test1.hs:16:9: Exception when trying to run compile-time code: Parse error[TString "mime.types.conf",TComment " read configuration from output of a command",TIncludeShell,TString "/usr/local/bin/confmimetype /etc/mime.types"] Code: Language.Haskell.TH.Quote.quoteExp lighttpd "\n # default document-root\n server.document-root = \"/var/www/example.org/pages/\"\n\n # TCP port\n server.port = 80\n # selecting modules\n server.modules = ( \"mod_access\", \"mod_rewrite\" )\n\n # variables, computed when config is read.\n var.mymodule = \"foo\"\n server.modules += ( \"mod_\" + var.mymodule )\n # var.PID is initialised to the pid of lighttpd before config is parsed\n\n # include, relative to dirname of main config file\n includeOHNOESANERRSOIUSOUROUBBDF \"mime.types.conf\"\n\n # read configuration from output of a command\n include_shell \"/usr/local/bin/confmimetype /etc/mime.types\"\n"