#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && (__GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 702)
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
#warning "This module is not using SafeHaskell"

-- |This file exports the subset of symbols in the "LIO.TCB" module
-- that are safe for untrusted code to access.  See the "LIO.TCB"
-- module for documentation.

module LIO.Base ( POrdering(..), POrd(..), o2po, Label(..)
                 , Priv(..), NoPrivs(..)
                 , LIO
                 , getLabel, setLabelP
                 , getClearance, lowerClr, lowerClrP, withClearance
                 , taint, taintP
                 , wguard, wguardP, aguard, aguardP
                 , Labeled
                 , label, labelP
                 , unlabel, unlabelP
                 , toLabeled, toLabeledP, discard
                 , labelOf
                 , taintLabeled
                 , LabelFault(..)
                 , catchP, onExceptionP, bracketP, handleP
                 , evaluate
                 , evalLIO
                 ) where

import LIO.TCB ( POrdering(..), POrd(..), o2po, Label(..)
               , Priv(..), NoPrivs(..)
               , LIO
               , getLabel, setLabelP
               , getClearance, lowerClr, lowerClrP, withClearance
               , taint, taintP
               , wguard, wguardP, aguard, aguardP
               , Labeled
               , label, labelP
               , unlabel, unlabelP
               , toLabeled, toLabeledP, discard
               , labelOf
               , taintLabeled
               , LabelFault(..)
               , catchP, onExceptionP, bracketP, handleP
               , evaluate
               , evalLIO