{-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -XMagicHash #-}
{- For Hugs, use the option -F"cpp -P -traditional" -}

module LinearScan.Blocks where

import Debug.Trace (trace, traceShow)
import qualified Prelude
import qualified Data.IntMap
import qualified Data.IntSet
import qualified Data.List
import qualified Data.Ord
import qualified Data.Functor.Identity
import qualified LinearScan.Utils

import qualified LinearScan.Monad as Monad
import qualified LinearScan.UsePos as UsePos
import qualified LinearScan.Yoneda as Yoneda

import qualified GHC.Base as GHC.Base
import qualified GHC.Prim as GHC.Prim
import qualified LinearScan.IOExts as IOExts

--unsafeCoerce :: a -> b
unsafeCoerce = GHC.Base.unsafeCoerce#
--unsafeCoerce :: a -> b
unsafeCoerce = IOExts.unsafeCoerce

__ :: any
__ = Prelude.error "Logical or arity value used"

type PhysReg = Prelude.Int

type VarId = Prelude.Int

data VarInfo =
   Build_VarInfo (Prelude.Either PhysReg VarId) UsePos.VarKind Prelude.Bool

varId :: Prelude.Int -> VarInfo -> Prelude.Either PhysReg VarId
varId maxReg v =
  case v of {
   Build_VarInfo varId0 varKind0 regRequired0 -> varId0}

varKind :: Prelude.Int -> VarInfo -> UsePos.VarKind
varKind maxReg v =
  case v of {
   Build_VarInfo varId0 varKind0 regRequired0 -> varKind0}

regRequired :: Prelude.Int -> VarInfo -> Prelude.Bool
regRequired maxReg v =
  case v of {
   Build_VarInfo varId0 varKind0 regRequired0 -> regRequired0}

nat_of_varId :: Prelude.Int -> VarInfo -> Prelude.Int
nat_of_varId maxReg v =
  case varId maxReg v of {
   Prelude.Left n ->  n;
   Prelude.Right v0 -> (Prelude.+) v0 maxReg}

data OpKind =
 | IsCall
 | IsBranch

type OpId = Prelude.Int

data OpInfo m opType1 opType2 =
   Build_OpInfo (opType1 -> OpKind) (opType1 -> [] VarInfo) (PhysReg ->
                                                            PhysReg ->
                                                            m ([] opType2)) 
 (PhysReg -> PhysReg -> Yoneda.Yoneda m ([] opType2)) (PhysReg ->
                                                      VarId) -> Yoneda.Yoneda
                                                      m ([] opType2)) 
 ((Prelude.Maybe VarId) -> PhysReg -> Yoneda.Yoneda m ([] opType2)) (opType1
                                                                    -> ([]
 (opType1 -> Prelude.String)

opKind :: Prelude.Int -> (Monad.Monad a1) -> (OpInfo a1 a2 a3) -> a2 ->
opKind maxReg h o =
  case o of {
   Build_OpInfo opKind0 opRefs0 moveOp0 swapOp0 saveOp0 restoreOp0
    applyAllocs0 showOp -> opKind0}

opRefs :: Prelude.Int -> (Monad.Monad a1) -> (OpInfo a1 a2 a3) -> a2 -> []
opRefs maxReg h o =
  case o of {
   Build_OpInfo opKind0 opRefs0 moveOp0 swapOp0 saveOp0 restoreOp0
    applyAllocs0 showOp -> opRefs0}

moveOp :: Prelude.Int -> (Monad.Monad a1) -> (OpInfo a1 a2 a3) -> PhysReg ->
          PhysReg -> (([] a3) -> a4) -> a1
moveOp maxReg h o x x0 x1 =
  case o of {
   Build_OpInfo opKind0 opRefs0 moveOp0 swapOp0 saveOp0 restoreOp0
    applyAllocs0 showOp -> unsafeCoerce moveOp0 x x0 __ x1}

swapOp :: Prelude.Int -> (Monad.Monad a1) -> (OpInfo a1 a2 a3) -> PhysReg ->
          PhysReg -> (([] a3) -> a4) -> a1
swapOp maxReg h o x x0 x1 =
  case o of {
   Build_OpInfo opKind0 opRefs0 moveOp0 swapOp0 saveOp0 restoreOp0
    applyAllocs0 showOp -> unsafeCoerce swapOp0 x x0 __ x1}

saveOp :: Prelude.Int -> (Monad.Monad a1) -> (OpInfo a1 a2 a3) -> PhysReg ->
          (Prelude.Maybe VarId) -> (([] a3) -> a4) -> a1
saveOp maxReg h o x x0 x1 =
  case o of {
   Build_OpInfo opKind0 opRefs0 moveOp0 swapOp0 saveOp0 restoreOp0
    applyAllocs0 showOp -> unsafeCoerce saveOp0 x x0 __ x1}

restoreOp :: Prelude.Int -> (Monad.Monad a1) -> (OpInfo a1 a2 a3) ->
             (Prelude.Maybe VarId) -> PhysReg -> (([] a3) -> a4) -> a1
restoreOp maxReg h o x x0 x1 =
  case o of {
   Build_OpInfo opKind0 opRefs0 moveOp0 swapOp0 saveOp0 restoreOp0
    applyAllocs0 showOp -> unsafeCoerce restoreOp0 x x0 __ x1}

applyAllocs :: Prelude.Int -> (Monad.Monad a1) -> (OpInfo a1 a2 a3) -> a2 ->
               ([] ((,) VarId PhysReg)) -> (([] a3) -> a4) -> a1
applyAllocs maxReg h o x x0 x1 =
  case o of {
   Build_OpInfo opKind0 opRefs0 moveOp0 swapOp0 saveOp0 restoreOp0
    applyAllocs0 showOp -> unsafeCoerce applyAllocs0 x x0 __ x1}

type BlockId = Prelude.Int

data BlockInfo m blockType1 blockType2 opType1 opType2 =
   Build_BlockInfo (blockType1 -> Yoneda.Yoneda m BlockId) (blockType1 ->
                                                           m ([] BlockId)) 
 (blockType1 -> blockType1 -> Yoneda.Yoneda m ((,) blockType1 blockType1)) 
 (blockType1 -> (,) ((,) ([] opType1) ([] opType1)) ([] opType1)) (blockType1
                                                                  -> ([]
                                                                  opType2) ->
                                                                  opType2) ->
                                                                  opType2) ->

blockId :: (Monad.Monad a1) -> (BlockInfo a1 a2 a3 a4 a5) -> a2 -> (BlockId
           -> a6) -> a1
blockId h b x x0 =
  case b of {
   Build_BlockInfo blockId0 blockSuccessors0 splitCriticalEdge0 blockOps0
    setBlockOps0 -> unsafeCoerce blockId0 x __ x0}

blockSuccessors :: (Monad.Monad a1) -> (BlockInfo a1 a2 a3 a4 a5) -> a2 ->
                   (([] BlockId) -> a6) -> a1
blockSuccessors h b x x0 =
  case b of {
   Build_BlockInfo blockId0 blockSuccessors0 splitCriticalEdge0 blockOps0
    setBlockOps0 -> unsafeCoerce blockSuccessors0 x __ x0}

splitCriticalEdge :: (Monad.Monad a1) -> (BlockInfo a1 a2 a3 a4 a5) -> a2 ->
                     a2 -> (((,) a2 a2) -> a6) -> a1
splitCriticalEdge h b x x0 x1 =
  case b of {
   Build_BlockInfo blockId0 blockSuccessors0 splitCriticalEdge0 blockOps0
    setBlockOps0 -> unsafeCoerce splitCriticalEdge0 x x0 __ x1}

blockOps :: (Monad.Monad a1) -> (BlockInfo a1 a2 a3 a4 a5) -> a2 -> (,)
            ((,) ([] a4) ([] a4)) ([] a4)
blockOps h b =
  case b of {
   Build_BlockInfo blockId0 blockSuccessors0 splitCriticalEdge0 blockOps0
    setBlockOps0 -> blockOps0}

setBlockOps :: (Monad.Monad a1) -> (BlockInfo a1 a2 a3 a4 a5) -> a2 -> ([]
               a5) -> ([] a5) -> ([] a5) -> a3
setBlockOps h b =
  case b of {
   Build_BlockInfo blockId0 blockSuccessors0 splitCriticalEdge0 blockOps0
    setBlockOps0 -> setBlockOps0}

allBlockOps :: (Monad.Monad a5) -> (BlockInfo a5 a1 a2 a3 a4) -> a1 -> [] a3
allBlockOps mDict binfo block =
  case blockOps mDict binfo block of {
   (,) p c ->
    case p of {
     (,) a b -> (Prelude.++) a ((Prelude.++) b c)}}

blockSize :: (Monad.Monad a5) -> (BlockInfo a5 a1 a2 a3 a4) -> a1 ->
blockSize mDict binfo block =
  Data.List.length (allBlockOps mDict binfo block)

foldOps :: (Monad.Monad a5) -> (BlockInfo a5 a1 a2 a3 a4) -> (a6 -> a3 -> a6)
           -> a6 -> ([] a1) -> a6
foldOps mDict binfo f z =
  Data.List.foldl' (\bacc blk ->
    Data.List.foldl' f bacc (allBlockOps mDict binfo blk)) z

countOps :: (Monad.Monad a5) -> (BlockInfo a5 a1 a2 a3 a4) -> ([] a1) ->
countOps mDict binfo =
  foldOps mDict binfo (\acc x -> (Prelude.succ) acc) 0