{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}

-- | Module    : Network.MPD.Commands
-- Copyright   : (c) Ben Sinclair 2005-2009, Joachim Fasting 2010
-- License     : LGPL (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  : Joachim Fasting <joachim.fasting@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : alpha
-- Interface to the user commands supported by MPD.

module Network.MPD.Commands (
    -- * Command related data types
    module Network.MPD.Commands.Types,

    -- * Query interface
    module Network.MPD.Commands.Query,

    -- * Querying MPD's status
    clearError, currentSong, idle, getIdle, noidle, status, stats,

    -- * Playback options
    consume, crossfade, random, repeat, setVolume, single, replayGainMode,

    -- * Controlling playback
    next, pause, play, playId, previous, seek, seekId, stop,

    -- * The current playlist
    add, add_, addId, clear, delete, deleteId, move, moveId, playlist,
    playlistId, playlistFind, playlistInfo, playlistSearch, plChanges,
    plChangesPosId, shuffle, swap, swapId,

    -- * Stored playlist
    listPlaylist, listPlaylistInfo, listPlaylists, load, playlistAdd,
    playlistAdd_, playlistClear, playlistDelete, playlistMove, rename, rm,

    -- * The music database
    count, find, findAdd, list, listAll, listAllInfo, lsInfo, search, update,

    -- * Stickers
    stickerGet, stickerSet, stickerDelete, stickerList, stickerFind,

    -- * Connection
    close, kill, password, ping,

    -- * Audio output devices
    disableOutput, enableOutput, outputs,

    -- * Reflection
    commands, notCommands, tagTypes, urlHandlers, decoders,
    ) where

import Network.MPD.Commands.Arg
import Network.MPD.Commands.Parse
import Network.MPD.Commands.Query
import Network.MPD.Commands.Types
import Network.MPD.Commands.Util
import Network.MPD.Core
import Network.MPD.Utils

import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Control.Monad.Error (throwError)
import Prelude hiding (repeat)
import Data.Maybe

-- Querying MPD's status

-- | Clear the current error message in status.
clearError :: MonadMPD m => m ()
clearError = getResponse_ "clearerror"

-- | Get the current song.
currentSong :: MonadMPD m => m (Maybe Song)
currentSong = getResponse "currentsong" >>= takeSongs >>= return . listToMaybe

-- | Make MPD server notify the client if there is a noteworthy change
--   in one or more of its subsystems. Note that after running this command
--   you can either monitor handle for incoming notifications or cancel this
--   by 'noidle'. Any command other than 'noidle' sent to MPD server while
--   idle is active will be ignored.
idle :: MonadMPD m => [Subsystem] -> m ()
idle ss = send ("idle" <$> foldr (<++>) (Args []) ss)

-- | Get idle notifications. If there is no notifications ready
--   at the moment, this function will block until they show up.
getIdle :: MonadMPD m => m [Subsystem]
getIdle = getResponse "" >>= return . parseIdle . toAssocList

-- | Cancel 'idle'.
noidle :: MonadMPD m => m ()
noidle = getResponse_ "noidle"

-- | Get server statistics.
stats :: MonadMPD m => m Stats
stats = getResponse "stats" >>= return . parseStats . toAssocList

-- | Get the server's status.
status :: MonadMPD m => m Status
status = getResponse "status" >>= return . parseStatus . toAssocList

-- Playback options

-- | Set consume mode
consume :: MonadMPD m => Bool -> m ()
consume = getResponse_ . ("consume" <$>)

-- | Set crossfading between songs.
crossfade :: MonadMPD m => Seconds -> m ()
crossfade secs = getResponse_ ("crossfade" <$> secs)

-- | Set random playing.
random :: MonadMPD m => Bool -> m ()
random = getResponse_ . ("random" <$>)

-- | Set repeating.
repeat :: MonadMPD m => Bool -> m ()
repeat = getResponse_ . ("repeat" <$>)

-- | Set the volume (0-100 percent).
setVolume :: MonadMPD m => Int -> m ()
setVolume = getResponse_ . ("setvol" <$>)

-- | Set single mode
single :: MonadMPD m => Bool -> m ()
single = getResponse_ . ("single" <$>)

-- | Set the replay gain mode.
replayGainMode :: MonadMPD m => ReplayGainMode -> m ()
replayGainMode = getResponse_ . ("replay_gain_mode" <$>)

-- | Get the replay gain options.
replayGainStatus :: MonadMPD m => m [String]
replayGainStatus = getResponse "replay_gain_status"

-- Controlling playback

-- | Play the next song.
next :: MonadMPD m => m ()
next = getResponse_ "next"

-- | Pause playing.
pause :: MonadMPD m => Bool -> m ()
pause = getResponse_ . ("pause" <$>)

-- | Begin\/continue playing.
play :: MonadMPD m => Maybe Int -> m ()
play (Just pos) = getResponse_ ("play" <$> pos)
play _          = getResponse_  "play"

-- | Play a file with given id.
playId :: MonadMPD m => Int -> m ()
playId id' = getResponse_ ("playid" <$> id')

-- | Play the previous song.
previous :: MonadMPD m => m ()
previous = getResponse_ "previous"

-- | Seek to some point in a song.
seek :: MonadMPD m => Int -> Seconds -> m ()
seek pos time = getResponse_ ("seek" <$> pos <++> time)

-- | Seek to some point in a song (id version)
seekId :: MonadMPD m => Int -> Seconds -> m ()
seekId id' time = getResponse_ ("seekid" <$> id' <++> time)

-- | Stop playing.
stop :: MonadMPD m => m ()
stop = getResponse_ "stop"

-- The current playlist

-- This might do better to throw an exception than silently return 0.
-- | Like 'add', but returns a playlist id.
addId :: MonadMPD m => Path -> Maybe Integer -- ^ Optional playlist position
      -> m Int
addId p pos = liftM (parse parseNum id 0 . snd . head . toAssocList)
              $ getResponse1 ("addid" <$> p <++> pos)

-- | Like 'add_' but returns a list of the files added.
add :: MonadMPD m => Path -> m [Path]
add x = add_ x >> listAll x

-- | Add a song (or a whole directory) to the current playlist.
add_ :: MonadMPD m => Path -> m ()
add_ path = getResponse_ ("add" <$> path)

-- | Clear the current playlist.
clear :: MonadMPD m => m ()
clear = getResponse_ "clear"

-- | Remove a song from the current playlist.
delete :: MonadMPD m => Int -> m ()
delete pos = getResponse_ ("delete" <$> pos)

-- | Remove a song from the current playlist.
deleteId :: MonadMPD m => Int -> m ()
deleteId id' = getResponse_ ("deleteid" <$> id')

-- | Move a song to a given position in the current playlist.
move :: MonadMPD m => Int -> Int -> m ()
move pos to = getResponse_ ("move" <$> pos <++> to)

-- | Move a song from (songid) to (playlist index) in the playlist. If to is
-- negative, it is relative to the current song in the playlist (if there is one).
moveId :: MonadMPD m => Int -> Int -> m ()
moveId id' to = getResponse_ ("moveid" <$> id' <++> to)

-- | Retrieve file paths and positions of songs in the current playlist.
-- Note that this command is only included for completeness sake; it's
-- deprecated and likely to disappear at any time, please use 'playlistInfo'
-- instead.
playlist :: MonadMPD m => m [(Int, Path)]
playlist = mapM f =<< getResponse "playlist"
    where f s | (pos, name) <- breakChar ':' s
              , Just pos'   <- parseNum pos
              = return (pos', name)
              | otherwise = throwError . Unexpected $ show s

-- | Search for songs in the current playlist with strict matching.
playlistFind :: MonadMPD m => Query -> m [Song]
playlistFind q = takeSongs =<< getResponse ("playlistfind" <$> q)

-- | Retrieve metadata for songs in the current playlist.
playlistInfo :: MonadMPD m => Maybe (Int, Int) -> m [Song]
playlistInfo range = takeSongs =<< getResponse ("playlistinfo" <$> range)

-- | Displays a list of songs in the playlist.
-- If id is specified, only its info is returned.
playlistId :: MonadMPD m => Maybe Int -> m [Song]
playlistId id' = takeSongs =<< getResponse ("playlistinfo" <$> id')

-- | Search case-insensitively with partial matches for songs in the
-- current playlist.
playlistSearch :: MonadMPD m => Query -> m [Song]
playlistSearch q = takeSongs =<< getResponse ("playlistsearch" <$> q)

-- | Retrieve a list of changed songs currently in the playlist since
-- a given playlist version.
plChanges :: MonadMPD m => Integer -> m [Song]
plChanges version = takeSongs =<< getResponse ("plchanges" <$> version)

-- | Like 'plChanges' but only returns positions and ids.
plChangesPosId :: MonadMPD m => Integer -> m [(Int, Int)]
plChangesPosId plver =
    getResponse ("plchangesposid" <$> plver) >>=
    mapM f . splitGroups [("cpos",id)] . toAssocList
    where f xs | [("cpos", x), ("Id", y)] <- xs
               , Just (x', y') <- pair parseNum (x, y)
               = return (x', y')
               | otherwise = throwError . Unexpected $ show xs

-- | Shuffle the playlist.
shuffle :: MonadMPD m => Maybe (Int, Int) -- ^ Optional range (start, end)
        -> m ()
shuffle range = getResponse_ ("shuffle" <$> range)

-- | Swap the positions of two songs.
swap :: MonadMPD m => Int -> Int -> m ()
swap pos1 pos2 = getResponse_ ("swap" <$> pos1 <++> pos2)

-- | Swap the positions of two songs (Id version
swapId :: MonadMPD m => Int -> Int -> m ()
swapId id1 id2 = getResponse_ ("swapid" <$> id1 <++> id2)

-- Stored playlists

-- | Retrieve a list of files in a given playlist.
listPlaylist :: MonadMPD m => PlaylistName -> m [Path]
listPlaylist plname =
    liftM takeValues $ getResponse ("listplaylist" <$> plname)

-- | Retrieve metadata for files in a given playlist.
listPlaylistInfo :: MonadMPD m => PlaylistName -> m [Song]
listPlaylistInfo plname =
    takeSongs =<< getResponse ("listplaylistinfo" <$> plname)

-- | Retreive a list of stored playlists.
listPlaylists :: MonadMPD m => m [PlaylistName]
listPlaylists = (go [] . toAssocList) `liftM` getResponse "listplaylists"
        -- After each playlist name we get a timestamp
        go acc [] = acc
        go acc ((_, b):_:xs) = go (b : acc) xs
        go _ _ = error "listPlaylists: bug"

-- | Load an existing playlist.
load :: MonadMPD m => PlaylistName -> m ()
load plname = getResponse_ ("load" <$> plname)

-- | Like 'playlistAdd' but returns a list of the files added.
playlistAdd :: MonadMPD m => PlaylistName -> Path -> m [Path]
playlistAdd plname path = playlistAdd_ plname path >> listAll path

-- | Add a song (or a whole directory) to a stored playlist.
-- Will create a new playlist if the one specified does not already exist.
playlistAdd_ :: MonadMPD m => PlaylistName -> Path -> m ()
playlistAdd_ plname path = getResponse_ ("playlistadd" <$> plname <++> path)

-- | Clear a playlist. If the specified playlist does not exist, it will be
-- created.
playlistClear :: MonadMPD m => PlaylistName -> m ()
playlistClear = getResponse_ . ("playlistclear" <$>)

-- | Remove a song from a playlist.
playlistDelete :: MonadMPD m => PlaylistName
               -> Integer -- ^ Playlist position
               -> m ()
playlistDelete name pos = getResponse_ ("playlistdelete" <$> name <++> pos)

-- | Move a song to a given position in the playlist specified.
playlistMove :: MonadMPD m => PlaylistName -> Integer -> Integer -> m ()
playlistMove name from to =
    getResponse_ ("playlistmove" <$> name <++> from <++> to)

-- | Rename an existing playlist.
rename :: MonadMPD m
       => PlaylistName -- ^ Original playlist
       -> PlaylistName -- ^ New playlist name
       -> m ()
rename plname new = getResponse_ ("rename" <$> plname <++> new)

-- | Delete existing playlist.
rm :: MonadMPD m => PlaylistName -> m ()
rm plname = getResponse_ ("rm" <$> plname)

-- | Save the current playlist.
save :: MonadMPD m => PlaylistName -> m ()
save plname = getResponse_ ("save" <$> plname)

-- The music database

-- | Count the number of entries matching a query.
count :: MonadMPD m => Query -> m Count
count query = getResponse ("count" <$>  query) >>= return . parseCount . toAssocList

-- | Search the database for entries exactly matching a query.
find :: MonadMPD m => Query -> m [Song]
find query = getResponse ("find" <$> query) >>= takeSongs

-- | Adds songs matching a query to the current playlist.
findAdd :: MonadMPD m => Query -> m ()
findAdd q = getResponse_ ("findadd" <$> q)

-- | List all metadata of metadata (sic).
list :: MonadMPD m
     => Metadata -- ^ Metadata to list
     -> Query -> m [String]
list mtype query = liftM takeValues $ getResponse ("list" <$> mtype <++> query)

-- | List the songs (without metadata) in a database directory recursively.
listAll :: MonadMPD m => Path -> m [Path]
listAll path = liftM (map snd . filter ((== "file") . fst) . toAssocList)
                     (getResponse $ "listall" <$> path)

-- | Recursive 'lsInfo'.
listAllInfo :: MonadMPD m => Path -> m [Song]
listAllInfo path = takeSongs =<< getResponse ("listallinfo" <$> path)

-- | Non-recursively list the contents of a database directory.
lsInfo :: MonadMPD m => Path -> m [Entry]
lsInfo path = takeEntries =<< getResponse ("lsinfo" <$> path)

-- | Search the database using case insensitive matching.
search :: MonadMPD m => Query -> m [Song]
search query = takeSongs =<< getResponse ("search" <$> query)

-- | Update the server's database.
-- If no paths are given, all paths will be scanned.
-- Unreadable or non-existent paths are silently ignored.
update :: MonadMPD m => [Path] -> m ()
update  [] = getResponse_ "update"
update [x] = getResponse_ ("update" <$> x)
update xs  = getResponses (map ("update" <$>) xs) >> return ()

-- | Like 'update' but also rescans unmodified files.
rescan :: MonadMPD m => [Path] -> m ()
rescan []  = getResponse_ "rescan"
rescan [x] = getResponse_ ("rescan" <$> x)
rescan xs  = getResponses (map ("rescan" <$>) xs) >> return ()

-- Stickers

-- | Reads a sticker value for the specified object.
stickerGet :: MonadMPD m => ObjectType
           -> String -- ^ Object URI
           -> String -- ^ Sticker name
           -> m [String]
stickerGet typ uri name = takeValues `liftM` getResponse ("sticker get" <$> typ <++> uri <++> name)

-- | Adds a sticker value to the specified object.
stickerSet :: MonadMPD m => ObjectType
           -> String -- ^ Object URI
           -> String -- ^ Sticker name
           -> String -- ^ Sticker value
           -> m ()
stickerSet typ uri name value =
    getResponse_ ("sticker set" <$> typ <++> uri <++> name <++> value)

-- | Delete a sticker value from the specified object.
stickerDelete :: MonadMPD m => ObjectType
              -> String -- ^ Object URI
              -> String -- ^ Sticker name
              -> m ()
stickerDelete typ uri name =
    getResponse_ ("sticker delete" <$> typ <++> uri <++> name)

-- | Lists the stickers for the specified object.
stickerList :: MonadMPD m => ObjectType
            -> String -- ^ Object URI
            -> m [(String, String)] -- ^ Sticker name\/sticker value
stickerList typ uri =
    toAssocList `liftM` getResponse ("sticker list" <$> typ <++> uri)

-- | Searches the sticker database for stickers with the specified name, below
-- the specified path.
stickerFind :: MonadMPD m => ObjectType
            -> String -- ^ Path
            -> String -- ^ Sticker name
            -> m [(String, String)] -- ^ URI\/sticker value
stickerFind typ uri name =
    toAssocList `liftM`
    getResponse ("sticker find" <$> typ <++> uri <++> name)

-- Connection

-- XXX should the password be quoted? Change "++" to "<$>" if so.  If
--     it should, it also needs to be fixed in N.M.Core.
-- | Send password to server to authenticate session.
-- Password is sent as plain text.
password :: MonadMPD m => String -> m ()
password = getResponse_ . ("password " ++)

-- | Check that the server is still responding.
ping :: MonadMPD m => m ()
ping = getResponse_ "ping"

-- Audio output devices

-- | Turn off an output device.
disableOutput :: MonadMPD m => Int -> m ()
disableOutput = getResponse_ . ("disableoutput" <$>)

-- | Turn on an output device.
enableOutput :: MonadMPD m => Int -> m ()
enableOutput = getResponse_ . ("enableoutput" <$>)

-- | Retrieve information for all output devices.
outputs :: MonadMPD m => m [Output]
outputs = getResponse "outputs" >>= return . parseOutputs . toAssocList

-- Reflection

-- | Retrieve a list of available commands.
commands :: MonadMPD m => m [String]
commands = liftM takeValues (getResponse "commands")

-- | Retrieve a list of unavailable (due to access restrictions) commands.
notCommands :: MonadMPD m => m [String]
notCommands = liftM takeValues (getResponse "notcommands")

-- | Retrieve a list of available song metadata.
tagTypes :: MonadMPD m => m [String]
tagTypes = liftM takeValues (getResponse "tagtypes")

-- | Retrieve a list of supported urlhandlers.
urlHandlers :: MonadMPD m => m [String]
urlHandlers = liftM takeValues (getResponse "urlhandlers")

-- | Retreive a list of decoder plugins with associated suffix and mime types.
decoders :: MonadMPD m => m [(String, [(String, String)])]
decoders = (takeDecoders . toAssocList) `liftM` getResponse "decoders"
        takeDecoders [] = []
        takeDecoders ((_, p):xs) =
            let (info, rest) = break ((==) "plugin" . fst) xs
            in (p, info) : takeDecoders rest