/* THIS FILE IS NOT INTENDED FOR USER READING. USE HADDOCK DOCUMENTATION INSTEAD. */ #define __getEvents__ \ -- | Get all events in a specific location by country or city name. \ More: #define __getMetroArtistChart__ \ -- | Get a chart of artists for a metro. \ More: #define __getMetroHypeArtistChart__ \ -- | Get a chart of hyped (up and coming) artists for a metro. \ More: #define __getMetroHypeTrackChart__ \ -- | Get a chart of hyped (up and coming) tracks for a metro. \ More: #define __getMetroTrackChart__ \ -- | Get a chart of tracks for a metro. \ More: #define __getMetroUniqueArtistChart__ \ -- | Get a chart of the artists which make that metro unique. \ More: #define __getMetroUniqueTrackChart__ \ -- | Get a chart of the tracks which make that metro unique. \ More: #define __getMetroWeeklyChartlist__ \ -- | Get a list of available chart periods for this metro, expressed as date ranges which can be sent to the chart services. \ More: #define __getMetros__ \ -- | Get a list of valid countries and metros for use in the other webservices. \ More: #define __getTopArtists__ \ -- | Get the most popular artists on Last.fm by country. \ More: #define __getTopTracks__ \ -- | Get the most popular tracks on Last.fm last week by country. \ More: