{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns        #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Data.Array.Accelerate.Linear.Vector
-- Copyright   : 2014 Edward Kmett, Charles Durham,
--               [2015..2018] Trevor L. McDonell
-- License     : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  : Edward Kmett <ekmett@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
-- Operations on free vector spaces

module Data.Array.Accelerate.Linear.Vector

import Data.Array.Accelerate                    as A
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Linear.Type

import Control.Lens
import Prelude                                  as P
import qualified Linear.Vector                  as L

infixl 6 ^+^, ^+, +^, ^-^, ^-, -^
infixl 7 ^*, *^, ^/, /^

-- $setup
-- >>> import Linear.V2
-- >>> import Data.Array.Accelerate.Linear.V2 ()
-- >>> import Data.Array.Accelerate.Interpreter
-- >>> :{
--   let test :: Elt e => Exp e -> e
--       test e = indexArray (run (unit e)) Z
-- :}

-- | A vector is an additive group with additional structure.
-- TODO: Support both 'Exp' and 'Acc'
class L.Additive f => Additive f where

  -- | The zero vector
  zero :: (Elt (f a), P.Num a) => Exp (f a)
  zero = constant (L.zero)

  -- | Compute the sum of two vectors
  -- >>> test $ lift (V2 1 2 :: V2 Int) ^+^ lift (V2 3 4 :: V2 Int)
  -- V2 4 6
  (^+^) :: forall a. (A.Num a, Box f a)
        => Exp (f a)
        -> Exp (f a)
        -> Exp (f a)
  (^+^) = lift2 ((L.^+^) :: f (Exp a) -> f (Exp a) -> f (Exp a))

  -- | Compute the difference between two vectors
  -- >>> test $ lift (V2 4 5 :: V2 Int) ^-^ lift (V2 3 1 :: V2 Int)
  -- V2 1 4
  (^-^) :: forall a. (A.Num a, Box f a)
        => Exp (f a)
        -> Exp (f a)
        -> Exp (f a)
  (^-^) = lift2 ((L.^-^) :: f (Exp a) -> f (Exp a) -> f (Exp a))

  -- | Linearly interpolate between two vectors
  lerp :: forall a. (A.Num a, Box f a)
       => Exp a
       -> Exp (f a)
       -> Exp (f a)
       -> Exp (f a)
  lerp = lift3 (L.lerp :: Exp a -> f (Exp a) -> f (Exp a) -> f (Exp a))

-- type IsAdditive f a = (Additive f, Box f a)

-- | Basis element
newtype E t = E {
    el :: forall a. (Elt a, Box t a) => Lens' (Exp (t a)) (Exp a)

-- | Compute the negation of a vector
-- >>> test $ negated (lift (V2 2 4 :: V2 Int))
-- V2 (-2) (-4)
    :: forall f a. (Functor f, A.Num a, Box f a)
    => Exp (f a)
    -> Exp (f a)
negated = lift1 (L.negated :: f (Exp a) -> f (Exp a))

-- | Compute the left scalar product
-- >>> test $ 2 *^ lift (V2 3 4 :: V2 Int)
-- V2 6 8
(*^) :: forall f a. (Functor f, A.Num a, Box f a)
     => Exp a
     -> Exp (f a)
     -> Exp (f a)
(*^) = lift2 ((L.*^) :: Exp a -> f (Exp a) -> f (Exp a))

-- | Compute the right scalar product
-- >>> test $ lift (V2 3 4 :: V2 Int) ^* 2
-- V2 6 8
(^*) :: forall f a. (Functor f, A.Num a, Box f a)
     => Exp (f a)
     -> Exp a
     -> Exp (f a)
(^*) = lift2 ((L.^*) :: f (Exp a) -> Exp a -> f (Exp a))

-- | Compute division by a scalar on the right
-- >>> test $ lift (V2 4 6 :: V2 Double) ^/ 2
-- V2 2.0 3.0
(^/) :: forall f a. (Functor f, A.Fractional a, Box f a)
     => Exp (f a)
     -> Exp a
     -> Exp (f a)
(^/) = lift2 ((L.^/) :: f (Exp a) -> Exp a -> f (Exp a))

-- | Compute division of a scalar on the left
-- >>> test $ 4 /^ lift (V2 2 4 :: V2 Double)
-- V2 2.0 1.0
(/^) :: forall f a. (Functor f, A.Fractional a, Box f a)
     => Exp a
     -> Exp (f a)
     -> Exp (f a)
(/^) = lift2 ((\a f -> fmap (a/) f) :: Exp a -> f (Exp a) -> f (Exp a))

-- | Addition with a scalar on the left
-- >>> test $ 2 +^ lift (V2 3 4 :: V2 Int)
-- V2 5 6
(+^) :: forall f a. (Functor f, A.Num a, Box f a)
     => Exp a
     -> Exp (f a)
     -> Exp (f a)
(+^) = lift2 ((\a f -> fmap (a+) f) :: Exp a -> f (Exp a) -> f (Exp a))

-- | Addition with a scalar on the right
-- >>> test $ lift (V2 1 2 :: V2 Int) ^+ 3
-- V2 4 5
(^+) :: forall f a. (Functor f, A.Num a, Box f a)
     => Exp (f a)
     -> Exp a
     -> Exp (f a)
(^+) = lift2 ((\f a -> fmap (+a) f) :: f (Exp a) -> Exp a -> f (Exp a))

-- | Subtraction with a scalar on the left
-- >>> test $ 2 -^ lift (V2 3 4 :: V2 Int)
-- V2 (-1) (-2)
(-^) :: forall f a. (Functor f, A.Num a, Box f a)
     => Exp a
     -> Exp (f a)
     -> Exp (f a)
(-^) = lift2 ((\a f -> fmap (a-) f) :: Exp a -> f (Exp a) -> f (Exp a))

-- | Subtraction with a scalar on the right
-- >>> test $ lift (V2 1 2 :: V2 Int) ^- 3
-- V2 (-2) (-1)
(^-) :: forall f a. (Functor f, A.Num a, Box f a)
     => Exp (f a)
     -> Exp a
     -> Exp (f a)
(^-) = lift2 ((\f a -> fmap (A.subtract a) f) :: f (Exp a) -> Exp a -> f (Exp a))