// Copyright (C) 2005-2009, Pierre Bonami and others. All Rights Reserved. // Author: Pierre Bonami // LIF // CNRS, Aix-Marseille Universites // Date: 02/23/08 // // $Id: CglLandPMessages.hpp 1123 2013-04-06 20:47:24Z stefan $ // // This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL). //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef CglLandPMessages_H #define CglLandPMessages_H #include "CoinMessage.hpp" #include "CoinMessageHandler.hpp" namespace LAP { /** Forward declaration of class to store extra debug data.*/ class DebugData; /** Types of messages for lift-and-project simplex.*/ enum LAP_messages { Separating, FoundImprovingRow, FoundBestImprovingCol, WarnFailedBestImprovingCol, LogHead, PivotLog, FinishedOptimal, HitLimit, NumberNegRc, NumberZeroRc, NumberPosRc, WeightsStats, WarnBadSigmaComputation, WarnBadRowComputation, WarnGiveUpRow, PivotFailedSigmaUnchanged, PivotFailedSigmaIncreased, FailedSigmaIncreased, WarnBadRhsComputation, WarnFailedPivotTol, WarnFailedPivotIIf, RoundStats, CutStat, DUMMY_END }; /** Message handler for lift-and-project simplex. */ class LandPMessages : public CoinMessages { public: /** Constructor */ LandPMessages(); }; } #endif