module EnvSpec (main, spec) where import TestUtil import Network.MPD import System.Posix.Env hiding (getEnvDefault) main :: IO () main = hspec spec spec :: Spec spec = do describe "getEnvDefault" $ do it "returns the value of an environment variable" $ do setEnv "FOO" "foo" True r <- getEnvDefault "FOO" "bar" r `shouldBe` "foo" it "returns a given default value if that environment variable is not set" $ do unsetEnv "FOO" r <- getEnvDefault "FOO" "bar" r `shouldBe` "bar" describe "getConnectionSettings" $ do it "takes an optional argument, that overrides MPD_HOST" $ do setEnv "MPD_HOST" "" True Right (host, _, pw) <- getConnectionSettings (Just "foo@bar") Nothing pw `shouldBe` "foo" host `shouldBe` "bar" it "takes an optional argument, that overrides MPD_PORT" $ do setEnv "MPD_PORT" "8080" True Right (_, port, _) <- getConnectionSettings Nothing (Just "23") port `shouldBe` 23 it "returns an error message, if MPD_PORT is not an int" $ do setEnv "MPD_PORT" "foo" True r <- getConnectionSettings Nothing Nothing r `shouldBe` Left "\"foo\" is not a valid port!" unsetEnv "MPD_PORT" describe "host" $ do it "is taken from MPD_HOST" $ do setEnv "MPD_HOST" "" True Right (host, _, _) <- getConnectionSettings Nothing Nothing host `shouldBe` "" it "is 'localhost' if MPD_HOST is not set" $ do unsetEnv "MPD_HOST" Right (host, _, _) <- getConnectionSettings Nothing Nothing host `shouldBe` "localhost" describe "port" $ do it "is taken from MPD_PORT" $ do setEnv "MPD_PORT" "8080" True Right (_, port, _) <- getConnectionSettings Nothing Nothing port `shouldBe` 8080 it "is 6600 if MPD_PORT is not set" $ do unsetEnv "MPD_PORT" Right (_, port, _) <- getConnectionSettings Nothing Nothing port `shouldBe` 6600 describe "password" $ do it "is taken from MPD_HOST if MPD_HOST is of the form password@host" $ do setEnv "MPD_HOST" "password@host" True Right (host, _, pw) <- getConnectionSettings Nothing Nothing host `shouldBe` "host" pw `shouldBe` "password" it "is '' if MPD_HOST is not of the form password@host" $ do setEnv "MPD_HOST" "" True Right (_, _, pw) <- getConnectionSettings Nothing Nothing pw `shouldBe` "" it "is '' if MPD_HOST is not set" $ do unsetEnv "MPD_HOST" Right (_, _, pw) <- getConnectionSettings Nothing Nothing pw `shouldBe` ""