{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Linnet.Endpoints.Params
  ( param
  , paramMaybe
  , params
  , paramsNel
  ) where

import           Control.Monad.Catch     (MonadThrow, throwM)
import qualified Data.ByteString         as B
import           Data.Either             (partitionEithers)
import           Data.List.NonEmpty      (NonEmpty (..), nonEmpty)
import           Data.Text               (append)
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding      as TE
import           Linnet.Decode
import           Linnet.Endpoint
import           Linnet.Endpoints.Entity
import           Linnet.Errors
import           Linnet.Input
import           Linnet.Output           (ok)
import           Network.Wai             (queryString)

-- | Endpoint that tries to decode parameter @name@ from the request query string.
-- Always matches, but may throw an exception in case:
-- * Parameter is not presented in request query
-- * There was a parameter decoding error
param ::
     forall a m. (DecodeEntity a, MonadThrow m)
  => B.ByteString
  -> Endpoint m a
param name =
    { runEndpoint =
        \input ->
          let maybeParam = (lookup name . queryString . request) input
              output =
                case maybeParam of
                  Just (Just val) ->
                    case decodeEntity entity val of
                      Left err -> throwM err
                      Right v  -> return $ ok v
                  _ -> throwM $ MissingEntity entity
           in Matched {matchedReminder = input, matchedTrace = [], matchedOutput = output}
    , toString = "param " `append` TE.decodeUtf8 name
    entity = Param name

-- | Endpoint that tries to decode parameter @name@ from the request query string.
-- Always matches, but may throw an exception in case:
-- * There was a parameter decoding error
paramMaybe ::
     forall a m. (DecodeEntity a, MonadThrow m)
  => B.ByteString
  -> Endpoint m (Maybe a)
paramMaybe name =
    { runEndpoint =
        \input ->
          let maybeParam = (lookup name . queryString . request) input
              output =
                case maybeParam of
                  Just (Just val) ->
                    case decodeEntity entity val of
                      Left err -> throwM err
                      Right v  -> return $ ok (Just v)
                  _ -> return $ ok Nothing
           in Matched {matchedReminder = input, matchedTrace = [], matchedOutput = output}
    , toString = "paramMaybe " `append` TE.decodeUtf8 name
    entity = Param name

-- | Endpoint that tries to decode all parameters @name@ from the request query string.
-- Always matches, but may throw an exception in case:
-- * There was a parameter decoding error of at least one parameter value
params ::
     forall a m. (DecodeEntity a, MonadThrow m)
  => B.ByteString
  -> Endpoint m [a]
params name =
    { runEndpoint =
        \input ->
          let filterParam = filter (\(paramName, _) -> paramName == name)
              ps =
                (filterParam . queryString . request) input >>=
                   (k, Just v) -> [(k, v)]
                   _ -> [])
              (errors, values) = partitionEithers . map (decodeEntity entity . snd) $ ps
              output =
                case nonEmpty errors of
                  Just es -> throwM $ LinnetErrors es
                  Nothing -> return $ ok values
           in Matched {matchedReminder = input, matchedTrace = [], matchedOutput = output}
    , toString = "params " `append` TE.decodeUtf8 name
    entity = Param name

-- | Endpoint that tries to decode all parameters @name@ from the request query string.
-- Always matches, but may throw an exception in case:
-- * There was a parameter decoding error of at least one parameter value
-- * All parameters are empty or missing in request query
paramsNel ::
     forall a m. (DecodeEntity a, MonadThrow m)
  => B.ByteString
  -> Endpoint m (NonEmpty a)
paramsNel name = mapOutputM toNel $ params name
    toNel []    = throwM $ MissingEntity (Param name)
    toNel (h:t) = return $ ok (h :| t)