{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}

module Data.LibLinear
  ( Model(..)
  , Feature(..)
  , Example(..)
  , Solver(..)
  , Target(..)
  , TrainParams(..)
  , train
  ) where

import Bindings.LibLinear
import Control.Monad (forM_, liftM2)
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import Data.Enumerator as E hiding (sequence)
import qualified Data.Enumerator.List as EL
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.LibLinear.Solver
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as SVec
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable as MVec
import Foreign as F
import Foreign.C.Types

newtype Target = Target Int deriving (Show, Eq, Enum)

data Model = Model !Target (SVec.Vector Double) deriving (Show)
data Feature = Feature !Int !Double deriving (Show)
data Example = Example !Target [Feature] deriving (Show)

featuresToNodeList :: [Feature] -> [C'feature_node]
featuresToNodeList features = L.map mapper features ++ [sentintel]
  where mapper (Feature i v) = C'feature_node
          { c'feature_node'index = fromIntegral i
          , c'feature_node'value = realToFrac v }
        sentintel = mapper $ Feature (-1) 0.0

newParameter :: Solver -> C'parameter
newParameter solver = C'parameter
  { c'parameter'solver_type = fromIntegral $ fromEnum solver
  , c'parameter'eps = 0.1
  , c'parameter'C = 1.0
  , c'parameter'nr_weight = 0
  , c'parameter'weight_label = nullPtr
  , c'parameter'weight = nullPtr

writeByIndex :: MVec.IOVector CInt
             -> MVec.IOVector C'feature_node
             -> MVec.IOVector (Ptr C'feature_node)
             -> (Int, Int, Int)
             -> Example
             -> IO (Int, Int, Int)
writeByIndex targets features featureIndex (i, fMax, fSum) (Example (Target t) f) = do
  let fMax' = L.maximum [fi | Feature fi _ <- f]
  MVec.write targets i $ fromIntegral t
  forM_ (zip [fSum..] (featuresToNodeList f)) ( \ (fi, feature) -> MVec.write features fi feature)
  MVec.unsafeWith features ( \ basePtr -> do
    let addr = basePtr `advancePtr` fSum
    MVec.write featureIndex i addr)
  return $! (i+1, max fMax fMax', fSum+L.length f+1)

convertModel :: C'model -> IO [Model]
convertModel C'model
  { c'model'nr_class = nr_class
  , c'model'nr_feature = nr_feature
  , c'model'label = label
  , c'model'w = w
  } = sequence $ L.unfoldr step 0
  where nr_class' = fromIntegral nr_class
        nr_feature' = fromIntegral nr_feature
        step :: Int -> Maybe (IO Model, Int)
        step i | nr_class' == 2, i == 1 = Nothing
               | i < nr_class'          = Just (model, i+1)
               | otherwise              = Nothing
          where model = liftM2 Model target weightVec
                target = peekElemOff label i >>= newTarget
                newTarget = return . Target . fromIntegral
                weightVec = do
                  let weights = castPtr w
                      modelWeights = weights `advancePtr` i
                  ptr <- newForeignPtr_ modelWeights
                  SVec.freeze $! MVec.MVector nr_feature' ptr

data TrainParams = TrainParams
  { trainSolver :: Solver
  , trainExamples :: Int
  , trainFeatureSum :: Int
  } deriving (Show)

train :: TrainParams -> Iteratee Example IO [Model]
train TrainParams{trainSolver, trainExamples, trainFeatureSum} = do
  targets <- liftIO $ MVec.new trainExamples
  featureIndex <- liftIO $ MVec.new trainExamples
  features <- liftIO $ MVec.new (trainFeatureSum + trainExamples) -- allocate space for sentinel
  (targetCount, featureMax, featureSum) <- EL.foldM (writeByIndex targets features featureIndex) (0, 0, 0)
  if trainExamples /= targetCount
    then fail $! "target mismatch: " ++ show trainExamples ++ " != " ++ show targetCount
    else liftIO $ do
      let (featureBuffer, _, _) = MVec.unsafeToForeignPtr features
      withForeignPtr featureBuffer $ \ _ ->
        MVec.unsafeWith targets $ \ targets'  ->
        MVec.unsafeWith featureIndex $ \ features' -> do
          print featureBuffer
	  let problem = C'problem
	        { c'problem'l = fromIntegral trainExamples
	        , c'problem'n = fromIntegral featureMax
	        , c'problem'y = targets'
	        , c'problem'x = features'
	        , c'problem'bias = -1.0
	  model <- with problem $ \ problem' ->
	           with (newParameter trainSolver) $ \ param' ->
	             c'train problem' param'
	  convertModel =<< F.peek model