{- | Module : Network.MPD.Commands.Query Copyright : (c) Joachim Fasting 2012 License : MIT Maintainer : Joachim Fasting Stability : unstable Portability : unportable Query interface. -} module Network.MPD.Commands.Query (Query, (=?) ,(/=?), (%?), (~?), (/~?), qNot, qModSince, qFile, qBase, (<&>), anything) where import Network.MPD.Commands.Arg import Network.MPD.Commands.Types import Data.Time (UTCTime,formatTime,defaultTimeLocale) -- | An interface for creating MPD queries. -- -- For example, to match any song where the value of artist is \"Foo\", we -- use: -- -- > Artist =? "Foo" -- -- We can also compose queries, thus narrowing the search. For example, to -- match any song where the value of artist is \"Foo\" and the value of album -- is \"Bar\", we use: -- -- > Artist =? "Foo" <> Album =? "Bar" data Query = Query [Match] | Filter Expr deriving Show -- A single query clause, comprising a metadata key and a desired value. data Match = Match Metadata Value instance Show Match where show (Match meta query) = show meta ++ " \"" ++ toString query ++ "\"" showList xs _ = unwords $ fmap show xs data Expr = Exact Match | ExactNot Match | Contains Match | Regex Match | RegexNot Match | File Path | Base Path | ModifiedSince UTCTime | ExprNot Expr | ExprAnd Expr Expr | ExprEmpty instance Show Expr where show (Exact (Match meta query)) = "(" ++ show meta ++ " == " ++ "\\\"" ++ toString query ++ "\\\"" ++ ")" show (ExactNot (Match meta query)) = "(" ++ show meta ++ " != " ++ "\\\"" ++ toString query ++ "\\\"" ++ ")" show (Contains (Match meta query)) = "(" ++ show meta ++ " contains " ++ "\\\"" ++ toString query ++ "\\\"" ++ ")" show (Regex (Match meta query)) = "(" ++ show meta ++ " =~ " ++ "\\\"" ++ toString query ++ "\\\"" ++ ")" show (RegexNot (Match meta query)) = "(" ++ show meta ++ " !~ " ++ "\\\"" ++ toString query ++ "\\\"" ++ ")" show (File file) = "(file == " ++ "\\\"" ++ toString file ++ "\\\"" ++ ")" show (Base dir) = "(base " ++ "\\\"" ++ toString dir ++ "\\\"" ++ ")" show (ModifiedSince time) = "(modified-since " ++ "\\\"" ++ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" time ++ "\\\"" ++ ")" show (ExprNot expr) = "(!" ++ show expr ++ ")" show (ExprAnd e1 e2) = "(" ++ show e1 ++ " AND " ++ show e2 ++ ")" show ExprEmpty = "" toExpr :: [Match] -> Expr toExpr [] = ExprEmpty toExpr (m:[]) = Exact m toExpr (m:ms) = ExprAnd (Exact m) (toExpr ms) instance Monoid Query where mempty = Query [] Query a `mappend` Query b = Query (a ++ b) Query [] `mappend` Filter b = Filter b Filter a `mappend` Query [] = Filter a Query a `mappend` Filter b = Filter (ExprAnd (toExpr a) b) Filter a `mappend` Query b = Filter (ExprAnd a (toExpr b)) Filter a `mappend` Filter b = Filter (a <> b) instance Semigroup Query where (<>) = mappend instance Semigroup Expr where ex1 <> ex2 = ExprAnd ex1 ex2 instance MPDArg Query where prep (Query ms) = foldl (<++>) (Args []) (fmap (\(Match m q) -> Args [show m] <++> q) ms) prep (Filter expr) = Args ["\"" ++ show expr ++ "\""] -- | An empty query. Matches anything. anything :: Query anything = mempty -- | Create a query matching a tag with a value. (=?) :: Metadata -> Value -> Query m =? s = Query [Match m s] -- | Create a query matching a tag with anything but a value. -- Requires MPD 0.21 or newer. -- -- @since (/=?) :: Metadata -> Value -> Query m /=? s = Filter (ExactNot (Match m s)) -- | Create a query for a tag containing a value. -- Requires MPD 0.21 or newer. -- -- @since (%?) :: Metadata -> Value -> Query m %? s = Filter (Contains (Match m s)) -- | Create a query matching a tag with regexp. -- Requires MPD 0.21 or newer. -- -- @since (~?) :: Metadata -> Value -> Query m ~? s = Filter (Regex (Match m s)) -- | Create a query matching a tag with anything but a regexp. -- Requires MPD 0.21 or newer. -- -- @since (/~?) :: Metadata -> Value -> Query m /~? s = Filter (RegexNot (Match m s)) -- | Negate a Query. -- Requires MPD 0.21 or newer. -- -- @since qNot :: Query -> Query qNot (Query ms) = Filter (ExprNot (toExpr ms)) qNot (Filter (ExprNot ex)) = Filter ex qNot (Filter ex) = Filter (ExprNot ex) -- | Create a query for songs modified since a date. -- Requires MPD 0.21 or newer. -- -- @since qModSince :: UTCTime -> Query qModSince time = Filter (ModifiedSince time) -- | Create a query for the full song URI relative to the music directory. -- Requires MPD 0.21 or newer. -- -- @since qFile :: Path -> Query qFile file = Filter (File file) -- | Limit the query to the given directory, relative to the music directory. -- Requires MPD 0.21 or newer. -- -- @since qBase :: Path -> Query qBase dir = Filter (Base dir) -- | Combine queries. infixr 6 <&> (<&>) :: Query -> Query -> Query (<&>) = mappend {-# DEPRECATED (<&>) "will be removed in the next major version of libmpd, use `(<>)` instead" #-}