{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

-- | Sadly, only the OS thread which performed the ptrace_attach is allowed
-- to mess with the traced process. This means that users of this module will
-- need to forkOS or runInBoundThread in order to get reliable behaviour.

module System.Linux.Ptrace.Syscall (

  ptrace_peektext, ptrace_peekdata, ptrace_peekuser,
  ptrace_poketext, ptrace_pokedata, ptrace_pokeuser,
  ptrace_cont, ptrace_syscall, ptrace_singlestep, ptrace_detach,
) where

import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import Data.Bits
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Maybe
import System.Linux.Ptrace.Types
import System.Posix.Signals (Signal, nullSignal)
import System.Posix.Types (CPid)
import System.Process

newtype RemotePtr a = RemotePtr WordPtr deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Num, Bits, Storable, Enum, Real, Integral)
castRemotePtr (RemotePtr a) = RemotePtr a

type DataArg = WordPtr

foreign import ccall unsafe "ptrace" c_ptrace :: CInt -> CPid -> RemotePtr a -> DataArg -> IO CLong

data Event = EventFork | EventVFork | EventClone | EventExec | EventVForkDone | EventExit deriving (Eq, Show)

event :: CLong -> Event
event 1 = EventFork
event 2 = EventVFork
event 3 = EventClone
event 4 = EventExec
event 5 = EventVForkDone
event 6 = EventExit
event n = error $ "ptrace: unexpected event code " ++ show n

handlePtraceResult :: IO CLong -> IO ()
handlePtraceResult = throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "ptrace"

throwErrnoIfSet :: IO a -> IO a
throwErrnoIfSet act = do
  r <- act
  e <- getErrno
  if e /= eOK then throwErrno "ptrace" else return r

-- | Invoke the ptrace system call with various arguments.
ptrace4 n pid addr data_ = handlePtraceResult $ c_ptrace n pid addr data_
ptrace2 n pid = ptrace4 n pid 0 0
ptrace1 n = ptrace2 n 0

-- FIXME: better handling of EFAULT/EIO here (invalid read/write in other process's memory)

-- | Perform one of the PTRACE_PEEK* operations.
ptracePeek n pid addr = fromIntegral `fmap` (throwErrnoIfSet $ c_ptrace n pid addr 0)
-- | Perform one of the PTRACE_POKE* operations.
ptracePoke n pid addr val = ptrace4 n pid addr (fromIntegral val)

-- | Perform one of the PTRACE_GET* operations.
ptraceGet n pid = alloca (\ptr -> ptrace4 n pid 0 (ptrToWordPtr ptr) >> peek ptr)
-- | Perform one of the PTRACE_SET* operations.
ptraceSet n pid val = alloca (\ptr -> poke ptr val >> ptrace4 n pid 0 (ptrToWordPtr ptr))

-- | Resume a traced process.
ptraceResume n pid sig = ptrace4 n pid 0 (maybe 0 fromIntegral sig)

-- | Attach the parent process to this process.
ptrace_traceme :: IO ()
ptrace_traceme = ptrace1 0

-- | Attach to a process.
-- FIXME: handle EPERM. return IO Bool?
ptrace_attach :: CPid -> IO ()
ptrace_attach = ptrace2 16

-- | Read a word from the traced process.
ptrace_peektext, ptrace_peekdata, ptrace_peekuser ::
  CPid -> RemotePtr Word -> IO Word
ptrace_peektext = ptracePeek 1
ptrace_peekdata = ptracePeek 2
ptrace_peekuser = ptracePeek 3

-- | Write a word to the traced process.
ptrace_poketext, ptrace_pokedata, ptrace_pokeuser ::
  CPid -> RemotePtr Word -> Word -> IO ()
ptrace_poketext = ptracePoke 4
ptrace_pokedata = ptracePoke 5
-- FIXME: EBUSY can come out when setting debug registers
ptrace_pokeuser = ptracePoke 6

-- | Continue the traced process, possibly with a signal.
ptrace_cont, ptrace_syscall, ptrace_singlestep, ptrace_detach ::
  CPid -> Maybe Signal -> IO ()
ptrace_cont = ptraceResume 7
ptrace_syscall = ptraceResume 24
ptrace_singlestep = ptraceResume 9
ptrace_detach = ptraceResume 17

-- | Send the traced process a SIGKILL.
ptrace_kill :: CPid -> IO ()
ptrace_kill pid = ptrace2 8 pid

ptrace_getregs :: CPid -> IO Regs
ptrace_getregs pid | sizeOf (0 :: RemotePtr ()) == 4 = X86 `fmap` ptraceGet 12 pid
                   | sizeOf (0 :: RemotePtr ()) == 8 = X86_64 `fmap` ptraceGet 12 pid

-- Rely on caller to pass in right sort of registers.
ptrace_setregs :: CPid -> Regs -> IO ()
ptrace_setregs pid (X86 regs) = ptraceSet 13 pid regs
ptrace_setregs pid (X86_64 regs) = ptraceSet 13 pid regs

ptrace_getfpregs :: CPid -> IO Cuser_fpregs_struct
ptrace_getfpregs pid = ptraceGet 14 pid
ptrace_setfpregs :: CPid -> Cuser_fpregs_struct -> IO ()
ptrace_setfpregs pid regs = ptraceSet 15 pid regs

-- x86 only. On x86_64, getfpregs returns this stuff.
--ptrace_getfpxregs pid = ptraceGet 18 pid
--ptrace_setfpxregs pid regs = ptraceSet 19 pid regs

data Option = TraceSysGood | TraceFork | TraceVFork | TraceClone | TraceExec | TraceVForkDone | TraceExit

optionCode :: Option -> DataArg
optionCode TraceSysGood = 0x01
optionCode TraceFork = 0x02
optionCode TraceVFork = 0x04
optionCode TraceClone = 0x08
optionCode TraceExec = 0x10
optionCode TraceVForkDone = 0x20
optionCode TraceExit = 0x40

optionsCode :: [Option] -> DataArg
optionsCode = foldl' (.|.) 0 . map optionCode

ptrace_setoptions :: CPid -> [Option] -> IO ()
ptrace_setoptions pid opts = ptrace4 0x4200 pid 0 (optionsCode opts)

ptrace_geteventmsg :: CPid -> IO CULong
ptrace_geteventmsg pid = ptraceGet 0x4201 pid

ptrace_getsiginfo :: CPid -> IO Csiginfo_t
ptrace_getsiginfo pid = ptraceGet 0x4202 pid
ptrace_setsiginfo :: CPid -> Csiginfo_t -> IO ()
ptrace_setsiginfo pid siginfo = ptraceSet 0x4203 pid siginfo

-- undocumented!

-- On x86 or for x86 processes on x86_64, get/set the TLS area.
-- ptrace_set_thread_area, ptrace_get_thread_area

-- On x86_64, get/set the TLS area
-- ptrace_arch_prctl "works just like arch_prctl except that the arguments are reversed"