord
    outRet = outRetViaWord

instance FFIType Word32 where ffiType = uint32
instance ArgType Word32
instance RetType Word32 where
    inRet  = inRetViaWord
    outRet = outRetViaWord

instance FFIType Word64 where ffiType = uint64
instance ArgType Word64
instance RetType Word64

deriving instance FFIType CChar
deriving instance ArgType CChar
deriving instance RetType CChar

deriving instance FFIType CSChar
deriving instance ArgType CSChar
deriving instance RetType CSChar

deriving instance FFIType CUChar
deriving instance ArgType CUChar
deriving instance RetType CUChar

deriving instance FFIType CShort
deriving instance ArgType CShort
deriving instance RetType CShort

deriving instance FFIType CUShort
deriving instance ArgType CUShort
deriving instance RetType CUShort

deriving instance FFIType CInt
deriving instance ArgType CInt
deriving instance RetType CInt

deriving instance FFIType CUInt
deriving instance ArgType CUInt
deriving instance RetType CUInt

deriving instance FFIType CLong
deriving instance ArgType CLong
deriving instance RetType CLong

deriving instance FFIType CULong
deriving instance ArgType CULong
deriving instance RetType CULong

deriving instance FFIType CPtrdiff
deriving instance ArgType CPtrdiff
deriving instance RetType CPtrdiff

deriving instance FFIType CSize
deriving instance ArgType CSize
deriving instance RetType CSize

deriving instance FFIType CWchar
deriving instance ArgType CWchar
deriving instance RetType CWchar

deriving instance FFIType CSigAtomic
deriving instance ArgType CSigAtomic
deriving instance RetType CSigAtomic

deriving instance FFIType CLLong
deriving instance ArgType CLLong
deriving instance RetType CLLong

deriving instance FFIType CULLong
deriving instance ArgType CULLong
deriving instance RetType CULLong

deriving instance FFIType CIntPtr
deriving instance ArgType CIntPtr
deriving instance RetType CIntPtr

deriving instance FFIType CUIntPtr
deriving instance ArgType CUIntPtr
deriving instance RetType CUIntPtr

deriving instance FFIType CIntMax
deriving instance ArgType CIntMax
deriving instance RetType CIntMax

deriving instance FFIType CUIntMax
deriving instance ArgType CUIntMax
deriving instance RetType CUIntMax

deriving instance FFIType CClock
deriving instance ArgType CClock
deriving instance RetType CClock

deriving instance FFIType CTime
deriving instance ArgType CTime
deriving instance RetType CTime

deriving instance FFIType CUSeconds
deriving instance ArgType CUSeconds
deriving instance RetType CUSeconds

deriving instance FFIType CSUSeconds
deriving instance ArgType CSUSeconds
deriving instance RetType CSUSeconds

deriving instance FFIType CFloat
deriving instance ArgType CFloat
deriving instance RetType CFloat

deriving instance FFIType CDouble
deriving instance ArgType CDouble
deriving instance RetType CDouble

outByRef :: OutArg a b -> OutArg (Ptr a) b
outByRef arg = composeOutArgs arg outArg

stringArg :: OutArg CString String
stringArg = outByRef (OutArg withCString)

instance (FFIType a, FFIType b)
        => FFIType (a, b) where
    ffiType = t
            t = Type $ struct
                [ ffiTypeOf_ ((castType :: Type (a,b) -> Type a) t)
                , ffiTypeOf_ ((castType :: Type (a,b) -> Type b) t)

instance (FFIType a, FFIType b, FFIType c)
        => FFIType (a, b, c) where
    ffiType = t
            t = Type $ struct
                [ ffiTypeOf_ ((castType :: Type (a,b,c) -> Type a) t)
                , ffiTypeOf_ ((castType :: Type (a,b,c) -> Type b) t)
                , ffiTypeOf_ ((castType :: Type (a,b,c) -> Type c) t)

instance (FFIType a, FFIType b, FFIType c, FFIType d)
        => FFIType (a, b, c, d) where
    ffiType = t
            t = Type $ struct
                [ ffiTypeOf_ ((castType :: Type (a,b,c,d) -> Type a) t)
                , ffiTypeOf_ ((castType :: Type (a,b,c,d) -> Type b) t)
                , ffiTypeOf_ ((castType :: Type (a,b,c,d) -> Type c) t)
                , ffiTypeOf_ ((castType :: Type (a,b,c,d) -> Type d) t)

instance (FFIType a, FFIType b, FFIType c, FFIType d, FFIType e)
        => FFIType (a, b, c, d, e) where
    ffiType = t
            t = Type $ struct
                [ ffiTypeOf_ ((castType :: Type (a,b,c,d,e) -> Type a) t)
                , ffiTypeOf_ ((castType :: Type (a,b,c,d,e) -> Type b) t)
                , ffiTypeOf_ ((castType :: Type (a,b,c,d,e) -> Type c) t)
                , ffiTypeOf_ ((castType :: Type (a,b,c,d,e) -> Type d) t)
                , ffiTypeOf_ ((castType :: Type (a,b,c,d,e) -> Type e) t)