module Matrix ( tests_Matrix ) where import Control.Monad( replicateM, zipWithM_ ) import Data.AEq import Data.List( transpose ) import Debug.Trace import Test.Framework import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 import Test.QuickCheck hiding ( vector ) import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC import Numeric.LinearAlgebra import qualified Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Matrix as M import qualified Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Vector as V import Test.QuickCheck.LinearAlgebra( TestElem(..), Dim2(..), Index2(..), Assocs2(..), MatrixPair(..) ) import qualified Test.QuickCheck.LinearAlgebra as Test import Typed tests_Matrix = testGroup "Matrix" [ testPropertyI "dim . fromList" prop_dim_fromList , testPropertyI "at . fromList" prop_at_fromList , testPropertyI "fromCols" prop_fromCols , testPropertyI "fromRows" prop_fromRows , testPropertyI "constant" prop_constant , testPropertyI "indices" prop_indices , testPropertyI "elems" prop_elems , testPropertyI "assocs" prop_assocs , testPropertyI "update" prop_update , testPropertyI "accum" prop_accum , testPropertyI "map" prop_map , testPropertyI "zipWith" prop_zipWith , testPropertyI "col" prop_col , testPropertyI "cols" prop_cols , testPropertyD "row" prop_row , testPropertyD "rows" prop_rows , testPropertyI "diag" prop_diag , testPropertyI "slice" prop_slice , testPropertyI "splitRowsAt" prop_splitRowsAt , testPropertyI "splitColsAt" prop_splitColsAt , testPropertyI "viewVector" prop_viewVector , testPropertyDZ "shiftDiag" prop_shiftDiag prop_shiftDiag , testPropertyDZ "shiftDiagWithScale" prop_shiftDiagWithScale prop_shiftDiagWithScale , testPropertyDZ "add" prop_add prop_add , testPropertyDZ "sub" prop_sub prop_sub , testPropertyDZ "scale" prop_scale prop_scale , testPropertyDZ "scaleRows" prop_scaleRows prop_scaleRows , testPropertyDZ "scaleCols" prop_scaleCols prop_scaleCols , testPropertyDZ "negate" prop_negate prop_negate , testPropertyDZ "conjugate" prop_conjugate prop_conjugate , testPropertyDZ "trans" prop_trans prop_trans , testPropertyDZ "conjTrans" prop_conjTrans prop_conjTrans , testPropertyDZ "rank1Update" prop_rank1Update prop_rank1Update , testPropertyDZ "mulVector" prop_mulVector prop_mulVector , testPropertyDZ "mulVectorWithScale" prop_mulVectorWithScale prop_mulVectorWithScale , testPropertyDZ "addMulVectorWithScales" prop_addMulVectorWithScales prop_addMulVectorWithScales , testPropertyDZ "mulMatrix" prop_mulMatrix prop_mulMatrix , testPropertyDZ "mulMatrixWithScale" prop_mulMatrixWithScale prop_mulMatrixWithScale , testPropertyDZ "addMulMatrixWithScales" prop_addMulMatrixWithScales prop_addMulMatrixWithScales ] ------------------------- Matrix Construction ------------------------------ prop_dim_fromList t (Dim2 (m,n)) = forAll (QC.vector $ m*n) $ \es -> let a = typed t $ M.fromList (m,n) es in M.dim a == (m,n) prop_at_fromList t (Dim2 (m,n)) = forAll (QC.vector $ m*n) $ \es -> let a = typed t $ M.fromList (m,n) es in and [ a (i,j) === e | ((i,j),e) <- zip [ (i,j) | j <- [ 0..n-1 ], i <- [ 0..m-1 ] ] es ] prop_fromCols t (Dim2 (m,n)) = forAll (replicateM n $ Test.vector m) $ \cs -> M.fromCols (m,n) cs === (typed t $ M.fromList (m,n) $ concatMap V.elems cs) prop_fromRows t (Dim2 (m,n)) = forAll (replicateM m $ Test.vector n) $ \rs -> M.fromRows (m,n) rs === (typed t $ M.fromList (m,n) $ concat $ transpose $ map V.elems rs) prop_constant t (Dim2 (m,n)) e = M.constant (m,n) e === M.fromList (m,n) (replicate (m*n) e) where _ = typed t [e] -------------------------- Accessing Matrices ------------------------------ prop_indices t x = M.indices x === [ (i,j) | j <- [ 0..n-1 ], i <- [ 0..m-1 ] ] where (m,n) = M.dim x _ = immutableMatrix x _ = typed t x prop_elems t x = M.elems x === [ x i | i <- M.indices x ] where _ = typed t x prop_assocs t x = M.assocs x === zip (M.indices x) (M.elems x) where _ = typed t x ------------------------- Incremental Updates ------------------------------ prop_update t (Assocs2 mn ies) = forAll (typed t `fmap` Test.matrix mn) $ \x -> let x' = M.update x ies is = M.indices x is1 = (fst . unzip) ies is0 = [ i | i <- is, i `notElem` is1 ] in and $ [ x' i `elem` [ e | (i',e) <- ies, i' == i ] | i <- is1 ] ++ [ x' i === x i | i <- is0 ] prop_accum t (Blind f) (Assocs2 mn ies) = forAll (typed t `fmap` Test.matrix mn) $ \x -> let x' = M.accum f x ies in x' === M.fromList mn [ foldl f e [ e' | (i',e') <- ies, i' == i] | (i,e) <- M.assocs x ] where _ = typed t $ (snd . unzip) ies -------------------------- Derived Matrices ------------------------------ prop_map t (Blind f) x = f x === M.fromList (M.dim x) (map f $ M.elems x) where _ = typed t x _ = typed t $ f x prop_zipWith t (Blind f) (MatrixPair x y) = M.zipWith f x y === (M.fromList (M.dim x) $ zipWith f (M.elems x) (M.elems y)) where _ = typed t x _ = typed t y _ = typed t $ M.zipWith f x y ------------------------------ Matrix Views -------------------------------- prop_col t (Index2 (m,n) (_,j)) = forAll (typed t `fmap` Test.matrix (m,n)) $ \a -> M.col a j === V.fromList m [ a (i,j) | i <- [ 0..m-1 ] ] prop_cols t a = M.cols a === [ M.col a j | j <- [ 0..n-1 ] ] where (_,n) = M.dim a _ = typed t $ immutableMatrix a prop_row t (Index2 (m,n) (i,_)) = forAll (typed t `fmap` Test.matrix (m,n)) $ \a -> M.row a i === V.fromList n [ a (i,j) | j <- [ 0..n-1 ] ] prop_rows t a = M.rows a === [ M.row a i | i <- [ 0..m-1 ] ] where (m,_) = M.dim a _ = typed t $ immutableMatrix a prop_diag t a = M.diag a === V.fromList mn [ a (i,i) | i <- [ ] ] where (m,n) = M.dim a mn = min m n _ = typed t $ immutableMatrix a prop_slice t a = forAll (choose (0,m)) $ \m' -> forAll (choose (0,n)) $ \n' -> forAll (choose (0,m-m')) $ \i -> forAll (choose (0,n-n')) $ \j -> M.slice (i,j) (m',n') a === M.fromCols (m',n') [ V.slice i m' (M.col a j') | j' <- [ j..j+n'-1 ] ] where (m,n) = M.dim a _ = typed t a prop_splitRowsAt t a = forAll (choose (0,m)) $ \i -> M.splitRowsAt i a === ( M.slice (0,0) (i,n) a , M.slice (i,0) (m-i,n) a ) where (m,n) = M.dim a _ = typed t $ immutableMatrix a prop_splitColsAt t a = forAll (choose (0,n)) $ \j -> M.splitColsAt j a === ( M.slice (0,0) (m,j) a , M.slice (0,j) (m,n-j) a ) where (m,n) = M.dim a _ = typed t $ immutableMatrix a prop_viewVector t (Dim2 (m,n)) = forAll (Test.vector $ m*n) $ \x -> let _ = typed t x in M.elems (M.fromVector (m,n) x) === V.elems x -------------------------- Num Matrix Operations -------------------------- prop_shiftDiag t a = forAll (Test.vector (min m n)) $ \d -> M.shiftDiag d a === M.accum (+) a [ ((i,i),e) | (i,e) <- V.assocs d ] where (m,n) = M.dim a _ = typed t a prop_shiftDiagWithScale t k a = forAll (Test.vector (min m n)) $ \d -> M.shiftDiagWithScale k d a ~== M.accum (+) a [ ((i,i),k * e) | (i,e) <- V.assocs d ] where (m,n) = M.dim a _ = typed t a prop_add t (MatrixPair x y) = x `M.add` y === M.zipWith (+) x y where _ = typed t x prop_sub t (MatrixPair x y) = x `M.sub` y === M.zipWith (-) x y where _ = typed t x prop_scale t k x = M.scale k x ~== (k*) x where _ = typed t x prop_scaleRows t a = forAll (Test.vector m) $ \s -> M.scaleRows s a ~== M.fromCols (m,n) [ V.mul s x | x <- M.cols a ] where (m,n) = M.dim a _ = typed t a prop_scaleCols t a = forAll (Test.vector n) $ \s -> M.scaleCols s a ~== M.fromCols (m,n) [ V.scale e x | (e,x) <- zip (V.elems s) (M.cols a) ] where (m,n) = M.dim a _ = typed t a prop_negate t x = M.negate x === negate x where _ = typed t x prop_conjugate t x = M.conjugate x === conjugate x where _ = typed t x -------------------------- Linear Algebra -------------------------- prop_trans t a = M.trans a === M.update ( (swap $ M.dim a)) [ (swap ij, e) | (ij,e) <- M.assocs a ] where swap (i,j) = (j,i) _ = typed t a prop_conjTrans t a = M.conjTrans a === M.conjugate (M.trans a) where _ = typed t a prop_rank1Update t alpha a = forAll (Test.vector m) $ \x -> forAll (Test.vector n) $ \y -> let y' = V.conjugate y in M.rank1Update alpha x y a ~== M.update ( (m,n)) [ ((i,j), alpha * x i * y' j + e) | ((i,j),e) <- M.assocs a ] where (m,n)= M.dim a _ = typed t a data MulMatrixAddVector e = MulMatrixAddVector Trans (Matrix e) (Vector e) (Vector e) deriving (Show) instance (Storable e, Arbitrary e) => Arbitrary (MulMatrixAddVector e) where arbitrary = do transa <- arbitrary a <- arbitrary let (ma,na) = M.dim a (m,n) = case transa of NoTrans -> (ma,na) _ -> (na,ma) x <- Test.vector n y <- Test.vector m return $ MulMatrixAddVector transa a x y data MulMatrixVector e = MulMatrixVector Trans (Matrix e) (Vector e) deriving (Show) instance (Storable e, Arbitrary e) => Arbitrary (MulMatrixVector e) where arbitrary = do (MulMatrixAddVector transa a x _) <- arbitrary return $ MulMatrixVector transa a x prop_mulVector t (MulMatrixVector transa a x) = M.mulVector transa a x ~== case transa of NoTrans -> V.fromList (fst $ M.dim a) [ x (V.conjugate r) | r <- M.rows a ] Trans -> V.fromList (snd $ M.dim a) [ x (V.conjugate c) | c <- M.cols a ] ConjTrans -> V.fromList (snd $ M.dim a) [ x c | c <- M.cols a ] where _ = typed t a prop_mulVectorWithScale t alpha (MulMatrixVector transa a x) = M.mulVectorWithScale alpha transa a x ~== M.mulVector transa a (V.scale alpha x) where _ = typed t a prop_addMulVectorWithScales t alpha beta (MulMatrixAddVector transa a x y) = M.addMulVectorWithScales alpha transa a x beta y ~== V.add (M.mulVectorWithScale alpha transa a x) (V.scale beta y) where _ = typed t a data MulMatrixAddMatrix e = MulMatrixAddMatrix Trans (Matrix e) Trans (Matrix e) (Matrix e) deriving (Show) instance (Storable e, Arbitrary e) => Arbitrary (MulMatrixAddMatrix e) where arbitrary = do transa <- arbitrary transb <- arbitrary c <- arbitrary k <- fst `fmap` Test.dim2 let (m,n) = M.dim c (ma,na) = case transa of NoTrans -> (m,k) _ -> (k,m) (mb,nb) = case transb of NoTrans -> (k,n) _ -> (n,k) a <- Test.matrix (ma,na) b <- Test.matrix (mb,nb) return $ MulMatrixAddMatrix transa a transb b c data MulMatrixMatrix e = MulMatrixMatrix Trans (Matrix e) Trans (Matrix e) deriving (Show) instance (Storable e, Arbitrary e) => Arbitrary (MulMatrixMatrix e) where arbitrary = do (MulMatrixAddMatrix transa a transb b _) <- arbitrary return $ MulMatrixMatrix transa a transb b prop_mulMatrix t (MulMatrixMatrix transa a transb b) = M.mulMatrix transa a transb b ~== M.fromCols (m,n) [ M.mulVector transa a x | x <- M.cols b' ] where m = case transa of NoTrans -> (fst $ M.dim a) _ -> (snd $ M.dim a) n = case transb of NoTrans -> (snd $ M.dim b) _ -> (fst $ M.dim b) b' = case transb of NoTrans -> b Trans -> M.trans b ConjTrans -> M.conjTrans b _ = typed t a prop_mulMatrixWithScale t alpha (MulMatrixMatrix transa a transb b) = M.mulMatrixWithScale alpha transa a transb b ~== M.scale alpha (M.mulMatrix transa a transb b) where _ = typed t a prop_addMulMatrixWithScales t alpha beta (MulMatrixAddMatrix transa a transb b c) = M.addMulMatrixWithScales alpha transa a transb b beta c ~== M.add (M.scale alpha (M.mulMatrix transa a transb b)) (M.scale beta c) where _ = typed t a testAEq a b = if a ~== b then True else trace ("expected: " ++ show b ++ "\nactual: " ++ show a) False