-- | Module    : Network.MPD.Commands.Extensions
-- Copyright   : (c) Ben Sinclair 2005-2009, Joachim Fasting 2010
-- License     : LGPL (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  : Joachim Fasting <joachim.fasting@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : alpha
-- Extensions and shortcuts to the standard MPD command set.

module Network.MPD.Commands.Extensions where

import Network.MPD.Commands.Arg
import Network.MPD.Commands.Query
import Network.MPD.Commands.Types
import Network.MPD.Commands.Util
import Network.MPD.Commands
import Network.MPD.Core

import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Prelude hiding (repeat)

-- | Like 'update', but returns the update job id.
updateId :: MonadMPD m => [Path] -> m Integer
updateId paths = liftM (read . head . takeValues) cmd
  where cmd = case paths of
                []  -> getResponse  "update"
                [x] -> getResponse ("update" <$> x)
                xs  -> getResponses $ map ("update" <$>) xs

-- | Toggles play\/pause. Plays if stopped.
toggle :: MonadMPD m => m ()
toggle = status >>= \st -> case stState st of Playing -> pause True
                                              _       -> play Nothing

-- | Add a list of songs\/folders to a playlist.
-- Should be more efficient than running 'add' many times.
addMany :: MonadMPD m => PlaylistName -> [Path] -> m ()
addMany _ [] = return ()
addMany "" [x] = add_ x
addMany plname [x] = playlistAdd_ plname x
addMany plname xs = getResponses (map cmd xs) >> return ()
    where cmd x = case plname of
                      "" -> "add" <$> x
                      pl -> "playlistadd" <$> pl <++> x

-- | Delete a list of songs from a playlist.
-- If there is a duplicate then no further songs will be deleted, so
-- take care to avoid them (see 'prune' for this).
{- deleteMany :: MonadMPD m => PlaylistName -> [PLIndex] -> m ()
deleteMany _ [] = return ()
deleteMany plname [(Pos x)] = playlistDelete plname x
deleteMany "" xs = getResponses (map cmd xs) >> return ()
    where cmd (Pos x) = "delete"   <$> x
          cmd (ID x)  = "deleteid" <$> x
deleteMany plname xs = getResponses (map cmd xs) >> return ()
    where cmd (Pos x) = "playlistdelete" <$> plname <++> x
          cmd _       = ""

-- | Returns all songs and directories that match the given partial
-- path name.
complete :: MonadMPD m => String -> m [Either Path Song]
complete path = do
    xs <- liftM matches . lsInfo $ dropFileName path
    case xs of
        [Left dir] -> complete $ dir ++ "/"
        _          -> return xs
        matches = filter (isPrefixOf path . takePath)
        takePath = either id sgFilePath

-- | Crop playlist.
-- The bounds are inclusive.
-- If 'Nothing' is passed the cropping will leave your playlist alone
-- on that side.
-- Using 'ID' will automatically find the absolute playlist position and use
-- that as the cropping boundary.
crop :: MonadMPD m => Maybe PLIndex -> Maybe PLIndex -> m ()
crop x y = do
    pl <- playlistInfo Nothing
    let x' = case x of Just (Pos p) -> fromInteger p
                       Just (ID i)  -> fromMaybe 0 (findByID i pl)
                       Nothing      -> 0
        -- ensure that no songs are deleted twice with 'max'.
        ys = case y of Just (Pos p) -> drop (max (fromInteger p) x') pl
                       Just (ID i)  -> maybe [] (flip drop pl . max x' . (+1))
                                      (findByID i pl)
                       Nothing      -> []
    deleteMany "" . mapMaybe sgIndex $ take x' pl ++ ys
    where findByID i = findIndex ((==) i . (\(ID j) -> j) . fromJust . sgIndex)

-- | Remove duplicate playlist entries.
prune :: MonadMPD m => m ()
prune = findDuplicates >>= deleteMany ""

-- Find duplicate playlist entries.
findDuplicates :: MonadMPD m => m [PLIndex]
findDuplicates =
    liftM (map ((\(ID x) -> ID x) . fromJust . sgIndex) . flip dups ([],[])) $
        playlistInfo Nothing
    where dups [] (_, dup) = dup
          dups (x:xs) (ys, dup)
              | x `mSong` xs && not (x `mSong` ys) = dups xs (ys, x:dup)
              | otherwise                          = dups xs (x:ys, dup)
          mSong x = let m = sgFilePath x in any ((==) m . sgFilePath)

-- | List directories non-recursively.
lsDirs :: MonadMPD m => Path -> m [Path]
lsDirs path =
    liftM (extractEntries (const Nothing,const Nothing, Just)) $
        takeEntries =<< getResponse ("lsinfo" <$> path)

-- | List files non-recursively.
lsFiles :: MonadMPD m => Path -> m [Path]
lsFiles path =
    liftM (extractEntries (Just . sgFilePath, const Nothing, const Nothing)) $
        takeEntries =<< getResponse ("lsinfo" <$> path)

-- | List all playlists.
lsPlaylists :: MonadMPD m => m [PlaylistName]
lsPlaylists = liftM (extractEntries (const Nothing, Just, const Nothing)) $
                    takeEntries =<< getResponse "lsinfo" -}

-- | List the artists in the database.
listArtists :: MonadMPD m => m [Artist]
listArtists = liftM takeValues (getResponse "list artist")

-- | List the albums in the database, optionally matching a given
-- artist.
listAlbums :: MonadMPD m => Maybe Artist -> m [Album]
listAlbums artist = liftM takeValues $
                    getResponse ("list album" <$> fmap ("artist" <++>) artist)

-- | List the songs in an album of some artist.
listAlbum :: MonadMPD m => Artist -> Album -> m [Song]
listAlbum artist album = find (Artist =? artist <&> Album =? album)

-- | Retrieve the current playlist.
-- Equivalent to @playlistinfo Nothing@.
getPlaylist :: MonadMPD m => m [Song]
getPlaylist = playlistInfo Nothing

-- | Increase or decrease volume by a given percent, e.g.
-- 'volume 10' will increase the volume by 10 percent, while
-- 'volume (-10)' will decrease it by the same amount.
volume :: MonadMPD m => Int -> m ()
volume n = do
    current <- (fromIntegral . stVolume) `liftM` status
    setVolume . round $ (fromIntegral n / 100) * current + current