/* THIS FILE IS NOT INTENDED FOR USER READING. USE HADDOCK DOCUMENTATION INSTEAD. */ #define __getHype__ \ -- | Get the hype list for a group. \ More: #define __getMembers__ \ -- | Get a list of members for this group. \ More: #define __getWeeklyAlbumChart__ \ -- | Get an album chart for a group, for a given date range. If no date range is supplied, it will return the most recent album chart for this group. \ More: #define __getWeeklyArtistChart__ \ -- | Get an artist chart for a group, for a given date range. If no date range is supplied, it will return the most recent artist chart for this group. \ More: #define __getWeeklyChartList__ \ -- | Get a list of available charts for this group, expressed as date ranges which can be sent to the chart services. \ More: #define __getWeeklyTrackChart__ \ -- | Get a track chart for a group, for a given date range. If no date range is supplied, it will return the most recent track chart for this group. \ More: