{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

{- |
  Module      :  Lighttpd.Conf.Syntax
  Copyright   :  (c) Matt Morrow 2008
  License     :  BSD3

  Maintainer  :  Matt Morrow <mjm2002@gmail.com>
  Stability   :  unstable
  Portability :  non-portable (DeriveDataTypeable)

module Lighttpd.Conf.Syntax (
  , Name(..)
  , mkName
  , QName(..)
  , mkQName
  , Val(..)
  , ArrayElem(..)
  , Enabled(..)
  , Include(..)
  , Exp(..)
  , CondElse(..)
  , Cond(..)
  , Op(..)
  , Pat(..)
  , Field(..)
  , ToVal(..)
) where

import Data.Generics (Data)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B


newtype Config = Config [Exp]
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data)


newtype Name = Name ByteString
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data)

mkName :: String -> Name
mkName = Name . B.pack

data QName = QName
  { moduleName  :: Name
  , baseName    :: Name }
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data)

mkQName :: String -> String -> QName
mkQName a b = QName (mkName a) (mkName b)


data Val
  = VarV QName
  | StringV ByteString
  | IntegerV Int
  | BooleanV Enabled
  | ArrayV [ArrayElem]
  | ManyV [Val]
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data)

data ArrayElem
  = ArrayElem (Maybe Name) Val
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data)

data Enabled = Enable | Disable
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data)

toArrayElem :: (Maybe Name,Val) -> ArrayElem
toArrayElem = uncurry ArrayElem


data Exp
  = CommentE ByteString
  | GlobalCxtE [Exp]
  | OptionE QName Val
  | MergeE QName Val
  | IncludeE Include
  | CondE Cond [Exp] [CondElse]
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data)

data CondElse
  = CondElse Cond [Exp]
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data)

data Include
  = ValueI Val
  | ShellI ByteString
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data)


{- |
> ghci> ppr $ Cond (HttpF Cookie) Match (RegexP "this.{,5}[=@#]?that$")
> $HTTP{"cookie"} =~ "this.{,5}[=@#]?that$"
data Cond
  = Cond Field Op Pat
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data)

data Op
  = Equal
  | NotEqual
  | Match
  | NotMatch
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data)

data Pat
  = StringP ByteString
  | RegexP ByteString
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data)

data Field = Field Name ByteString
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data)
  = HttpF HttpVar
  | ServerF ServerVar
  | PhysicalF PhysicalVar

data HttpVar
  = Cookie
  | Host
  | Referer
  | URL
  | QueryString
  | RemoteIP
  | Scheme
  deriving (Show)

data ServerVar
  = Socket
  deriving (Show)

data PhysicalVar
  = Path
  | ExistingPath
  deriving (Show)


class ToVal a where
  toVal :: a -> Val

instance ToVal String where
  toVal = StringV . B.pack

instance ToVal ByteString where
  toVal = StringV

instance ToVal Int where
  toVal = IntegerV

instance ToVal Integer where
  toVal = IntegerV . fromIntegral

instance ToVal Bool where
  toVal True = BooleanV Enable
  toVal _    = BooleanV Disable

instance ToVal [Val] where
  toVal = ManyV

instance ToVal [ArrayElem] where
  toVal = ArrayV

instance ToVal [(Maybe Name,Val)] where
  toVal = toVal . fmap toArrayElem


option   : NAME = VALUE
merge    : NAME += VALUE
NAME     : modulename.key
VALUE    : ( <string> | <integer> | <boolean> | <array> | VALUE [ + VALUE ]*)
<string> : "text"
<integer>: digit*
<boolean>: ( "enable" | "disable" )
<array>  : "(" [ <string> "=>" ] <value> [, [ <string> "=>" ] <value> ]* ")"
INCLUDE  : "include" VALUE

<field> <operator> <value> {
  <field> <operator> <value> {
    ... nesting: match only when parent match
else <field> <operator> <value> {
  ... the "else if" block

where <field> is one of one of the following:

    match on cookie
    match on host
    match on useragent
    match on referer
    match on url. If there are nested blocks, this must be the most inner block.
    match on querystring, eg, after the ? in this type url: index.php?module=images..
    match on the remote IP or a remote Network (Warning: doesn't work with IPv6 enabled)
$HTTP["scheme"] (Introduced in version 1.4.19)
    match on the scheme used by the incoming connection. This is either "http" or "https".
    match on socket. Value must be on the format "ip:port" where ip is an IP address and port a port number, or ":port" to match port only. Only equal match (==) is supported. It also binds the daemon to this socket. Use this if you want to do IP/port-based virtual hosts.
$PHYSICAL["path"] (Introduced in version 1.5.0)
    match on the mapped physical path of the file / cgi script to be served.
$PHYSICAL["existing-path"] (Introduced in version 1.5.0)
    match on the mapped physical path of the file / cgi script to be served only if such a file exists on the local filesystem. 

<operator> is one of:
    string equal match
    string not equal match
    perl style regular expression match
    perl style regular expression not match

and <value> is either a quoted ("") literal string or regular expression.

# default document-root
server.document-root = "/var/www/example.org/pages/"

# TCP port
server.port = 80

# selecting modules
server.modules = ( "mod_access", "mod_rewrite" )

# variables, computed when config is read.
var.mymodule = "foo"
server.modules += ( "mod_" + var.mymodule )
# var.PID is initialised to the pid of lighttpd before config is parsed

# include, relative to dirname of main config file
include "mime.types.conf"

# read configuration from output of a command
include_shell "/usr/local/bin/confmimetype /etc/mime.types"