# Lawless, a Prelude Replacement Welcome to [Lawless, a Prelude Replacement][Lawless]. It focuses on a few core ideas: - Support for GHC 8 and later - Yaml configuration - JSON and JSON Schemas - Normalized Unicode everywhere - Lenses and default Aeson encodings for generated datastructures. - Easy Generic and Typeable deriving. It's based on [protolude][protolude], [lenses][lenses], and [machines][machines], and tries to extend on them as much as possible. [Lawless]: https://gitlab.com/misandrist/liblawless [protolude]: https://github.com/sdiehl/protolude [lenses]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/lens [machines]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/machines # Why Lawless? 1. It was started essentially by a rogue spinoff Haskell community that rapidly expanded into its own organization.