## Who let you in here? Relax! I'm here to make your life easier. Has your company ever switched to using [Slack](https://slack.com), and then you wanted to write silly Slack bots in Haskell as a way to learn Haskell? Really?WowThat was a pretty specific question. Uh, do you want to be friends? Well let's talk about it later, because right now I have an example for you. But you'll have to grab me first: * `cabal sandbox init` * `cabal install linklater` If you don't have Haskell, it's quite easy: [Windows](http://www.haskell.org/platform/), [Mac](http://ghcformacosx.github.io/), and [Linux](https://gist.githubusercontent.com/hlian/b5a975252997cb3e0020/raw/e4ecab3042225d321a88ee74e804c38ead38ed52/gistfile1.txt). ## Show me an example! Here's a `/jpgto` bot. If you run this program and then tell Slack about your server (incoming hook and custom slash command) and then type `/jpgto diplomatico` in one of your channels, you'll get the image from [http://diplomatico.jpg.to](http://diplomatico.jpg.to). How, you say? _Screen scraping_. ```haskell -- Remaining imports left as an exercise to the reader. import Network.Linklater (say, slashSimple, Command(..), Config(..), Message(..), Icon(..), Format(..)) findUrl :: Text -> Maybe Text findUrl = fmap fromStrict . maybeResult . parse (manyTill (notChar '\n') (string "src=\"") *> takeTill (== '"')) jpgto :: Maybe Command -> IO Text jpgto (Just (Command user channel (Just text))) = do message <- (fmap messageOf . findUrl . decodeUtf8 . flip (^.) responseBody) <$> get ("http://" <> (unpack subdomain) <> ".jpg.to/") case (debug, message) of (True, _) -> putStrLn ("+ Pretending to post " <> (unpack . decodeUtf8 . encode) message) >> return "" (False, Just m) -> config' >>= say m >> return "" (False, Nothing) -> return "Something went wrong!" where config' = (Config "trello.slack.com" . filter (/= '\n') . pack) <$> readFile "token" subdomain = (intercalate "." . fmap (filter isLetter . filter isAscii) . words) text messageOf url = FormattedMessage (EmojiIcon "gift") "jpgtobot" channel [FormatAt user, FormatLink url (subdomain <> ".jpg.to>"), FormatString "no way!: &<>"] debug = True jpgto _ = return "Type more! (Did you know? jpgtobot is only 26 lines of Haskell. )" main :: IO () main = let port = 3000 in putStrLn ("+ Listening on port " <> show port) >> run port (slashSimple jpgto) ``` For the full example (since this one is missing a ton of imports), see the `examples/` directory on GitHub. Now! `/jpgto corgi`: ![jpgtobot in action](corgi.jpg) So easy. Much fast. ## Features * Uses `Text` everywhere so you can send your slash commands crazy Unicode characters all day long. * Lovely documentation. * Battle-tested. ## Contributors * [Hao Lian](https://hao.codes), author * [Ian Henry](https://ianthehenry.com), design review and _future contributor_??? * *Shields* (the Grizzly Bear album), which I listened all the way through for the first time while I was writing this ★★★★