{-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -XMagicHash #-} {- For Hugs, use the option -F"cpp -P -traditional" -} module LinearScan.Build where import Debug.Trace (trace, traceShow, traceShowId) import qualified Prelude import qualified Data.IntMap import qualified Data.IntSet import qualified Data.List import qualified Data.Ord import qualified Data.Functor.Identity import qualified Hask.Utils import qualified LinearScan.Applicative as Applicative import qualified LinearScan.Blocks as Blocks import qualified LinearScan.Datatypes as Datatypes import qualified LinearScan.Functor as Functor import qualified LinearScan.IntMap as IntMap import qualified LinearScan.IntSet as IntSet import qualified LinearScan.Interval as Interval import qualified LinearScan.List1 as List1 import qualified LinearScan.LiveSets as LiveSets import qualified LinearScan.Logic as Logic import qualified LinearScan.Loops as Loops import qualified LinearScan.Monad as Monad import qualified LinearScan.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import qualified LinearScan.Prelude0 as Prelude0 import qualified LinearScan.Range as Range import qualified LinearScan.ScanState as ScanState import qualified LinearScan.Specif as Specif import qualified LinearScan.UsePos as UsePos import qualified LinearScan.Vector0 as Vector0 import qualified LinearScan.Eqtype as Eqtype import qualified LinearScan.Fintype as Fintype import qualified LinearScan.Seq as Seq import qualified LinearScan.Ssrbool as Ssrbool import qualified LinearScan.Ssrfun as Ssrfun import qualified LinearScan.Ssrnat as Ssrnat #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ import qualified GHC.Base as GHC.Base import qualified GHC.Prim as GHC.Prim #else -- HUGS import qualified LinearScan.IOExts as IOExts #endif #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ --unsafeCoerce :: a -> b unsafeCoerce = GHC.Base.unsafeCoerce# #else -- HUGS --unsafeCoerce :: a -> b unsafeCoerce = IOExts.unsafeCoerce #endif __ :: any __ = Prelude.error "Logical or arity value used" type BuildState = IntMap.IntMap Range.SortedRanges newBuildState :: Prelude.Int -> BuildState newBuildState n = IntMap.emptyIntMap type PendingRanges = [] Range.BoundedRange emptyPendingRanges :: Prelude.Int -> Prelude.Int -> Prelude.Int -> IntSet.IntSet -> IntMap.IntMap PendingRanges emptyPendingRanges maxReg b e liveOuts = (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) __ (\_ -> (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) (Range.emptyBoundedRange ((Prelude.succ) (Ssrnat.double b)) ((Prelude.succ) (Ssrnat.double e))) (\empty -> (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) (\xs vid -> IntMap.coq_IntMap_insert ((Prelude.+) vid maxReg) ((:[]) empty) xs) (\f -> IntSet.coq_IntSet_foldl f IntMap.emptyIntMap liveOuts))) coq_BoundedRange_leq :: Prelude.Int -> Prelude.Int -> Range.BoundedRange -> Range.BoundedRange -> Prelude.Bool coq_BoundedRange_leq b e x y = let {_evar_0_ = (Prelude.<=) (Range.rbeg x) (Range.rbeg y)} in let {_evar_0_0 = (Prelude.<=) (Range.rend x) (Range.rend y)} in case Eqtype.eq_op Ssrnat.nat_eqType (unsafeCoerce (Range.rend x)) (unsafeCoerce (Range.rend y)) of { Prelude.True -> _evar_0_; Prelude.False -> _evar_0_0} compilePendingRanges :: Prelude.Int -> Prelude.Int -> ([] Range.BoundedRange) -> Specif.Coq_sig2 Range.SortedRanges compilePendingRanges b e ranges = let {_evar_0_ = \_ -> []} in let { _evar_0_0 = \r1 rs iHrs -> case rs of { [] -> (:) ( r1) []; (:) r2 rs2 -> (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) __ (\_ -> let {iHrs0 = iHrs __} in let {_evar_0_0 = \_ _ _ _ _ -> Logic.coq_False_rec} in let { _evar_0_1 = \r2' rs2' -> let {_evar_0_1 = \_ -> (:) ( r1) ((:) r2' rs2')} in let { _evar_0_2 = \_ -> (:) (Range.packRange (Range.Build_RangeDesc (Prelude.min (Range.rbeg (Range.getRangeDesc r1)) (Range.rbeg (Range.getRangeDesc r2'))) (Prelude.max (Range.rend (Range.getRangeDesc r1)) (Range.rend (Range.getRangeDesc r2'))) (List1.sortBy UsePos.upos_le ((Prelude.++) (Range.ups (Range.getRangeDesc r1)) (Range.ups (Range.getRangeDesc r2')))))) rs2'} in case Range.range_ltn ( r1) r2' of { Prelude.True -> _evar_0_1 __; Prelude.False -> _evar_0_2 __}} in case iHrs0 of { [] -> _evar_0_0 __ __ __ __ __; (:) x x0 -> _evar_0_1 x x0})}} in Datatypes.list_rec _evar_0_ (\r1 rs iHrs _ -> _evar_0_0 r1 rs iHrs) ranges __ rangesToBoundedRanges :: Prelude.Int -> Prelude.Int -> Range.RangeDesc -> ([] Range.RangeDesc) -> [] Range.BoundedRange rangesToBoundedRanges b e y ys = case ys of { [] -> (:[]) ( y); (:) z zs -> (:) ( y) (rangesToBoundedRanges b e z zs)} compressPendingRanges :: Prelude.Int -> Prelude.Int -> PendingRanges -> PendingRanges compressPendingRanges b e ranges = let {_evar_0_ = \r -> (:[]) r} in let { _evar_0_0 = \r rs -> let { _evar_0_0 = \_ -> let { _top_assumption_ = compilePendingRanges b e (List1.insert (coq_BoundedRange_leq b e) r (List1.sortBy (coq_BoundedRange_leq b e) ( rs)))} in let { _evar_0_0 = \_ _ -> (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) __ (\_ -> let {_evar_0_0 = \_ -> rs} in _evar_0_0 __)} in let { _evar_0_1 = \x xs -> case _top_assumption_ of { [] -> Logic.coq_False_rec; (:) y ys -> rangesToBoundedRanges b e y ys}} in case List1.insert (coq_BoundedRange_leq b e) r (List1.sortBy (coq_BoundedRange_leq b e) ( rs)) of { [] -> _evar_0_0 __ __; (:) x x0 -> _evar_0_1 x x0}} in _evar_0_0 __} in (\ns nc l -> case l of [x] -> ns x; (x:xs) -> nc x xs) (\x -> _evar_0_ x) (\x x0 -> _evar_0_0 x x0) ranges mergeIntoSortedRanges :: Prelude.Int -> Prelude.Int -> (IntMap.IntMap PendingRanges) -> (IntMap.IntMap Range.SortedRanges) -> IntMap.IntMap Range.SortedRanges mergeIntoSortedRanges b e pmap rmap = IntMap.coq_IntMap_mergeWithKey (\_the_1st_wildcard_ brs srs2 -> let { _top_assumption_ = compilePendingRanges b e (List1.sortBy (coq_BoundedRange_leq b e) ( brs))} in Prelude.Just (Range.coq_SortedRanges_cat ((Prelude.succ) (Ssrnat.double b)) _top_assumption_ ((Prelude.succ) (Ssrnat.double e)) srs2)) (IntMap.coq_IntMap_map (\brs -> compilePendingRanges b e (List1.sortBy (coq_BoundedRange_leq b e) ( brs)))) (\sr -> (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) __ (\_ -> IntMap.coq_IntMap_map (Range.transportSortedRanges ((Prelude.succ) (Ssrnat.double b)) ((Prelude.succ) (Ssrnat.double e))) sr)) pmap rmap upos_before_rend :: Range.RangeDesc -> UsePos.UsePos -> Prelude.Bool upos_before_rend rd upos = case Range.ups rd of { [] -> case UsePos.uvar upos of { UsePos.Input -> (Prelude.<=) (UsePos.uloc upos) (Range.rend rd); _ -> (Prelude.<=) ((Prelude.succ) (UsePos.uloc upos)) (Range.rend rd)}; (:) u l -> case (Prelude.&&) (Prelude.not (Eqtype.eq_op UsePos.coq_VarKind_eqType (unsafeCoerce (UsePos.uvar upos)) (unsafeCoerce UsePos.Input))) (Eqtype.eq_op Ssrnat.nat_eqType (unsafeCoerce (UsePos.uloc u)) (unsafeCoerce (Range.rend rd))) of { Prelude.True -> (Prelude.<=) ((Prelude.succ) (UsePos.uloc upos)) (UsePos.uloc u); Prelude.False -> (Prelude.<=) (UsePos.uloc upos) (UsePos.uloc u)}} makeNewRange :: Prelude.Int -> Prelude.Int -> Prelude.Int -> UsePos.UsePos -> Range.BoundedRange makeNewRange b pos e upos = Range.Build_RangeDesc (case UsePos.uvar upos of { UsePos.Input -> (Prelude.succ) (Ssrnat.double b); _ -> (Prelude.succ) (Ssrnat.double pos)}) (case UsePos.uvar upos of { UsePos.Input -> (Prelude.succ) (Ssrnat.double pos); UsePos.Temp -> (Prelude.succ) ((Prelude.succ) (Ssrnat.double pos)); UsePos.Output -> (Prelude.succ) (Ssrnat.double e)}) ((:) upos []) makeUsePos :: Prelude.Int -> Prelude.Int -> Blocks.VarInfo -> Specif.Coq_sig2 UsePos.UsePos makeUsePos maxReg pos var = let { upos = UsePos.Build_UsePos ((Prelude.succ) (Ssrnat.double pos)) (Blocks.regRequired maxReg var) (Blocks.varKind maxReg var)} in (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) __ (\_ -> upos) handleOutputVar :: Prelude.Int -> Prelude.Int -> Prelude.Int -> Prelude.Int -> (Prelude.Maybe PendingRanges) -> Blocks.VarInfo -> Prelude.Maybe PendingRanges handleOutputVar maxReg b pos e range var = let {_top_assumption_ = makeUsePos maxReg pos var} in let { _evar_0_ = \range0 -> (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) (let {_top_assumption_0 = Prelude.head range0} in let { _evar_0_ = \_ -> let { _evar_0_ = (,) Prelude.True (let { r1 = Range.coq_Range_shift ( _top_assumption_0) (UsePos.uloc _top_assumption_)} in (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) __ (\_ -> r1))} in let { _evar_0_0 = \_top_assumption_1 -> let { _evar_0_0 = \loc req kind us -> let { _evar_0_0 = (,) Prelude.False ((Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) __ (\_ -> let { nR = makeNewRange b pos ((Prelude.succ) pos) _top_assumption_} in nR))} in let { _evar_0_1 = (,) Prelude.True (let { r1 = Range.coq_Range_shift ( _top_assumption_0) (UsePos.uloc _top_assumption_)} in (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) __ (\_ -> r1))} in case Eqtype.eq_op UsePos.coq_VarKind_eqType kind (unsafeCoerce UsePos.Output) of { Prelude.True -> _evar_0_0; Prelude.False -> _evar_0_1}} in case _top_assumption_1 of { UsePos.Build_UsePos x x0 x1 -> unsafeCoerce _evar_0_0 x x0 x1}} in case Range.ups ( _top_assumption_0) of { [] -> _evar_0_; (:) x x0 -> _evar_0_0 x x0}} in let { _evar_0_0 = \_ -> (,) Prelude.True (let {_evar_0_0 = \_ -> _top_assumption_0} in _evar_0_0 __)} in case (Prelude.<=) ((Prelude.succ) (UsePos.uloc _top_assumption_)) (Range.head_or_end ( _top_assumption_0)) of { Prelude.True -> _evar_0_ __; Prelude.False -> _evar_0_0 __}) (\res -> let { _evar_0_ = \replaceFirst _top_assumption_0 -> let { _evar_0_ = \_ -> (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) (Range.coq_Range_cons _top_assumption_ ( _top_assumption_0)) (\br -> let { _evar_0_ = let { _evar_0_ = \_the_1st_wildcard_ -> Prelude.Just ((:[]) br)} in let { _evar_0_0 = \_the_2nd_wildcard_ rs -> Prelude.Just (NonEmpty.coq_NE_from_list br ( rs))} in (\ns nc l -> case l of [x] -> ns x; (x:xs) -> nc x xs) (\x -> _evar_0_ x) (\x x0 -> _evar_0_0 x x0) range0} in let { _evar_0_0 = Prelude.Just (NonEmpty.coq_NE_from_list br ( range0))} in case replaceFirst of { Prelude.True -> _evar_0_; Prelude.False -> _evar_0_0})} in let { _evar_0_0 = \_ -> Prelude.Just (NonEmpty.coq_NE_from_list (makeNewRange b pos e _top_assumption_) ( range0))} in case upos_before_rend ( _top_assumption_0) _top_assumption_ of { Prelude.True -> _evar_0_ __; Prelude.False -> _evar_0_0 __}} in case res of { (,) x x0 -> _evar_0_ x x0})} in let { _evar_0_0 = Prelude.Just ((:[]) (makeNewRange b pos e _top_assumption_))} in case range of { Prelude.Just x -> _evar_0_ x; Prelude.Nothing -> _evar_0_0} handleVar :: Prelude.Int -> Prelude.Int -> Prelude.Int -> Prelude.Int -> (Prelude.Maybe PendingRanges) -> Blocks.VarInfo -> Prelude.Maybe PendingRanges handleVar maxReg b pos e range var = let {_top_assumption_ = makeUsePos maxReg pos var} in let { _evar_0_ = \range0 -> Prelude.Just (NonEmpty.coq_NE_from_list (makeNewRange b pos e _top_assumption_) ( range0))} in let { _evar_0_0 = Prelude.Just ((:[]) (makeNewRange b pos e _top_assumption_))} in case range of { Prelude.Just x -> _evar_0_ x; Prelude.Nothing -> _evar_0_0} handleVars_combine :: Prelude.Int -> Prelude.Int -> Prelude.Int -> Prelude.Int -> Prelude.Int -> ([] Blocks.VarInfo) -> PendingRanges -> Prelude.Maybe PendingRanges handleVars_combine maxReg b pos e vid vars c1 = (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) __ (\_ -> (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) (compressPendingRanges b e c1) (\c2 -> (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) (Data.List.foldl' (handleOutputVar maxReg b pos e) (Prelude.Just c2) (Prelude.filter (\k -> Eqtype.eq_op UsePos.coq_VarKind_eqType (unsafeCoerce (Blocks.varKind maxReg k)) (unsafeCoerce UsePos.Output)) vars)) (\c3 -> (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) (Data.List.foldl' (handleVar maxReg b pos e) c3 (Prelude.filter (\k -> Prelude.not (Eqtype.eq_op UsePos.coq_VarKind_eqType (unsafeCoerce (Blocks.varKind maxReg k)) (unsafeCoerce UsePos.Output))) vars)) (\c4 -> c4)))) handleVars_onlyRanges :: Prelude.Int -> Prelude.Int -> Prelude.Int -> (IntMap.IntMap PendingRanges) -> IntMap.IntMap PendingRanges handleVars_onlyRanges b pos e h0 = h0 handleVars_onlyVars :: Prelude.Int -> Prelude.Int -> Prelude.Int -> Prelude.Int -> (IntMap.IntMap ([] Blocks.VarInfo)) -> IntMap.IntMap PendingRanges handleVars_onlyVars maxReg b pos e = IntMap.coq_IntMap_foldlWithKey (\m vid vars -> (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) (Data.List.foldl' (handleOutputVar maxReg b pos e) Prelude.Nothing (Prelude.filter (\k -> Eqtype.eq_op UsePos.coq_VarKind_eqType (unsafeCoerce (Blocks.varKind maxReg k)) (unsafeCoerce UsePos.Output)) vars)) (\c2 -> (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) (Data.List.foldl' (handleVar maxReg b pos e) c2 (Prelude.filter (\k -> Prelude.not (Eqtype.eq_op UsePos.coq_VarKind_eqType (unsafeCoerce (Blocks.varKind maxReg k)) (unsafeCoerce UsePos.Output))) vars)) (\c3 -> let {_evar_0_ = \c4 -> IntMap.coq_IntMap_insert vid c4 m} in case c3 of { Prelude.Just x -> _evar_0_ x; Prelude.Nothing -> m}))) IntMap.emptyIntMap extractVarInfo :: Prelude.Int -> ([] Blocks.VarInfo) -> [] Blocks.VarInfo extractVarInfo maxReg xs = let {_evar_0_ = \x -> (:) x []} in let {_evar_0_0 = \x xs0 -> (:) x ( xs0)} in (\ns nc l -> case l of [x] -> ns x; (x:xs) -> nc x xs) (\x -> _evar_0_ x) (\x x0 -> _evar_0_0 x x0) xs handleVars :: Prelude.Int -> ([] Blocks.VarInfo) -> Prelude.Int -> Prelude.Int -> Prelude.Int -> (IntMap.IntMap PendingRanges) -> IntMap.IntMap PendingRanges handleVars maxReg varRefs b pos e ranges = let { vars = IntMap.coq_IntMap_map (extractVarInfo maxReg) (IntMap.coq_IntMap_groupOn (Blocks.nat_of_varId maxReg) varRefs)} in IntMap.coq_IntMap_mergeWithKey (handleVars_combine maxReg b pos e) (handleVars_onlyVars maxReg b pos e) (handleVars_onlyRanges b pos e) vars ranges reduceOp :: Prelude.Int -> (Monad.Monad a4) -> (Blocks.OpInfo a4 a2 a3) -> Prelude.Int -> Prelude.Int -> Prelude.Int -> a1 -> a2 -> (IntMap.IntMap PendingRanges) -> IntMap.IntMap PendingRanges reduceOp maxReg mDict oinfo b pos e block op ranges = let {refs = Blocks.opRefs maxReg mDict oinfo op} in let { refs' = case Blocks.opKind maxReg mDict oinfo op of { Blocks.IsCall -> let { regsNeeded = Seq.count (\r -> case Blocks.varId maxReg r of { Prelude.Left p -> Prelude.False; Prelude.Right v -> Prelude.True}) refs} in (Prelude.++) (Seq.drop regsNeeded (Prelude.filter (\x -> Prelude.not (Ssrbool.in_mem (unsafeCoerce (Blocks.varId maxReg x)) (Ssrbool.mem (Seq.seq_predType (Eqtype.sum_eqType (Fintype.ordinal_eqType maxReg) Ssrnat.nat_eqType)) (unsafeCoerce (Prelude.map (Blocks.varId maxReg) refs))))) (Fintype.image_mem (Fintype.ordinal_finType maxReg) (\n -> Blocks.Build_VarInfo (Prelude.Left (unsafeCoerce n)) UsePos.Temp Prelude.True) (Ssrbool.mem (Seq.seq_predType (Fintype.ordinal_eqType maxReg)) (unsafeCoerce (Fintype.ord_enum maxReg)))))) refs; _ -> refs}} in handleVars maxReg refs' b pos e ranges reduceBlock :: Prelude.Int -> (Monad.Monad a5) -> (Blocks.BlockInfo a5 a1 a2 a3 a4) -> (Blocks.OpInfo a5 a3 a4) -> Prelude.Int -> Blocks.BlockId -> a1 -> Loops.LoopState -> (IntMap.IntMap IntSet.IntSet) -> (IntMap.IntMap PendingRanges) -> IntMap.IntMap PendingRanges reduceBlock maxReg mDict binfo oinfo pos bid block loops varUses = let {sz = Blocks.blockSize mDict binfo block} in let {e = (Prelude.+) pos sz} in let {ops = Blocks.allBlockOps mDict binfo block} in (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) __ (\_ ranges -> (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) (case Prelude.not (IntSet.coq_IntSet_member bid (Loops.loopEndBlocks loops)) of { Prelude.True -> ranges; Prelude.False -> let { f = \acc loopIndex blks -> case Prelude.not (IntSet.coq_IntSet_member bid blks) of { Prelude.True -> acc; Prelude.False -> case IntMap.coq_IntMap_lookup loopIndex varUses of { Prelude.Just uses -> IntSet.coq_IntSet_union acc uses; Prelude.Nothing -> acc}}} in let { uses = IntMap.coq_IntMap_foldlWithKey f IntSet.emptyIntSet (Loops.loopIndices loops)} in handleVars maxReg (Prelude.map (\u -> Blocks.Build_VarInfo (Prelude.Right u) UsePos.Input Prelude.False) (IntSet.coq_IntSet_toList uses)) pos (Prelude.pred ((Prelude.+) pos sz)) ((Prelude.+) pos sz) ranges}) ((Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) __ (\_ -> let {_evar_0_ = \x -> x} in let { _evar_0_0 = \os o iHos ranges0 -> (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) __ (\_ -> (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) __ iHos (reduceOp maxReg mDict oinfo pos ((Prelude.+) pos (Data.List.length os)) e block o ranges0))} in Seq.last_ind (\_ x -> _evar_0_ x) (\os o iHos _ ranges0 -> _evar_0_0 os o iHos ranges0) ops __))) reduceBlocks :: Prelude.Int -> (Monad.Monad a5) -> (Blocks.BlockInfo a5 a1 a2 a3 a4) -> (Blocks.OpInfo a5 a3 a4) -> ([] a1) -> Loops.LoopState -> (IntMap.IntMap IntSet.IntSet) -> (IntMap.IntMap LiveSets.BlockLiveSets) -> Prelude.Int -> a5 reduceBlocks maxReg mDict binfo oinfo blocks loops varUses liveSets pos = let { _evar_0_ = \pos0 -> Applicative.pure (Monad.is_applicative mDict) (newBuildState pos0)} in let { _evar_0_0 = \b blocks0 iHbs pos0 -> let {sz = Blocks.blockSize mDict binfo b} in let { _evar_0_0 = \_ -> (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) __ (\_ -> Monad.bind mDict (\bid -> let { outs = case IntMap.coq_IntMap_lookup bid liveSets of { Prelude.Just ls -> LiveSets.blockLiveOut ls; Prelude.Nothing -> IntSet.emptyIntSet}} in let { ranges = emptyPendingRanges maxReg pos0 ((Prelude.+) pos0 sz) outs} in let { pending = reduceBlock maxReg mDict binfo oinfo pos0 bid b loops varUses ranges} in Functor.fmap (Applicative.is_functor (Monad.is_applicative mDict)) (mergeIntoSortedRanges pos0 ((Prelude.+) pos0 sz) pending) (iHbs ((Prelude.+) pos0 sz))) (Blocks.blockId mDict binfo b))} in let {_evar_0_1 = \_ -> iHbs pos0} in case (Prelude.<=) ((Prelude.succ) 0) sz of { Prelude.True -> _evar_0_0 __; Prelude.False -> _evar_0_1 __}} in Datatypes.list_rect _evar_0_ _evar_0_0 blocks pos compileIntervals :: Prelude.Int -> Prelude.Int -> BuildState -> (,) ScanState.FixedIntervalsType (IntMap.IntMap Interval.IntervalDesc) compileIntervals maxReg pos bs = IntMap.coq_IntMap_foldlWithKey (\_top_assumption_ -> let { _evar_0_ = \regs vars vid rs -> let {_evar_0_ = \_ -> (,) regs vars} in let { _evar_0_0 = \_a_ _l_ -> let { _evar_0_0 = \_ -> (,) (Vector0.vreplace maxReg regs ( vid) (Prelude.Just (Interval.packInterval (Interval.Build_IntervalDesc vid (Range.rbeg ( (Prelude.head (NonEmpty.coq_NE_from_list _a_ _l_)))) (Range.rend ( (Prelude.last (NonEmpty.coq_NE_from_list _a_ _l_)))) (NonEmpty.coq_NE_from_list _a_ _l_))))) vars} in let { _evar_0_1 = \_ -> (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) ((Prelude.-) vid maxReg) (\vid' -> (,) regs (IntMap.coq_IntMap_insert vid' (Interval.packInterval (Interval.Build_IntervalDesc vid' (Range.rbeg ( (Prelude.head (NonEmpty.coq_NE_from_list _a_ _l_)))) (Range.rend ( (Prelude.last (NonEmpty.coq_NE_from_list _a_ _l_)))) (NonEmpty.coq_NE_from_list _a_ _l_))) vars))} in case (Prelude.<=) ((Prelude.succ) vid) maxReg of { Prelude.True -> _evar_0_0 __; Prelude.False -> _evar_0_1 __}} in case (Ssrfun.sig_of_sig2 rs) of { [] -> _evar_0_ __; (:) x x0 -> _evar_0_0 x x0}} in case _top_assumption_ of { (,) x x0 -> _evar_0_ x x0}) ((,) (Vector0.vconst maxReg Prelude.Nothing) IntMap.emptyIntMap) bs buildIntervals :: Prelude.Int -> (Monad.Monad a5) -> (Blocks.BlockInfo a5 a1 a2 a3 a4) -> (Blocks.OpInfo a5 a3 a4) -> ([] a1) -> Loops.LoopState -> (IntMap.IntMap LiveSets.BlockLiveSets) -> a5 buildIntervals maxReg mDict binfo oinfo blocks loops liveSets = let { add_unhandled_interval = \ss i -> ScanState.packScanState maxReg ScanState.Pending (ScanState.Build_ScanStateDesc ((Prelude.succ) (ScanState.nextInterval maxReg ( ss))) (unsafeCoerce (Vector0.vshiftin (ScanState.nextInterval maxReg ( ss)) (ScanState.intervals maxReg ( ss)) ( i))) (ScanState.fixedIntervals maxReg ( ss)) (List1.insert (Prelude0.lebf Prelude.snd) ((,) ( (ScanState.nextInterval maxReg ( ss))) (Interval.ibeg ( i))) (Prelude.map Prelude.id (ScanState.unhandled maxReg ( ss)))) (Prelude.map Prelude.id (ScanState.active maxReg ( ss))) (Prelude.map Prelude.id (ScanState.inactive maxReg ( ss))) (Prelude.map Prelude.id (ScanState.handled maxReg ( ss))))} in case blocks of { [] -> Applicative.pure (Monad.is_applicative mDict) (ScanState.packScanState maxReg ScanState.InUse (ScanState.Build_ScanStateDesc 0 (unsafeCoerce Vector0.vnil) (Vector0.vconst maxReg Prelude.Nothing) [] [] [] [])); (:) b bs -> Monad.bind mDict (\varUses -> Monad.bind mDict (\reduced -> case compileIntervals maxReg 0 reduced of { (,) regs vars -> let { s2 = ScanState.packScanState maxReg ScanState.Pending (ScanState.Build_ScanStateDesc (ScanState.nextInterval maxReg (ScanState.Build_ScanStateDesc 0 (unsafeCoerce Vector0.vnil) (Vector0.vconst maxReg Prelude.Nothing) [] [] [] [])) (ScanState.intervals maxReg (ScanState.Build_ScanStateDesc 0 (unsafeCoerce Vector0.vnil) (Vector0.vconst maxReg Prelude.Nothing) [] [] [] [])) regs (ScanState.unhandled maxReg (ScanState.Build_ScanStateDesc 0 (unsafeCoerce Vector0.vnil) (Vector0.vconst maxReg Prelude.Nothing) [] [] [] [])) (ScanState.active maxReg (ScanState.Build_ScanStateDesc 0 (unsafeCoerce Vector0.vnil) (Vector0.vconst maxReg Prelude.Nothing) [] [] [] [])) (ScanState.inactive maxReg (ScanState.Build_ScanStateDesc 0 (unsafeCoerce Vector0.vnil) (Vector0.vconst maxReg Prelude.Nothing) [] [] [] [])) (ScanState.handled maxReg (ScanState.Build_ScanStateDesc 0 (unsafeCoerce Vector0.vnil) (Vector0.vconst maxReg Prelude.Nothing) [] [] [] [])))} in let {s3 = IntMap.coq_IntMap_foldl add_unhandled_interval s2 vars} in Applicative.pure (Monad.is_applicative mDict) (ScanState.packScanState maxReg ScanState.InUse ( s3))}) (reduceBlocks maxReg mDict binfo oinfo ((:) b bs) loops varUses liveSets 0)) (Loops.computeVarReferences maxReg mDict binfo oinfo ((:) b bs) loops)}