-- | -- Module : test -- Copyright : (c) Justus Sagemüller 2021 -- License : GPL v3 -- -- Maintainer : (@) jsag $ hvl.no -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} import qualified Prelude as Hask import Control.Category.Constrained.Prelude import Control.Arrow.Constrained import Data.AffineSpace import Linear.V4 import Data.Basis import Math.LinearMap.Category import Math.Manifold.Core.Types import Math.Manifold.Core.PseudoAffine import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC newtype ℝ⁵ a = ℝ⁵ { getℝ⁵ :: [ℝ] } deriving (Eq, Show) instance AdditiveGroup (ℝ⁵ a) where zeroV = ℝ⁵ $ replicate 5 0 ℝ⁵ v ^+^ ℝ⁵ w = ℝ⁵ $ zipWith (+) v w negateV (ℝ⁵ v) = ℝ⁵ $ map negate v instance VectorSpace (ℝ⁵ a) where type Scalar (ℝ⁵ a) = ℝ μ*^ℝ⁵ v = ℝ⁵ $ map (μ*) v instance InnerSpace (ℝ⁵ a) where ℝ⁵ v <.> ℝ⁵ w = sum $ zipWith (*) v w type Z5 = Z3+Z2 type Z3 = Z2+() type Z2 = ()+() instance Num a => HasBasis (ℝ⁵ a) where type Basis (ℝ⁵ a) = Z5 basisValue (Left (Left (Left ()))) = ℝ⁵ [1,0,0,0,0] basisValue (Left (Left (Right ()))) = ℝ⁵ [0,1,0,0,0] basisValue (Left (Right () )) = ℝ⁵ [0,0,1,0,0] basisValue (Right (Left () )) = ℝ⁵ [0,0,0,1,0] basisValue (Right (Right () )) = ℝ⁵ [0,0,0,0,1] decompose (ℝ⁵ [a,b,c,d,e]) = [ (Left (Left (Left ())), a) , (Left (Left (Right ())), b) , (Left (Right () ), c) , (Right (Left () ), d) , (Right (Right () ), e) ] decompose' (ℝ⁵ [a,b,c,d,e]) n = case n of Left (Left (Left ())) -> a Left (Left (Right ())) -> b Left (Right () ) -> c Right (Left () ) -> d Right (Right () ) -> e instance Arbitrary (ℝ⁵ a) where arbitrary = ℝ⁵ <$> QC.vectorOf 5 arbitrary makeFiniteDimensionalFromBasis [t| ∀ a . Num a => ℝ⁵ a |] newtype H¹ℝ⁵ = H¹ℝ⁵ { getH¹ℝ⁵ :: ℝ⁵ Int } deriving newtype (Eq, Show, AdditiveGroup, VectorSpace, HasBasis, Arbitrary) makeFiniteDimensionalFromBasis [t| H¹ℝ⁵ |] derivative :: H¹ℝ⁵ -> ℝ⁵ Int derivative (H¹ℝ⁵ (ℝ⁵ (x₀:xs))) = ℝ⁵ (x₀:xs) ^-^ ℝ⁵ (xs++[x₀]) instance InnerSpace H¹ℝ⁵ where H¹ℝ⁵ v <.> H¹ℝ⁵ w = v<.>w + derivative (H¹ℝ⁵ v)<.>derivative (H¹ℝ⁵ w) instance Arbitrary (V4 ℝ) where arbitrary = V4<$>arbitrary<*>arbitrary<*>arbitrary<*>arbitrary main :: IO () main = do defaultMain $ testGroup "Tests" [ testGroup "Euclidean space" [ testProperty "co-Riesz inversion" $ \v -> (arr coRiesz\$coRiesz-+$>v) === (v :: V4 ℝ) , testProperty "Random operator inversion" -- This isn't really expected to work $ \f v -> (f \$ (f :: V4 ℝ+>V4 ℝ) $ v) ≈≈≈ v -- /always/, but singular matrices are ] -- very seldom in the @Arbitrary@ instance. , testGroup "Basis-derived space" [ testProperty "Semimanifold addition" $ \v w -> v.+~^w === (v^+^w :: ℝ⁵ Int) , testProperty "Riesz representation, orthonormal basis" $ \v -> (riesz-+$>coRiesz-+$>v) === (v :: ℝ⁵ Int) , testProperty "Riesz representation, non-orthonormal basis" $ \v -> (riesz-+$>coRiesz-+$>v) ≈≈≈ (v :: H¹ℝ⁵) ] ] (≈≈≈) :: (InnerSpace v, Show v, Eq v, RealFrac (Scalar v)) => v -> v -> QC.Property v≈≈≈w | magnitudeSq (v^-^w) < (magnitudeSq v + magnitudeSq w)*1e-8 = QC.property True | otherwise = v===w