{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 702
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
-- |
-- Copyright   :  (C) 2012-2013 Edward Kmett,
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Edward Kmett <ekmett@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
-- Simple matrix operation for low-dimensional primitives.
module Linear.Matrix
  ( (!*!), (!+!), (!-!), (!*) , (*!), (!!*), (*!!)
  , column
  , adjoint
  , M22, M23, M24, M32, M33, M34, M42, M43, M44
  , m33_to_m44, m43_to_m44
  , det22, det33, inv22, inv33
  , eye2, eye3, eye4
  , Trace(..)
  , translation
  , transpose
  , fromQuaternion
  , mkTransformation
  , mkTransformationMat
  ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens hiding (index)
import Control.Lens.Internal.Context
import Data.Distributive
import Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Data.Functor.Rep
import Linear.Epsilon
import Linear.Quaternion
import Linear.V2
import Linear.V3
import Linear.V4
import Linear.Vector
import Linear.Conjugate
import Linear.Trace

-- | This is a generalization of 'Control.Lens.inside' to work over any corepresentable 'Functor'.
-- @
-- 'column' :: 'Representable' f => 'Lens' s t a b -> 'Lens' (f s) (f t) (f a) (f b)
-- @
-- In practice it is used to access a column of a matrix.
-- >>> V2 (V3 1 2 3) (V3 4 5 6) ^._x
-- V3 1 2 3
-- >>> V2 (V3 1 2 3) (V3 4 5 6) ^.column _x
-- V2 1 4
column :: Representable f => LensLike (Context a b) s t a b -> Lens (f s) (f t) (f a) (f b)
column l f es = o <$> f i where
   go = l (Context id)
   i = tabulate $ \ e -> ipos $ go (index es e)
   o eb = tabulate $ \ e -> ipeek (index eb e) (go (index es e))

-- $setup
-- >>> import Data.Complex
-- >>> import Data.IntMap
-- >>> import Debug.SimpleReflect.Vars

infixl 7 !*!
-- | Matrix product. This can compute any combination of sparse and dense multiplication.
-- >>> V2 (V3 1 2 3) (V3 4 5 6) !*! V3 (V2 1 2) (V2 3 4) (V2 4 5)
-- V2 (V2 19 25) (V2 43 58)
-- >>> V2 (fromList [(1,2)]) (fromList [(2,3)]) !*! fromList [(1,V3 0 0 1), (2, V3 0 0 5)]
-- V2 (V3 0 0 2) (V3 0 0 15)
(!*!) :: (Functor m, Foldable t, Additive t, Additive n, Num a) => m (t a) -> t (n a) -> m (n a)
f !*! g = fmap (\ f' -> Foldable.foldl' (^+^) zero $ liftI2 (*^) f' g) f

infixl 6 !+!
-- | Entry-wise matrix addition.
-- >>> V2 (V3 1 2 3) (V3 4 5 6) !+! V2 (V3 7 8 9) (V3 1 2 3)
-- V2 (V3 8 10 12) (V3 5 7 9)
(!+!) :: (Additive m, Additive n, Num a) => m (n a) -> m (n a) -> m (n a)
as !+! bs = liftU2 (^+^) as bs

infixl 6 !-!
-- | Entry-wise matrix subtraction.
-- >>> V2 (V3 1 2 3) (V3 4 5 6) !-! V2 (V3 7 8 9) (V3 1 2 3)
-- V2 (V3 (-6) (-6) (-6)) (V3 3 3 3)
(!-!) :: (Additive m, Additive n, Num a) => m (n a) -> m (n a) -> m (n a)
as !-! bs = liftU2 (^-^) as bs

infixl 7 !*
-- | Matrix * column vector
-- >>> V2 (V3 1 2 3) (V3 4 5 6) !* V3 7 8 9
-- V2 50 122
(!*) :: (Functor m, Foldable r, Additive r, Num a) => m (r a) -> r a -> m a
m !* v = fmap (\r -> Foldable.sum $ liftI2 (*) r v) m

infixl 7 *!
-- | Row vector * matrix
-- >>> V2 1 2 *! V2 (V3 3 4 5) (V3 6 7 8)
-- V3 15 18 21

-- (*!) :: (Metric r, Additive n, Num a) => r a -> r (n a) -> n a
-- f *! g = dot f <$> distribute g

(*!) :: (Num a, Foldable t, Additive f, Additive t) => t a -> t (f a) -> f a
f *! g = sumV $ liftI2 (*^) f g

infixl 7 *!!
-- | Scalar-matrix product
-- >>> 5 *!! V2 (V2 1 2) (V2 3 4)
-- V2 (V2 5 10) (V2 15 20)
(*!!) :: (Functor m, Functor r, Num a) => a -> m (r a) -> m (r a)
s *!! m = fmap (s *^) m
{-# INLINE (*!!) #-}

infixl 7 !!*
-- | Matrix-scalar product
-- >>> V2 (V2 1 2) (V2 3 4) !!* 5
-- V2 (V2 5 10) (V2 15 20)
(!!*) :: (Functor m, Functor r, Num a) => m (r a) -> a -> m (r a)
(!!*) = flip (*!!)
{-# INLINE (!!*) #-}

-- | Hermitian conjugate or conjugate transpose
-- >>> adjoint (V2 (V2 (1 :+ 2) (3 :+ 4)) (V2 (5 :+ 6) (7 :+ 8)))
-- V2 (V2 (1.0 :+ (-2.0)) (5.0 :+ (-6.0))) (V2 (3.0 :+ (-4.0)) (7.0 :+ (-8.0)))
adjoint :: (Functor m, Distributive n, Conjugate a) => m (n a) -> n (m a)
adjoint = collect (fmap conjugate)
{-# INLINE adjoint #-}

-- * Matrices
-- Matrices use a row-major representation.

-- | A 2x2 matrix with row-major representation
type M22 a = V2 (V2 a)
-- | A 2x3 matrix with row-major representation
type M23 a = V2 (V3 a)
-- | A 2x3 matrix with row-major representation
type M24 a = V2 (V4 a)
-- | A 3x2 matrix with row-major representation
type M32 a = V3 (V2 a)
-- | A 3x3 matrix with row-major representation
type M33 a = V3 (V3 a)
-- | A 3x4 matrix with row-major representation
type M34 a = V3 (V4 a)
-- | A 4x2 matrix with row-major representation
type M42 a = V4 (V2 a)
-- | A 4x3 matrix with row-major representation
type M43 a = V4 (V3 a)
-- | A 4x4 matrix with row-major representation
type M44 a = V4 (V4 a)

-- | Build a rotation matrix from a unit 'Quaternion'.
fromQuaternion :: Num a => Quaternion a -> M33 a
fromQuaternion (Quaternion w (V3 x y z)) =
  V3 (V3 (1-2*(y2+z2)) (2*(x*y-z*w)) (2*(x*z+y*w)))
     (V3 (2*(x*y+z*w)) (1-2*(x2+z2)) (2*(y*z-x*w)))
     (V3 (2*(x*z-y*w)) (2*(y*z+x*w)) (1-2*(x2+y2)))
  where x2 = x * x
        y2 = y * y
        z2 = z * z

-- | Build a transformation matrix from a rotation matrix and a
-- translation vector.
mkTransformationMat :: Num a => M33 a -> V3 a -> M44 a
mkTransformationMat (V3 r1 r2 r3) (V3 tx ty tz) =
  V4 (snoc3 r1 tx) (snoc3 r2 ty) (snoc3 r3 tz) (V4 0 0 0 1)
  where snoc3 (V3 x y z) = V4 x y z

-- |Build a transformation matrix from a rotation expressed as a
-- 'Quaternion' and a translation vector.
mkTransformation :: Num a => Quaternion a -> V3 a -> M44 a
mkTransformation = mkTransformationMat . fromQuaternion

-- | Convert from a 4x3 matrix to a 4x4 matrix, extending it with the @[ 0 0 0 1 ]@ column vector
m43_to_m44 :: Num a => M43 a -> M44 a
  (V4 (V3 a b c)
      (V3 d e f)
      (V3 g h i)
      (V3 j k l)) =
  V4 (V4 a b c 0)
     (V4 d e f 0)
     (V4 g h i 0)
     (V4 j k l 1)
{-# ANN m43_to_m44 "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-}

-- | Convert a 3x3 matrix to a 4x4 matrix extending it with 0's in the new row and column.
m33_to_m44 :: Num a => M33 a -> M44 a
m33_to_m44 (V3 r1 r2 r3) = V4 (vector r1) (vector r2) (vector r3) (point 0)
{-# ANN m33_to_m44 "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-}

-- |2x2 identity matrix.
-- >>> eye2
-- V2 (V2 1 0) (V2 0 1)
eye2 :: Num a => M22 a
eye2 = V2 (V2 1 0)
          (V2 0 1)

-- |3x3 identity matrix.
-- >>> eye3
-- V3 (V3 1 0 0) (V3 0 1 0) (V3 0 0 1)
eye3 :: Num a => M33 a
eye3 = V3 (V3 1 0 0)
          (V3 0 1 0)
          (V3 0 0 1)

-- |4x4 identity matrix.
-- >>> eye4
-- V4 (V4 1 0 0 0) (V4 0 1 0 0) (V4 0 0 1 0) (V4 0 0 0 1)
eye4 :: Num a => M44 a
eye4 = V4 (V4 1 0 0 0)
          (V4 0 1 0 0)
          (V4 0 0 1 0)
          (V4 0 0 0 1)

-- |Extract the translation vector (first three entries of the last
-- column) from a 3x4 or 4x4 matrix.
translation :: (Representable t, R3 t, R4 v) => Lens' (t (v a)) (V3 a)
translation = column _w._xyz
translation f rs = aux <$> f (view _w <$> view _xyz rs)
 where aux (V3 x y z) = (_x._w .~ x) . (_y._w .~ y) . (_z._w .~ z) $ rs

-- translation :: (R3 t, R4 v, Functor f, Functor t) => (V3 a -> f (V3 a)) -> t (v a) -> f (t a)
-- translation = (. fmap (^._w)) . _xyz where
--   x ^. l = getConst (l Const x)

-- |2x2 matrix determinant.
-- >>> det22 (V2 (V2 a b) (V2 c d))
-- a * d - b * c
det22 :: Num a => M22 a -> a
det22 (V2 (V2 a b) (V2 c d)) = a * d - b * c
{-# INLINE det22 #-}

-- |3x3 matrix determinant.
-- >>> det33 (V3 (V3 a b c) (V3 d e f) (V3 g h i))
-- a * (e * i - f * h) - d * (b * i - c * h) + g * (b * f - c * e)
det33 :: Num a => M33 a -> a
det33 (V3 (V3 a b c)
          (V3 d e f)
          (V3 g h i)) = a * (e*i-f*h) - d * (b*i-c*h) + g * (b*f-c*e)
{-# INLINE det33 #-}

-- |2x2 matrix inverse.
-- >>> inv22 $ V2 (V2 1 2) (V2 3 4)
-- Just (V2 (V2 (-2.0) 1.0) (V2 1.5 (-0.5)))
inv22 :: (Epsilon a, Floating a) => M22 a -> Maybe (M22 a)
inv22 m@(V2 (V2 a b) (V2 c d))
  | nearZero det = Nothing
  | otherwise = Just $ (1 / det) *!! V2 (V2 d (-b)) (V2 (-c) a)
  where det = det22 m
{-# INLINE inv22 #-}

-- |3x3 matrix inverse.
-- >>> inv33 $ V3 (V3 1 2 4) (V3 4 2 2) (V3 1 1 1)
-- Just (V3 (V3 0.0 0.5 (-1.0)) (V3 (-0.5) (-0.75) 3.5) (V3 0.5 0.25 (-1.5)))
inv33 :: (Epsilon a, Floating a) => M33 a -> Maybe (M33 a)
inv33 m@(V3 (V3 a b c)
            (V3 d e f)
            (V3 g h i))
  | nearZero det = Nothing
  | otherwise = Just $ (1 / det) *!! V3 (V3 a' b' c')
                                        (V3 d' e' f')
                                        (V3 g' h' i')
  where a' = cofactor (e,f,h,i)
        b' = cofactor (c,b,i,h)
        c' = cofactor (b,c,e,f)
        d' = cofactor (f,d,i,g)
        e' = cofactor (a,c,g,i)
        f' = cofactor (c,a,f,d)
        g' = cofactor (d,e,g,h)
        h' = cofactor (b,a,h,g)
        i' = cofactor (a,b,d,e)
        cofactor (q,r,s,t) = det22 (V2 (V2 q r) (V2 s t))
        det = det33 m
{-# INLINE inv33 #-}

-- | 'transpose' is just an alias for 'distribute'
-- > transpose (V3 (V2 1 2) (V2 3 4) (V2 5 6))
-- V2 (V3 1 3 5) (V3 2 4 6)
transpose :: (Distributive g, Functor f) => f (g a) -> g (f a)
transpose = distribute