{-# LINE 1 "System/Linux/Mount.hsc" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
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-- |
-- Module      :  $Header$
-- Copyright   :  © 2013-2014 Nicola Squartini
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Nicola Squartini <tensor5@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- This module provides an interface to the system mount and umount functions.

module System.Linux.Mount
    ( -- * Bindings to system functions
    , umount
    , umountWith

    -- * Mount flags
    , MountFlag(..)

    -- * Driver data
    , DriverData
    , noData

    -- * Unmount flags
    , UmountFlag(..)

    ) where

{-# LINE 36 "System/Linux/Mount.hsc" #-}

import Data.ByteString (ByteString, useAsCString, empty)
import Foreign
import Foreign.C

-- | Mount a filesystem (call to @mount()@).
mount :: String      -- ^ Device file
      -> FilePath    -- ^ Mount point
      -> String      -- ^ Filesystem type
      -> [MountFlag] -- ^ List of mount options
      -> DriverData  -- ^ Driver specific options
      -> IO ()
mount dev dir typ xs byt =
    throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "mount" $
    withCString dev $ \cdev ->
        withCString dir $ \cdir ->
            withCString typ $ \ctyp ->
                useAsCString byt $ \cdat->
                             c_mount cdev
                                     (combineBitMasks xs)
                                     (castPtr cdat)

foreign import ccall unsafe "mount"
  c_mount :: Ptr CChar -> Ptr CChar -> Ptr CChar -> CULong -> Ptr a -> IO CInt

-- | Unmount a filesystem (call to @umount()@).
umount :: FilePath -- ^ Mount point
       -> IO ()
umount str = throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "umount" (withCString str c_umount)

foreign import ccall unsafe "umount"
  c_umount :: Ptr CChar -> IO CInt

-- | Unmount a filesystem using specific unmount options (call to @umount2()@).
-- See @'UmountFlag'@ for details.
umountWith :: UmountFlag -- ^ Unmount option
           -> Bool       -- ^ @'True'@ follow symbolic links, @'False'@ do not
                         -- follow
           -> FilePath   -- ^ Mount point
           -> IO ()
umountWith flag b str =
    throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "umountWith" $
    withCString str $ \cstr ->
        c_umount2 cstr (fromUmountFlag flag .|.
                        (if b then 0 else 8)
{-# LINE 83 "System/Linux/Mount.hsc" #-}

foreign import ccall unsafe "umount2"
  c_umount2 :: Ptr CChar -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | A filesystem independent option to be used when mounting a filesystem.
data MountFlag = Rdonly
               | Nosuid
               | Nodev
               | Noexec
               | Synchronous
               | Remount
               | Mandlock
               | Dirsync
               | Noatime
               | Nodiratime
               | Bind
               | Move
               | Rec
               | Silent
               | Posixacl
               | Unbindable
               | Private
               | Slave
               | Shared
               | Relatime
               | Kernmount
               | IVersion
               | Strictatime
               | Active
               | Nouser
                 deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

fromMountFlag :: MountFlag -> CULong
fromMountFlag Rdonly      = msRdonly
fromMountFlag Nosuid      = msNosuid
fromMountFlag Nodev       = msNodev
fromMountFlag Noexec      = msNoexec
fromMountFlag Synchronous = msSynchronous
fromMountFlag Remount     = msRemount
fromMountFlag Mandlock    = msMandlock
fromMountFlag Dirsync     = msDirsync
fromMountFlag Noatime     = msNoatime
fromMountFlag Nodiratime  = msNodiratime
fromMountFlag Bind        = msBind
fromMountFlag Move        = msMove
fromMountFlag Rec         = msRec
fromMountFlag Silent      = msSilent
fromMountFlag Posixacl    = msPosixacl
fromMountFlag Unbindable  = msUnbindable
fromMountFlag Private     = msPrivate
fromMountFlag Slave       = msSlave
fromMountFlag Shared      = msShared
fromMountFlag Relatime    = msRelatime
fromMountFlag Kernmount   = msKernmount
fromMountFlag IVersion    = msIVersion
fromMountFlag Strictatime = msStrictatime
fromMountFlag Active      = msActive
fromMountFlag Nouser      = msNouser

-- | Filesystem dependent options to be used when mounting a filesystem; the
-- content of @'DriverData'@ is passed directly to the filesystem driver.
type DriverData = ByteString

-- | Empty @'DriverData'@.
noData :: DriverData
noData = empty

combineBitMasks :: [MountFlag] -> CULong
combineBitMasks = foldl (.|.) 0 . map fromMountFlag

-- | A filesystem independent option to be used when unmounting a filesystem.
data UmountFlag = Plain  -- ^ Plain unmount, behaves like @'umount'@.
                | Force  -- ^ Force  unmount  even  if busy.
                | Detach -- ^ Perform a lazy unmount: make the mount point
                         -- unavailable for new accesses, and actually perform
                         -- the unmount when the mount point ceases to be busy.
                | Expire -- ^ Mark the mount point as expired. If a mount point
                         -- is not currently in use, then an initial call to
                         -- @'umountWith'@ with this flag fails with the error
                         -- @EAGAIN@, but marks the mount point as expired. The
                         -- mount point remains expired as long as it isn't
                         -- accessed by any process. A second @'umountWith'@
                         -- call specifying @'Expire'@ unmounts an expired mount
                         -- point.
                  deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

fromUmountFlag :: UmountFlag -> CInt
fromUmountFlag Plain  = 0
fromUmountFlag Force  = 1
{-# LINE 175 "System/Linux/Mount.hsc" #-}
fromUmountFlag Detach = 2
{-# LINE 176 "System/Linux/Mount.hsc" #-}
fromUmountFlag Expire = 4
{-# LINE 177 "System/Linux/Mount.hsc" #-}

msRdonly :: CULong
msRdonly =  1
msNosuid :: CULong
msNosuid =  2
msNodev :: CULong
msNodev =  4
msNoexec :: CULong
msNoexec =  8
msSynchronous :: CULong
msSynchronous =  16
msRemount :: CULong
msRemount =  32
msMandlock :: CULong
msMandlock =  64
msDirsync :: CULong
msDirsync =  128
msNoatime :: CULong
msNoatime =  1024
msNodiratime :: CULong
msNodiratime =  2048
msBind :: CULong
msBind =  4096
msMove :: CULong
msMove =  8192
msRec :: CULong
msRec =  16384
msSilent :: CULong
msSilent =  32768
msPosixacl :: CULong
msPosixacl =  65536
msUnbindable :: CULong
msUnbindable =  131072
msPrivate :: CULong
msPrivate =  262144
msSlave :: CULong
msSlave =  524288
msShared :: CULong
msShared =  1048576
msRelatime :: CULong
msRelatime =  2097152
msKernmount :: CULong
msKernmount =  4194304
msIVersion :: CULong
msIVersion =  8388608
msStrictatime :: CULong
msStrictatime =  16777216
msActive :: CULong
msActive =  1073741824
msNouser :: CULong
msNouser =  (-2147483648)

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