libmpd- An MPD client library.

Copyright(c) Joachim Fasting 2012
Safe HaskellNone



The music database.



count :: Query -> Command Count Source

Get a count of songs and their total playtime that exactly match the query.

find :: Query -> Command [Song] Source

Find songs matching the query exactly.

findAdd :: Query -> Command () Source

Like find but adds the results to the current playlist.

list :: Metadata -> Maybe Artist -> Command [Value] Source

Lists all tags of the specified type.

Note that the optional artist value is only ever used if the metadata type is Album, and is then taken to mean that the albums by that artist be listed.

listAll :: Path -> Command [Path] Source

List all songs and directories in a database path.

lsInfo' :: Command -> Path -> Command [LsResult] Source

listAllInfo :: Path -> Command [LsResult] Source

Same as listAll but also returns metadata.

lsInfo :: Path -> Command [LsResult] Source

List the contents of a database directory.

search :: Query -> Command [Song] Source

Like find but with inexact matching.

searchAdd :: Query -> Command () Source

Like search but adds the results to the current playlist.

Since MPD 0.17.

searchAddPl :: PlaylistName -> Query -> Command () Source

Like searchAdd but adds results to the named playlist.

Since MPD 0.17.

update :: Maybe Path -> Command Integer Source

Update the music database. If no path is supplied, the entire database is updated.

rescan :: Maybe Path -> Command Integer Source

Like update but also rescan unmodified files.